Wednesday, September 10, 2003

The Countdown

We have finally decided on a long-needed vacation. Walt Disney World! Neither of us have been there, and Disneyland is not ideal right now. So to Orlando we go, but not until late April early May. I now have something to research online! (I love little online research projects.) Now, for my fit goals. I feel I must lose some more inches before this trip in order to not keel over and want to die after all the walking I will have to do. For those of you who have not been on a Disney trip before, it is definitely something you want to be "prepared" for, or your feet will look like raw meat at the end of the day, and you will want to sleep for a week. I could lose quite a bit of weight before then! You also must think of all those pictures that will be taken! Here is a picture that was taken in December of 2001 on one of our Disneyland trips. This is Jim and Pooh.

Monday, September 08, 2003

Pictures with My Trainer

I got pictures taken with my trainer this weekend. It was the end of my first 12-week challenge with her, and so we took comparison pictures, fun pictures, measurements and weight. I was really excited about my progress and my finishing stats until I looked at the pictures of me next to her. Now, I know we are supposed to focus on our own improvements, of which mine were great, but I couldn't help but be a little depressed that I still made 3 of her in the pictures. I have thought about putting the pictures on my blog, but I need to get over the initial shock of body-realization first. Bare with me.

Haven't got a minivan yet, can't quite afford the one I want yet. I am devastated over the fatality at Disneyland this past weekend. Another horrible tragedy! And of all places! This also happened on Friday, the same day of the fatal car accident I got behind. Bad day. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is my second favorite ride! Now, Space Mountain AND Thunder Mt. are closed, not to reopen this year! I won't ever feel completely relaxed on that ride now. Even though Disneyland has only had 10 fatalities since its opening in 1955, it seems things are getting worse quickly with all the cutbacks they have been doing. Disneyland is going downhill in my opinion. And I'm MAD about it!!!

Friday, September 05, 2003


I'm down 3 pounds and lost some more inches! Visiting my trainer today wasn't depressing like I thought it was going to be! My metabolism must be higher because I have been eating like CRAP lately. Even my husband is on my case. (He says if I'm going to pay for a personal trainer I have to do what she says. I hate it when he makes sense.) I took out one of my inspirational books and my Muscle Media magazine that just came today and decided to kick it up a notch and get back on track. My trainer had me doing some Thai Chi punches today, and whoa, that gets the heartrate up in a quick hurry. I took kickboxing for a while and LOVED it, but I had to choose between a trainer and kickboxing for my checkbook's sake. I think what also got me thinking again was the fact that I was behind a horrific fatality car crash this morning on the way to my workout. Instead of being an insensitive twit and thinking "Now I'm going to be late", I thought about how precious life really is and how it can all end in a split second. I wondered if there were children orphaned and how the families of the crash victims would be feeling today. We all take our lives for granted too much, don't we? Oh poor me this, and poor me that. I called my mom on my cell phone as I took the detour. I asked her about her day and told her I loved her. Too bad it took an awful tragedy to get me to do that this morning.

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Who are all y'all?

I checked my stats today, and to my pleasant surprise there were quite a few hits onto this blog! That is exciting and scary at the same time! So, this is what I want to know who is my audience? What are you interested in? Will you be returning? Email me and tell me about yourself.

I have completely fallen off the wagon. I haven't worked out in several days, and my eating is less than poor. I had a Venti Mocha Frappuccino (whip-less) this morning for breakfast, then a zone bar for a snack, then PIZZA for lunch. Why I had a DIET coke with that cracks me up. It is not a free day. I have to weigh-in, get photos taken and get measured tomorrow with my trainer. I am going to have to come clean about my effort. The last time I did that a few weeks back, the results were so-so. No weight loss (or gain), but I did lose a smidge in inches. As a result, I have been tired, irritable and non-productive. Time to find some motivation!

