Monday, October 13, 2008

Sun & Coffee

Really the title should be, "Feet & Coffee", but I digress. Now this is more like it. It's still windy, but it's in the 80's, so the wind is welcome while I sit here and bake. The pool is a mess, but if I can swim in a lake, I can swim with a few leaves in a chlorinated pool. The "Coffee Bean" shop missed me, I can tell. My mom calls it the "Green Bean" because she can't remember the name of it. This cracks me up, and it will now forever be the "Green Bean". I'm getting my fill before I leave.


Well isn't this special. A nice windstorm is occurring. It's gusting pretty good out there and messing up my pool! Stupid wind. I'm confined to the house at the moment. Poo. There is no jacuzzi, or I'd be in that.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I absolutely had to have my favorite pizza, just like last time. My mom doesn't like green peppers, so I settled for pepperoni and salami. It was super good!

If you ever visit here, go to Biagio's! The same little Italian family has owned it forever. When I was a little girl, my grandparents started coming here every Thursday night for pizza, spaghetti, salad, and drinks. They got to know the staff, and the whole family that owned it. "Grandma" was this little old Italian woman, who would make these homemade cream puffs, and of course give them to my grandparents. Everyone loved my grandparents, they were always the life of the party, and were outrageous tippers. Anyway, I developed an affinity for these cream puffs of course, and so I would beg for them every time I went with them. Such a fond memory. I wish I could still get them!


I try to be stylish; I really do. It fails.

This is living!

Wine, fruit, cheese and crackers. Now THIS is living! Next, I am going to dive in the pool. It doesn't take much to please me.

Oh DANG! My mom and I just finished off an entire bottle of wine! I'm hammered. LOL.

Seal Beach

Seal Beach is down in the Long Beach area and it's so adorable. I went into my favorite little surf shop, (almost bought that cute hat) and just walked around and took in the ocean air. Lots of cute dogs at the Crema Cafe.

Prettiest Backyard

The backyard is so cool here. Besides the pool, there is a grapefruit and an orange tree, palms and other various tropical plants. It's so pretty.

I'm headed off to Seal Beach today, so I'll take some pics down there.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Meet Me at the Coffee Bean!

Time for sunning and swimming! Going to nap on the lawn chair for a while, then have some wine and cheese that my mom bought at Costco for us.

The pool always looks so inviting, that's why I'm pointing at it. If you're close by (Lake Forest), email me and we'll meet at the Coffee Bean! That is, if you aren't a maniac psycho, because then we'd have a problem.

Small Heart Attack

I'm here. It's not supposed to be really hot today or tomorrow, but the sunshine sure does feel nice. We got in very early this morning, and I collapsed until a few minutes ago. Don't have an agenda yet.

I may have had a small heart attack earlier. We got off an exit to go grab some coffee and get gas, and it was pitch black with really faded street lines. I got into the left-hand turn lane and ended up going down the wrong side of the road! OMFG! I have never done that before! EVER! I swear it wasn't a blonde driving moment because my mom didn't see it either. I was shaken and decided to kick back for an hour and answer emails by the side of the road.

Juice complained about my toilet pics, so I won't post the latest uber gross rest stop pics I took. I stood OVER the toilet and peed because it was THAT bad. EW. Rest stops in California blow.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Truck Stops Rule

It's huge, OMG! (That's what she said, haha.) I love truck stops. With all the truckers. And big steak.

Steak on the Brain

I have had steak on the brain for about 100 miles now. NEED. STEAK. No more fast food. I scared my mom with my obsession with finding a steakhouse. I was driving and yelling out for keeping eyes peeled. Once we found a sign that said, "STEAK 26 miles", I gunned it. We're here now. Finally.

Santiam Rest Stop

Santiam Rest Stop in Oregon.

Non-descript. Clean enough and roomy. What? Don't you like pictures of toilets?


The many faces of boredom. Or batshit crazy. Whichever.

In Oregon now. Which is thrilling. Not.

