Sunday, June 14, 2009

Going Home

I'm leaving on a jet plane. Back home. Back to work tomorrow. Yippee.


  1. Let's see.... summary. 2 pictures of face, 4 pictures of Huntington Beach, 1 each, picture of Hotel, aforementioned flower, tunnel, book and suntan lotion, and 5 pictures of feet. You spent 30% of your time focusing on your feet. (a photo joke)And I thought I was the one with the foot fetish. Glad you had a good time.

  2. Fly safe!!!! Sucks when vacay is over. :(

  3. Vacay is good, but it felt good to come home too. Of course the weather down there turned beautiful the minute I left, and now it is overcast here. CRAP.

    And to Mr. Smarty Pants who does math - I give you this: I also went to Cali last Aug 2008, Oct 2008 and Nov 2008. Perhaps you could recalculate your percentages. There are many pics. I am starting to run out of pic ideas. FYI that is my late grandparents' house, not a hotel. Also, my mom won't let me post pics of her on the internet so I'm limited.

  4. Well, you know I had to give you a bad time. I am jealous. I was raised down there. Welcome home.
