Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's all the bad coffee's fault.

I'm cranky this morning. It is rainy and kinda cold. My coffee doesn't taste that good. I'm hungry, but I need to go grocery shopping. I work so many hours during the week that I cannot get errands done, which leaves them for the weekend. My weekend gets shot in the ass with errands and cleaning. Bleh. I need a personal assistant.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Goin' on a trip!

So, guess who is going to New Jersey and New York on a business trip. ME! I have never been beyond the West Coast, things are changing for me. I will be staying on a few extra days to take in the sights. I'm all excited.

Kim - here is a full shot of the shirt. Black dress for Broadway show? Multicolor fun dress for dancing? Need to buy clothes for NY.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hippie Style

My pretty new hippie shirt with super long sleeves, and my new cool necklace!

Tummy Bruises & Ceramic Flooring

I have a bruise on my stomach. A big one. How does one accomplish that? No one has punched me in the stomach, and I don't remember running into anything. Weirdness.

Well, home again, home again. Back to work as usual and getting caught up on all the things I'm behind in, which is A LOT. I'm trying to decide if I want to recarpet the house or put in some really cool ceramic flooring. I'm thinking ceramic because then I wouldn't have to worry about dog pee, and it would be so much easier (and cheaper) to keep clean. I will need to trip 
less, though. Ouch.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Going Home

I'm leaving on a jet plane. Back home. Back to work tomorrow. Yippee.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Surf City

Huntington Beach rocks!

Beach Hair Futility

Going to Huntington Beach today. I think. Curled my hair his morning but I don't know why, it will frizz into oblivion in 20 minutes in this humidity. It is supposed to drizzle rain today. Joy.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Grandma's Pumps

OK, I lied. But aren't these the CUTEST shoes?

Hangin' Out in OC

The house/pool, my little table by the pool and the tunnel that when I was a little girl, my grandparents used to take me through and honk three times. Memories.

I made my mom and Cathy go see "Drag Me to Hell". LOL! They don't appreciate campy horror quite like I do, although Cathy laughed at all the right moments. If you like the "Evil Dead" series and "Army of Darkness", you'll LOVE this, if not, don't bother cuz you won't get it. ;-)

This is how retarded I am.

I am all oiled up and laying by the pool in overcast 68 degree weather. I am determined. If anyone saw me right now (especially my coworkers) there would be howling laughter. Oh well. I am as nutty as they come. I am also sitting here doing my banking with my glasses on. Super sexy. I can't believe it is 80 degrees at home. This blows.

I've decided to do a 24 hour fast because I have been eating like crap and feel bloated and toxic. Blech. I miss home. How sad am I?

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Phallic Plants

Looking at the plants in the back yard, I ran across this. I guess it is excited.

Did I say that out loud? LOL!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Vacation Read

Everyone needs a vacation read! This is mine. Nothing like vampires, shapeshifters, and other fun creatures when you are lounging poolside! Now all I need is a Margarita or something, and my life will be complete.

Actually, I wish the pups were here with me, though. THAT would make my life complete. I miss them so much already, and it's only been a few days. I don't feel much like a CrazyDogMama without them. I guess my dogs are part of my identity now. I really needed this little getaway, though. Jim isn't too happy that he didn't get to come, but honestly, I needed some downtime away from being a wife. Just some peace & quiet so that I can get my head around my life.

This is the last foot pic I swear.

I don't know why I take pics of my feet; feet are icky. I don't like my body, so you get feet, face, hands and the occasional chest shot. I have to be careful with those though, don't want to go porn on you. Hehe. Feet pics are also very easy and convenient. All girls photograph their feet, you need to get over it. Don't my nails look nice in this photo? I thought they looked nice. Better than my feet, anyway.

I'm finally in vacation mode. I've been camped out on patio furniture for several hours now reading and soaking in the overcast sun. (Which means I will probably burn into oblivion.) I am reading the Sookie Stackhouse Novels (True Blood) for fun since the season is starting back up on Sunday. I'm tired of reading "The Stock Market for Dummies" at the moment. LOL.

We're not doing margaritas this trip because my mom is on medication, and I don't care to drink alone. A nice, iced mocha by the pool is good too. Better, even.

Oh yeah, my road stories. First, I got a mosquito bite or something on my foot while I was driving, and I was trying to scratch it with my sandal. I ripped a bunch of skin off. We pulled over and my mom attempted to apply first aid and I swear to God she may as well have poured rubbing alcohol on my open flesh because I went through the roof. I may have said motherfucker a time or two or 40 in very creative sentences parked in front of an AM/PM Mini Mart at 2 am in nowhere California. I don't remember. So that was nice. BTW, I have a really high pain tolerance. (A funny story for another time.)