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

The Real Cheryl

OK. Where is it appropriate to ramble on about yourself? 1.) Therapy. 2.) An Interview. 3.) A Blog. So, I have decided to post random and trivial facts about myself. Why I have decided to pick these particular facts will remain a mystery to us all. Does it make me vain and self-centered? Probably. Do I care? No. Not really. I love reading other people's blogs too, I think reading blogs are a great way to broaden our horizons, learn stuff and see things from someone else's point of view. It also kills time. There are a few rules before you start reading. Please try not to get offended by anything I say, I am a freak like everyone else, and I have many quirks and issues. Also, remember, this is a BLOG, this is just for FUN. Here goes:

I check my bank account balance EVERY day. Sometimes more than once. I am extremely anal-retentive about my account, and if my checkbook doesn't balance, it is a vendetta until it does. I have been known to call my husband ON the golf course on his cell phone to inquire about a debit. I have been told this is not such a good idea, so I stopped doing that. I have never bounced a check. (Knock on wood!)

I was born blonde, and I will stay blonde. I don't care what it takes.

I think my dogs are the greatest dogs ever, even though they are Tasmanian devil-dogs. I hate cats. No, I will NOT like your cat. Everyone says I will like their cat, that their cat is different. I promise you, I won't. Kittens are cute, though. All baby animals are cute. Human babies, not always.

I love to lay or sit down in the SHOWER. Not a bath, a shower. I also love warm summer rain, the real thing, AND the movie!

I am obviously a hopeless internet junkie. I should be working.

I prefer Cream of Wheat or Oatmeal to any dry cereal, with exception to Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries.

I HAVE to have teriyaki on my steak, unless it is very gourmet.

I generally don't eat candy or popcorn, although I like Junior Mints and Reses Peanut Butter Cups if I go to the movies.

I live for Frappuccino's and mochas.

I smoke like a chimney, but I rarely drink.

I love the holidays. I like hearing Christmas songs 3 months before Christmas, and I love snow. I become a silly little girl in the snow. I will get up in the middle of the night to check to see if it is snowing, and then if it is, I get giddy and wake everyone up. The same silly girl appears at Disneyland. I have many Christmas CDs and DVDs. Rudolph and Charlie Brown being my favorites. (I also have "The Official Disneyland Album" and actually listen to it in my car. My husband does too.) I also like cooking Thanksgiving Dinner. I want to try and go Thanksgiving-gourmet someday - but my family would probably go ballistic. Ironically, I have no kids.

I am an adrenaline-junkie. I love theme parks, skydiving, snow skiing, waterskiing, driving muscle cars - pretty much anything that gives me that "adrenaline" high.

One of my eyes is a little smaller than the other one.

I love to laugh. Who doesn't?

My scrapbooking/stamping stuff probably adds up to more than the price of my car, and my car is a 2001.

I drink milk with pizza and my favorite pizza is pepperoni, green pepper and jalapeƱo.

I live in the Seattle area, and I LOVE the rain! I can only handle the hot sun if my butt is planted next to a pool with a margarita.

I like the way my dogs smell. (Not after they roll in poop, though)

I believe that if my house is vacuumed, it looks better than if it is dusted and scrubbed. I have a thing about clean and spot-free carpet. If I buy another house, it must have brand-new carpet.

I could eat Italian food every single day, not just pasta, but ALL kinds of Italian food. I am very picky about quality, though. Il Bacio is my favorite Italian restaurant.

I love to workout (especially with weights) and eat healthy (most of the time), but if I could get away with smoking while running on the treadmill, I would.

Last but not least, I think Jesus is cool.

I'll post more later, I'm tired of typing.