Rest Stop Reviews

CrazyDogMama's Rest Stop Reviews!

Maytown, just South of Tenino in WA.

Under construction. portable potties only. Neat. They were clean enough and didn't stink, had adequate toilet paper. Very important for us girl-types. Easy to drive in and out of.

Having fun now, wouldn't you say? Stop rolling your eyes. This could be useful to someone. Or entertaining. It's entertaining to me, so shut up. LOL.

Here we go again.

The very familiar trip of 22 hours of driving 80 mph, creepy rest stops, and fast food. I'm stocked up on Rock Stars and Vivarin, and I've already had a triple iced mocha. When I WANT to be sleepy and tired, I can't get that way, but when I DON'T want it, I'm yawning all over the place with heavy eyelids. Figures. My mom is already irritated at me because I'm late. I can't help it, I'm not a morning person. AT ALL.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Just Breathe

One minute I'm fine, and the next minute I'm freaking out. Not knowing things drives me nutty. I've learned to embrace change, but I want to know WHAT the change is. My lack of patience doesn't help. I can't seem to concentrate. I'm in sort of a trance, like 'whatever'. This is big stuff. Everything going on in my life is big stuff. I knew I was at a crossroads; I just didn't realize how big of deal it was going to be. There is also big stuff going on in the world, and all of it combined for me seems a little overwhelming. Just breathe, I tell myself. You can do this. There have been some interesting developments for me; I'll share when I can. For the next week, however, I think I'm just going to try and concentrate on sun and fun with my mom. I'll be leaving quite early, so stay tuned for all my silly blogs.


Aahh! I'm leaving for California in less than 24 hours, and you wouldn't believe everything I have to do. Have I packed? Of course not! Also, I can't believe how much not having a home computer is making my life difficult, especially RIGHT NOW when I need it the most! Anyone have a grand I could borrow?

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Refiner's Fire

OK, really, I'm trying NOT to stress. There is nothing I can do about it. I keep telling myself this. I honestly can't say much (non-disclosure stuff), but I may be laid-off before the end of the month. It would have nothing to do with my performance, but the economy/market. I have no idea what I will do because the job market sucks right now, and my field is very narrow. I really do believe things happen for a reason (when it is beyond your control) so I'm trying to think of it as fate, whatever happens. With everything I've gone through in the last year, it kind of feels like a sucker-punch, but maybe it would be a blessing in disguise. Who knows. It is the not knowing that is the worst part.

I have never been without a job. I have never collected unemployment. I haven't had more than 2 weeks off in a row since I was 16 years old, and I'll be 37 in November. I don't know how to feel right now. My whole life has gone AWOL in the last year. Guess it was time to shake things up! It is amazing to me how so many things can happen in such a short amount of time, and how the littlest things can throw your life off balance. I have recently experienced feelings I don't know what to do with, and emotions I didn't know existed. I've had many sleepless nights and panic attacks. Now that I've learned how to deal with all of that, I think I may be ready for whatever it is I was being prepared for. The refiner's fire?

Beauty is pain.

Just call me Blondie! It glows in the dark. Hehe. In the pic where I look like a sheep dog from Outerspace, that is the front of my face. I had to sit with my hair over my face (with foils in it), for like, 3 hours. Beauty is pain.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Naked in the Jungle

Wow, have I had a bad day. I won't be able to talk about it until I know more, but it could really impact my life, and soon. Seriously. Talk about your life being upside down, I'm already out of my comfort zone from some other big things happening in my life, and this would really put me out there naked in the jungle so to speak. Dang.

I am going to go use my salon gift certificate to get my hair done. I'm in a major haze right now and my mind is going a billion miles an hour. I guess you could say that 2008 was the year Cheryl got her ass kicked up one side and down the other. The year of change. I'm facing a great many unknowns at this time about my future. I mean, no one knows what the future really holds, but I can't say with any degree of confidence that ANYTHING in my life will be the same come 2009.