Second, my mom tried to kill me AGAIN. She is sadistic, that one. We were leaving a friend's house and I accidentally left the back car door slightly ajar, so it started beeping. My mom got out to shut it, then we took off again. She said something about 'checking my door', and I thought she meant open and close my side to make sure it wasn't ajar also. That is not what she meant. As soon as I opened it, she took a sharp left, and I went flying along with door almost diving into the pavement headfirst. I screamed. LOUD. Then we laughed for a half an hour. There is never a dull moment with my mom around, and she is really the most fun on these trips to California. We entertain everyone around us, too. We are like a comedy team, her and I. She's much funnier than me, though, I wish she was more open to having her picture taken and put on the blog. OMG we'd be famous in a split second! Not going to happen, though, so you'll have to settle for me. Sorry.

Sunday, June 07, 2009


I'm here, but I'm dead tired. I have some pretty funny road trip stories that I'll tell you about tomorrow. Also, once we got here, I almost fell out of the car! Just for extra fun, after an exhausting ride. The last stretch was brutal because we drive straight through without stopping at a hotel. We got in at 8 am, went to breakfast with my Godmother (my mom's best friend) and then got to the house and crashed. Got up at 4 pm, went grocery shopping, and got an iced mocha, which they fucked up. California is definitely no Seattle when it comes to good baristas, although I do really like the smooth coffee at "The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf" franchise that started in California in 1963. It's my go-to coffee joint here. I avoid "Starfucks" if I can. (Yes, that is what I call it, the "f" is intentional. I can't help it anymore.)

My feet and calves are mega-swollen from sitting in one position for 23 hours (pictured for your entertainment), and it is so uncomfortable for about a day before they go back to normal. I stuck them promptly in the pool for some relief. AHHH. I also was injured on the trip (hence the Band-Aid), but I'll tell you about that later. I'm a hot mess. The weather is actually quite pleasant, not too hot. I am currently sitting by the pool listening to the doves coo softly in the backyard above my head (I love the doves!), after gorging myself on Biagio's pizza (another go-to favorite here). California does have its good points! I think I'd rather be here than anywhere else, really. Weird, right? Doesn't everyone hate California now? Not me. I want to live here. Shh, don't tell anyone!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

477 Miles to Sacramento

Here come the feet pics, get ready! LOL! I have hot pink toes this trip. Something different, I'm sick of red.

My mom told me she likes to travel with me because I'm "so laid back and easy to be around.". How sweet! It's more like because I don't give a fuck about anything and stay in sarcasm mode 24/7.

Sirius Radio

My mom has Sirius Radio (yes, my MOM) and we are listening to the 70's music station. I totally dig it.


Were off! I'm tired as all hell. I'm going to need MUCH caffeine. MUCH. Mom's driving first shift since I am NOT a morning person and I always take the night shift since she can't see. I'm getting use to this road trip. I think I could do it in my sleep. Free vacations are a plus though! :-)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Instant gratificaton!

Starbucks has a new 'instant' coffee that is actually GOOD! I love it! I have never liked instant coffee, but I'm on board with this one. I like the medium the best. It wires the shit outta me, though, more so than espresso. Weeeee!

One more day until my trip! And do you know what sucks? It is in the 90's here and the 60's and 70's in Cali. Figures.

My desk holds my BITE ME cup and all the work I have to get done tomorrow. Sigh.

Monday, June 01, 2009

I need to get back to writing.

I miss it. I used to blab on and on in this blog about everything. Why have I stopped? Well, my new job is taking up most of my time, but honestly, I have been very hesitant to write about my feelings of late. Much has happened over the years, especially the last year, and I pretty much imploded into myself. I have become elusive and isolated. I work. I sleep. I eat. I do not talk to many people other than family and co-workers. I have a few people I talk to online/texting, but it has all come down to a very dull roar. I used to get so many emails I didn't know how to handle them all, and now you can hear the crickets. I miss it. Kinda. It can be a little nuts, but it was fun and social. I don't have time to be depressed anymore with working 12 hours/day and sometimes on the weekends, but I feel a little empty. I am talking to God about that.

I am driving to California with my mom next Saturday and staying a week. It will give me some much needed relax time, and maybe some time to write and sort out my insides. My life is flying by too quickly and I need to stop and smell the roses for a bit.

Never Trust a Skinny Cook

I saw a sign this morning that said "Never trust a skinny cook." So you can trust my cooking. HA!

I feel bloated as hell this morning and I'm exhausted. I was working on my laptop until 1 am in the hopes of meeting my deadline. I think I'm going to make it. Hooray. Where's the coffee, meh.