A Picture of Moi

OK, here it is. I don't like pictures of myself, generally, but I thought it would help readers who don't know me to put a face with the insanity. I like this picture because for some reason the angle, or the lighting, or something makes me look thinner than I actually am. The picture was taken awhile ago, though. I know it looks funny. I took a self-portrait to test my new digital camera. Check out the cleavage! (That was unintentional, I am fairly conservative normally.) Currently, I am reading "Succulent Wild Woman" by Sark. It is wonderful! It is inspiring me to finish writing an article I'm working on. I love silly, inspirational and colorful books. My interests go all over the place. When I go to Borders and buy books, CDs and DVDs all at the same time, I get really funny looks. For example, the other day I bought a gory horror movie on DVD, a colorful little blank journal, an alternative music CD, the Succulent Wild Woman book and a golf book for my husband. The cashier didn't say a word, but I saw his face crinkle a little when he was ringing up my purchase. It was one of those "these must all be gifts for different people" looks. I wanted to laugh. But instead, I went and had a protein shake and sang loudly to my new CD in the car.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Pictures, Finally!

Here is Louie; a.k.a Loudog, Lou, Loubear, Mr. Lou-man, Boo-Bear & Boo.  
And here is Maggie; a.k.a Magadog, Magalope(she's a jumper), Mag, Magpie &Mags.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Time to Regroup

I have had many wonderful ideas lately for photos, articles and journal entries. The problem is, though, that I have not made time to write any of them down. I have done 2 double-shifts in a row and working much OT. I am working over the weekend as well as having a garage sale, getting the dogs groomed and looking for a minivan to buy. The time has come for a minivan. I do not have children (my stepson doesn't live with us) but it would be easier with the dogs and all my craft supplies. Someday, when I can afford to get a laptop, I will be a little traveling photo/writing shop!

Yesterday I ate a fortune cookie, and the fortune said "You will dine in many exotic places". Now, although I don't believe in fortunetelling cookies, this got me thinking. I have never been anywhere. My traveling consists of Washington, Oregon and California. I went to Idaho and Canada when I was little, but I don't remember it so it doesn't count. I have just driven through Oregon. So, basically, just Washington and California. Pretty sad, huh? My dad works for United Airlines, which makes it even sadder. My husband and I have discussed taking a road trip (hence the minivan-buying) next spring to GUESS WHERE? Yes, Disneyland in CALIFORNIA. I really need to regroup and expand my horizons. I think it will help my writing. Yeah! That's it! I need to travel and go on vacation to help my future career! Great justification! I think I will waltz into my boss's office and tell him! Now, where to go?

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Crampy but Happy

OK, so I am a little "crampy" today. It is part of life (as a woman, anyway) but there are miracle drugs such as Aleve to make everything right in the world. My word for the day is "Wish". If I were to take the advice of my word of the day, I would wish for contentment. Not money (although that would be nice), not world peace (which would also be nice, but unrealistic) but contentment. Contentment with my job, contentment with my body, contentment with all the things in my life. I am fairly content now, especially happy in my marriage (9 years today! Happy Anniversary to me!). I thank God for the things in my life, but I always feel a little unsettled. Maybe it is because I am not taking enough risks. Maybe it is because I am in a bit of a rut. I don't always stand up for what I believe in (I get a little complacent sometimes) and I am not pursuing my dream of self-employment as a writer/artist/photographer hard enough. I get so scared of leaving my comfort zone that I do not move forward. I play with my camera, I write in my blog, I keep two journals (one food journal, one personal journal) and I scrapbook, but I do not really do what it takes to succeed. What do I need to do? I need to give it 100%. My fitness goals, my dream job goals - I need to give it 100%. The first step is: What is 100%? That is my task for today. What is my 100%?

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

A day of meals.

OK, for those who have expressed interest, here is an example of one of my meal days, and please don't scream, hide your eyes and then laugh hysterically if you are one of the yahoo group BFLers:

6:30am - meal 1 - Chocolate protein shake with glutamine, banana. Some form of coffee (either cappuccino or brew) - separate from the shake. Vitamins.
8:30am - meal 2 - Zone bar or Detour bar, ostrich stick
10:30am - meal 3 - egg whites with red, orange, & green pepper and white onion. Topped with salsa and Udo's oil. Strawberries with Splenda. 2 thermogenics (I use Maxlean or betalean)
12:30pm - meal 4 - 5oz of Chicken or tenderloin with Fat Free cream cheese rolled in 2 La Tortilla Factory wheat low-carb tortillas (the small ones). Cup of broccoli or zucchini.
3:00pm - meal 5 - strawberry/banana whey protein smoothie with lechtin, barley, minerals and glutamine. 2 more thermogenics.
6:00pm - meal 6 - Atlantic salmon (barbecued) with lemon pepper and oil, asparagus and either a yam or a sweet potato.
9:00pm - meal 7 - egg whites with broccoli. (Sometimes I forget to get this meal in)

That is approximately 2050 calories and a ratio of 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fats (the good fats).
I work out 5 to 6 times a week for about 45 minutes each session. I do High intensity interval training (HIIT). 3 cardio days and 2 to 3 weight training days. I do not mix cardio and weight training, but sometimes I wait tables on weight training days and that is almost like cardio. I have lost almost 30 pounds in 14 weeks and lost many inches. (I'll put the exact inches on an entry in the future). I have lost about 3% body fat. There are lots of people who do much better than that, but that is MY personal best so far. I do have cheat meals and/or a cheat day depending on how I am feeling that week. Occasionally, I have an unscheduled cheat - like a mocha Frappuccino! MMMM. I don't worry about it a whole lot, I just keep going. Never give up!

Holy Heavy Plates, Batman!

As you may have read in one of my previous blog entries, I work in a restaurant part time as a server. It is quite amusing to work in a restaurant, and YES "The Restaurant" reality show is fairly accurate on how a restaurant runs. There are many colorful personalities, and there is much DRAMA. There is no such thing as a restaurant employee who does not possess a life of mega-drama. It cracked me up the other night when our sweet little hostess/busser girl comes busting into the kitchen with a huge pile of plates in her arms exclaiming "HOLY HEAVY PLATES, BATMAN!". You had to be there, I guess, but it really was funny. I have worked in restaurants my whole working life (16 years) in some form or another. I have bussed, hosted, done bookkeeping, served, cocktailed, a little bartending and room service. I have seen it ALL. and I have even met some famous people. It is great money FAST, and it helps buy all those little extras like DVDs, CDs, books, craft supplies and tickets to Disneyland. It is also very social, and it keeps your heart rate up. It can be really interesting to do a 6-hour run-your-ass-off busy night after a hellacious workout. By the end of the night my legs are a rubbery mass of flesh, and I usually can barely get up the two whole steps to my front door. When I wake up in the morning, I have to hold the walls to get to the bathroom because walking becomes nearly impossible. I have a wonderful chiropractor, though, who takes very good care of me, and keeps me upright.

Sunday, August 24, 2003


OOhhh, I am sooo sore. My trainer had me do a full body workout on Friday. (To test my endurance). Every exercise was 1 full minute (seems like an hour) with no rest until after the 4th minute. Then, a minute and a half rest - then another full four minutes - continue, continue, continue. She had me do this crazy ab exercise thing where I lay on my back with my legs and arms straight up in the air towards the ceiling, then I have to transfer this big, huge rubber ball back and forth (without dropping it) between my arms and legs without moving them more than a couple of inches. It is hell just trying to keep my arms and legs up in the air, let alone trying to pass something back and forth. I also did lots of squat-like exercises, so my thighs feel like they are going to die, and every movement is a major issue. Watching me try to get up and down off the toilet would be quite amusing, I'm sure. I have a little bit of a headache I'm so sore! I also fell down on one of my knees Friday night onto hard tile at the restaurant I work at. There was water on the floor, and I slipped. So, on top of all that, my knee hurts too. Ugghh. The bright side is that I'm getting all ripped under all my fat! Someday, when all the fat has melted off because of my amazing metabolism, my sculpted muscles will awe the world! Ha!

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Shopping, Shopping, Shopping!

