Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Glad I'm not out of milk.

Snow over a solid sheet of ice. Oh, how I wish I had a fireplace. What kind of idiot builds a house in the mountains without a fireplace? And what kind of idiot BUYS one? Hrmph. It's very pretty, the snow, but I'm not enjoying it like I should be, I guess. If things were a little different for me, I probably would be. It IS Christmassy. But I'm a tad bah-humbug this year. Pity.

Snow Day

I'm not even going to bother getting in my car. It's blizzarding and not expected to stop any time soon. This sucks. Usually, I'm happy because salaried employees get paid, which used to be me, but I'm contract now and losing 200 plus dollars by not going in. Stupid snow. I'm going to go out and kick it. Then go back to bed.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

OK, I need to breathe.

I have been out in Christmas shopping HELL. I just had a few things to get to wrap things up, and it took ALL NIGHT. People are irritating and stupid and inconsiderate. I was looking at DVDs stacked on a wall, and two men just walked right in front of me and STOPPED. Um, HELLO? I think I was invisible tonight because everyone was in my way and then wouldn't move. I wanted to punch everyone in the neck. Parking lots? Don't even get me started. I was shaking I was so frustrated. There may have been a few curse words.

Christmas Coffee

Three things.

1. Does it not look like I just rolled out of bed? My hair needs some serious help today.

2) Yes, I am licking my coffee cup from Starfucks, don't you?

3) I may break the record for number of blog posts in a single day.

Dream Interpretation

So, I had a dream that I died the other night. Neat, eh? I thought it was most likely a negative thing, but as it turns out, maybe not.

To dream that you die in your dream, symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or in your life. Although such a dream may bring about feelings of fear and anxiety, it is no cause for alarm and is often considered a positive symbol. Dreams of experiencing your own death usually means that big changes are ahead for you. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. These changes do not necessarily imply a negative turn of events. Metaphorically, dying can be seen as an end or a termination to your old ways and habits. So, dying does not always mean a physical death, but an ending of something.

On a negative note, to dream that you die may represent recent involvement in a deeply painful relationship or unhealthy, destructive behavior. You may be feeling depressed or feel strangled by a situation or person in your waking life. Perhaps your mind is preoccupied with someone else. Alternatively, you may be trying to get out of some obligation, responsibility or other situation.

Freaky, huh?


OMG, I might have an interview in Tennessee with a really good company that is willing to pay for me to relocate. TENNESSEE!

At least it is warmer there.

It's 16 Degrees

You know, if I didn't have to wait in line for coffee, I would get a lot less blogging done. Not that you are getting Nobel Prize winning material here, but still. My boss is gone for 3 days! Woohoo! Party! Ha. And just in case you didn't believe me on the coldness outside, it is 16 this morning. Brr.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Wind Chill Factor

It's 19 fricking degrees! NINETEEN. It is like FIVE degrees with the wind-chill factor. Maggie is the one in my face, and Louie is bundled up next to me. I am going to have Oreos for dinner. Seriously.

Christmas Money

Things I may get with any Christmas money I receive. What do you think? Polka dot sleep pants and worn-in flare jeans.

Greetings from work.

Let's see, this morning I have a little nagging headache, and its freezing, I don't feel like working, and my mind is wandering, and I can't make it stop. I had a messed-up nightmare, too, so I'm unnerved. I took a pic of my necklace because I'm sure you're sick of my face. OK, yeah, I'm a little grumpy. I admit it. I have my reasons. Maybe it's because I'd rather be on warm beach somewhere having suntan oil rubbed on my back, with a margarita within arm's reach.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Girly Night

I just took a long, hot shower. There is nothing better than a scalding hot, steamy shower when it is beyond freezing outside. I pampered myself with a sugar scrub, a mud mask, and a conditioning treatment. Then, I slathered myself in lotion and now I am wrapping up in cozy warm clothes. Perhaps I'll make myself some hot cocoa now.

Quote Time

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of."
-Benjamin Franklin

"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"To live is like to love, all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for it."
-Samuel Butler

"It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, 'Always do what you are afraid to do.' "
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes."
-St. Clement of Alexandra

Best Space Heater

Oh my Lord it's COLD! This little space heater is not leaving my side today.

Blizzard Conditions

Well, it was a great evening! My massage was AMAZING. I'm sore this morning, though, and dinner was fab. It is always great to spend time with your friends. Part of the drive home sucked. As you can (kind of) see, it was blizzarding and I had ZERO visibility. The back country roads I have to go on have no streetlights, and no other cars to follow! I made it, though. I was going 2 mph, but I made it. It gave me too much time to think. Life is feeling strange right now. Some things are just dragging out way too long. I don't know what to do with some of the feelings I'm having about other things. Some of the ways I feel don't even make sense, and some of them are just too embarrassing to talk about.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fashion Show

Here is the CrazyDogMama fashion show, are you ready? HA!

I'm going out on the town tonight with my posse; Juice, Hole and Amy. Get this, a massage, then a nice dinner. Woohoo! I'm braving the snow and ice like a champ. Probably more like an idiot, going out in this kind of bad weather, but I need some social time, or I'll go crazy. Well, crazier.

The shiny shirt might be too dressy, but I don't care. When else am I going to get to wear it? I don't exactly have a jet-set life. Meh.

Kickin' it old school.

Hold on to yourselves, I'm going through old pictures again to sort things out and I'm finding more stupid photos. It's ALWAYS the hair. Always.

Trying to stay cozy.

OK I'm barely awake, but it is a winter wonderland out there and Lou just looks so damn cute.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Here we go.

It is officially snowing. HARD.

Friday night excitement.

I'm bored. I don't want to clean or watch TV, so maybe I'll read or get out the good camera. I was having fun with my little candlelight photo session the other night. I haven't been taking too many pics lately (except my stupid phone pics), so I'm out of practice. Now I just need to figure out what to photograph. I think you have all seen every possible shot of my head and feet. Here's the book I'm reading, it is intriguing. The author, Nicholas Sparks, is pretty good. They carry a lot of his books at Costco. I've put you to sleep now, haven't I?

Facebook vs. MySpace

I am now on Facebook because Myspace sucks. I hadn't updated in EONS, and it really is for the youth. Facebook is silly too, but it has more of an adult feel to it. I can't seem to delete Myspace, though, because it tries to confirm the delete on my old email (which I can't get to), and it won't let me change to my new email. DUMB. So, I just put it as private so weirdos will stop emailing me. Also, the winter storm warning has been reduced to a watch now. THEY LIE. I'm still going home early.