I check my bank account balance EVERY day. Sometimes more than once. I am extremely anal-retentive about my account, and if my checkbook doesn't balance, it is a vendetta until it does. I have been known to call my husband ON the golf course on his cell phone to inquire about a debit. I have been told this is not such a good idea, so I stopped doing that. I have never bounced a check. (Knock on wood!)
I was born blonde, and I will stay blonde. I don't care what it takes.
I think my dogs are the greatest dogs ever, even though they are Tasmanian devil-dogs. I hate cats. No, I will NOT like your cat. Everyone says I will like their cat, that their cat is different. I promise you, I won't. Kittens are cute, though. All baby animals are cute. Human babies, not always.
I love to lay or sit down in the SHOWER. Not a bath, a shower. I also love warm summer rain, the real thing, AND the movie!
I am obviously a hopeless internet junkie. I should be working.
I prefer Cream of Wheat or Oatmeal to any dry cereal, with exception to Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries.
I HAVE to have teriyaki on my steak, unless it is very gourmet.
I generally don't eat candy or popcorn, although I like Junior Mints and Reses Peanut Butter Cups if I go to the movies.
I live for Frappuccino's and mochas.
I smoke like a chimney, but I rarely drink.
I love the holidays. I like hearing Christmas songs 3 months before Christmas, and I love snow. I become a silly little girl in the snow. I will get up in the middle of the night to check to see if it is snowing, and then if it is, I get giddy and wake everyone up. The same silly girl appears at Disneyland. I have many Christmas CDs and DVDs. Rudolph and Charlie Brown being my favorites. (I also have "The Official Disneyland Album" and actually listen to it in my car. My husband does too.) I also like cooking Thanksgiving Dinner. I want to try and go Thanksgiving-gourmet someday - but my family would probably go ballistic. Ironically, I have no kids.
I am an adrenaline-junkie. I love theme parks, skydiving, snow skiing, waterskiing, driving muscle cars - pretty much anything that gives me that "adrenaline" high.
One of my eyes is a little smaller than the other one.
I love to laugh. Who doesn't?
My scrapbooking/stamping stuff probably adds up to more than the price of my car, and my car is a 2001.
I drink milk with pizza and my favorite pizza is pepperoni, green pepper and jalapeƱo.
I live in the Seattle area, and I LOVE the rain! I can only handle the hot sun if my butt is planted next to a pool with a margarita.
I like the way my dogs smell. (Not after they roll in poop, though)
I believe that if my house is vacuumed, it looks better than if it is dusted and scrubbed. I have a thing about clean and spot-free carpet. If I buy another house, it must have brand-new carpet.
I could eat Italian food every single day, not just pasta, but ALL kinds of Italian food. I am very picky about quality, though. Il Bacio is my favorite Italian restaurant.
I love to workout (especially with weights) and eat healthy (most of the time), but if I could get away with smoking while running on the treadmill, I would.
Last but not least, I think Jesus is cool.
I'll post more later, I'm tired of typing.
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