OK, eventhough I am totally broke, I have been buying myself lots of stuff. I work really hard and I deserve it, right? I pay my bills on time, I save money, and yes, I spend money when I should be fixing up the house. I have lost between 25 and 30 pounds now, and we have almost recovered from my husband's unemployment earlier in the year. Sooooo, shopping spree justification! I bought myself a set of toerings, 2 anklets, a book "Beautiful Bodies" and some eyelets, eyelet tools and cardstock from Stampin' Up. I also got some stuff from the craft store. Now I need a bigger purse (basically a big black bag from Target) and some new hair products. I love Aveda products, but I have a new interest in L'Occitane products, they are supposed to be really good for dry, naturally curly long hair with frizz issues. (Me!) I don't have human kids (don't know if I want them) so I figure it's OK to be a little self-involved at the moment. I have an anniversary coming up (9 years!) so I will have to buy something for my husband soon. Hmmm, maybe there is a DVD I (I mean HE) wants?

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

House of Freaks

So, I get home from work yesterday and let the dogs out to go potty. Louie decides to run over and get his red rubber frisbee and run around the yard with it. He suddenly has the urge to pee. He drops the frisbee and pees. What he doesn't know, is that he is actually peeing IN his frisbee. When he finishes, he goes to pick the frisbee back up to play and realizes there is pee in it. He sniffs, then backs away. He looks up at me perplexed, almost like it is somehow my fault. Meanwhile, Maggie is busy eating the yard. (I had just poured her food in her bowl, but the poopy/weedy grass is obviously more appetizing.) She then starts running around the yard barking at nothing. She stops. She projectile vomits green stuff. MMMM. Louie is now walking around trying to find something to do because his frisbee is icked-out. "Ooohhh, aaahhhh, I'll roll in this green stuff here, it looks fresh!" Yes, he rolled in Maggie surprise. You have to keep in mind here that my dinner is almost done, and I have lost my appetite. Louie decides the frisbee really isn't that bad and tries to take it in the house. Thank God I saw this and stopped him.

Monday, August 18, 2003

Monday, Monday

OK, I'm not cranky today. It is Monday, and I'm tired, but I'm OK. I get in those moods every once in awhile, and you just have to back up, turn around, and run. I have to say, though, I have it pretty good. I'm just really busy and some days I need to take it down a gear and rest. My husband did a good job of being lovey-dovey with me over the weekend, he even scrapbooked with me. Every time I got testy, he would get all cute and stuff and ruin my horrible mood. I got to spend time with my mom and dad, too, and they were being all nice and lovey, so I didn't stand a chance. Why is it, though, that I can get 6 hours of sleep on the weekend and wake up and be fine and happy, but then when I get 6 hours of sleep and have to go to work, I feel like a truck ran over me? It must be mental, but truly the physical part eludes me. I mean, I really feel tired today, but if you said, "Let's go skiing!" I would suddenly have a rush of energy and feel like Super-girl. It's not right, I tell ya. Oh, and by the way, HEY BLOGGER-MAKER PEOPLE, GET PRO-BLOGGER WORKING SO THAT I CAN UPLOAD PHOTOS AND STUFF! The upgrade has been down forever, and I want it! I WANT IT NOW DAMN IT! Does anyone out there know a good protein shake/healthy coffee drink/pick-me-up kinda thing for breakfast that might help me with this zombie thing I've got going on? If you do, email me your recipe. I tried Cappuccino Myoplex with extra coffee in it, but it was kinda gross. I'm not sure how to tweak it. Oh, and I tried "Ostrim" Ostrich sticks - YUM! 96% fat free with lots of protein - great with a piece of fruit!

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Fun Icky stuff

Watched "House of 1000 Corpses". I rented the DVD that just came out. For those of you who know me, I love horror films. I'm picky, though, so most of them are not good enough. This one was a little disappointing. Rob Zombie could have done a whole lot better. I must say, though, "Captain Spaulding" was a hoot. The intro to the DVD (you know, the screen with the options on it like 'play movie', 'deleted scenes', etc.) well, it was HYSTERICAL. It was the best part of the whole movie. That guy slew me! (No pun intended.) Rent it just to watch that. There is no blood or killing or anything in that part, for those of you weak-tummy people. It is just funny. In a twisted sort of way. ;) I can't wait for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake coming out in theatres in October! Although, they will probably cookie-cutter-candy-coat it for the masses. Oh well, I'll still go see it. Texas Chainsaw Massacre II is still my all-time favorite. There is nothing better than mixing good gore and great humor in the same film!

Monday, August 11, 2003


I am cranky today. Everyone is pissing me off at work, I'm tired, I hate my job, I worked too much over the weekend and didn't get to do anything fun, I want chocolate and can't have it, I don't feel like working out, I didn't lose my 2 pounds last week, I lost very little in inches over the last 2 weeks, I have to get a filling tomorrow, It's Monday, I have to work overtime this week, I don't want to work 3 jobs anymore, I'm broke, I don't have anymore vacation until December, I'm feeling sorry for myself, I'm feeling ugly, I'm sick of watching everyone around me get everything they want without working hard for it and damn it, they are messing up Disneyland! I have issues. Apparently, my happy pills are not working today. Waaaaahhhh, whiiiiiiine, waaaaah. Do not tell me that I am only focusing on the negative, or that I need to change my outlook on life and be thankful for what I have. If you do, I will hurt you. and no, I am not on my period. Not even close.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Storms and Measurements

We had a great thunder and lightning storm last night. I love storms! Louie and Maggie aren't usually bothered by it, but last night they hid in their crates. I took the day off yesterday to scrapbook with some friends, and it was a much-needed day off. Even though I didn't eat 100% healthy yesterday, I did get in 7 meals. I didn't get to the gym, though, so I am all out-of-sorts. I have to get measurements taken this Friday and I'm all freaked out that I haven't lost any inches because of all the Frappuccino-drinking and bread-eating. I have had quite a few compliments on my weight loss, but I'm really panicked. The scale hasn't moved much this week (either way) but inches are a whole other story. This whole accountability thing with my trainer keeps me on track MOST of the time!

Monday, August 04, 2003

Crazy Weekend

Wow, I have to go back to work to relax. I am pooped from the weekend. My shoulders are so sore from my workouts. My trainer has really been working my upper arms, and I can feel muscles! Yay! I made my husband feel my new muscles. I tried those "Zone Perfect" bars this weekend. I had the peanut butter chocolate one, and it was really good. Too good. Something must be wrong with them. Yep. Too much sugar. (12g) They have 16g protein, 7g fat and 20g carbs, which isn't too bad, but the 12g of sugar kills it. In a pinch, though, it is better than a chocolate chip cookie. They taste better than Cliff bars, also, which I think are gross, and Cliff bars have 23g of sugar! Woo! Way too much! So that is my critique of the day. I am listening to an old Pearl Jam CD, thinking of my college years when grunge was in. I live in the Seattle area and went to college at the University of Washington (UW) so I was right in the middle of the "Seattle Sound" in the early nineties. I even met Layne Staley of "Alice in Chains" before he died. I remember when the movie "Singles" came out, I was so proud. Yes, I did hang out in those great coffee shops in Seattle before Starbucks hit the big-time. This makes me feel so old. Time to go shopping and make myself feel better!

Friday, August 01, 2003

Working on my day off and the dream car.

I'm doing overtime today at my day job, then I am going to the gym with my trainer, then I am getting Louie his rabies shot, then I am having 8 people over at my house for a night of scrapbooking. (I am a consultant for scrapbooking materials). So, basically, I am working my little tail off today when I should be sleeping and eating my cheat meals. Maybe I'll make some good money and buy myself something! I saw my dream car today. A 1967 Camaro. I have wanted this car since I was about 14 years old. I know it's a guy's classic muscle car and all that, but I *love* them. The roar of the engine, taking those corners, being able to go uphill without people honking at me, it is my dream car. Call me nutty, but I want it. It is not practical, butI am going to see if I can test drive it today.