Friday, April 11, 2008

My New Sunglasses

I know you're thrilled, believe me. But you see, I haven't bought new sunglasses in like, 7 years. It was time. They are different from the kind I usually buy, and they are a little bug-eye, but I like them. Taken just a few minutes ago at my desk, never mind the bed-head or exceptional quality of my cell phone camera.

We're going out tonight (my co-workers and I) to celebrate getting through hell week, and as you know, it's actually sunny and we may sit on the patio. So, these were a total and completely necessary purchase.

I am a blogging machine right now, hold on!

After 8 glorious hours of sleep!

Much better. I woke up in a good mood. Pigs are flying, people. I'm in a rather silly mood this morning, so stay with me here. Today's commute was a little different. Usually, I'm listening to stupid traffic reports or talking on my cell, but screw that! I decided on music instead. I cranked some 70's tunes (shut it) and some other random stuff. At one point I stopped at a light and had "I'm alright", the theme from "Caddyshack", playing by Kenny Loggins, (again, shut it) and I was SINGING along with it. Two guys drove up beside me and looked over. One of them was sacked out drooling into his coffee cup (which made me laugh) and the other was smiling and laughing at me. I waved. He waved back. I continued to sing. I'm thinking it will be an interesting day.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Can you say zombie? I knew you could.

I am an actual zombie today. I only got about, oh, maybe an hour of sleep, and I've worked 2 weeks straight in row with no weekend. It's neat. I love it. People kept asking me every 5 minutes, "What's up with you?" which really made me happy, you understand. Coffee didn't do anything except make me pee more, and I was busy when I thought it was going to start slowing down starting today. The good news is I got my yearly review, and even though I only had one eye open during the meeting, I got tons of praise for a job well done and a bigger raise than I thought! Happy dance! I'll celebrate later. Need sleep. Now.

On a side note, I thought this little snippet was kind of funny. Jim just got home and realized he left a whole plate of food in the microwave and forgot about it, which I found when I got home and put in the sink because it was ruined of course. The conversation went like this:

Jim: Oh man! That pisses me off! I can't believe I did that!
Me: Yeah, it didn't make me happy either.
Jim: Oh, shut it, you get pissed when someone accidentally throws aways a sugar packet. You act like you went through the depression or something.

LOL. OK, so I'm a freak and don't like to waste things. Sue me.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Another Stupid MEME

I'm sick of these MEME things, but this one is kind of interesting. Play along if you want. I know how much you all live for them. Oh, and how about all this posting I've been doing lately, huh? Aren't you proud of me?

1. When and where were you born?

November 12, 1971, in Long Beach, California

2. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?

I was really into gymnastics, and I also liked to run around outside getting dirty. I was a tomboy. I loved to swim, too.

3. What is your favorite thing to do as an adult?

Sleep, eat, internet, photography. I still love to swim, too, but I don’t get to do it very often.

4. If you could change something about your life, what would it be?

I’m still in the process of figuring that out. There are lots of things I’d like to change.

5. If you work, do you like what you do?

I work. A lot. It's OK, but it’s not what I dreamed of. At least I get to indirectly help people. My company will sell in a year or two so I will have the opportunity to make changes then, if I want to. I'm kind of sick of working right now. I've been working since I was 16, and the most time off I've ever taken off consecutively is two weeks. HOW SAD IS THAT? I believe I will be kicking up my heels for a while at that point.

6. What is the first thing you notice about people, besides their looks?

Whether or not they have intelligence and sense of humor.

7. If you went to college, when, where and what was your major?

I graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Washington in 1993 and majored in Criminal Justice. I went back later (in 2000 and 2001) for certification in Biomedical Regulatory Affairs.

8. What did you have for breakfast?

A chocolate protein shake. I would have rather had eggs benedict.

9. What are your plans for the next weekend?

I don’t really know. I’ve been kicking around going to the Seattle Art Museum to see the Roman Art exhibit from the Louvre. I’m not usually a museum kind of girl, but that sounds interesting to me. Either that or watch TV and eat macaroni and cheese.

10. Where will you go on your next vacation?

Vacation? What is that? If I had the money, I’d like to either go to Bora Bora or do an Israel/Egypt excursion.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Apparently I'm not worthy.

How is everyone on this fine and lovely morning? I'm having delusions of grandeur. Probably from working an INSANE number of hours. Bora Bora is just looking better and better. Annie, how is the ear? Hope you are feeling better girl, we need to bowl. I need a night out BAD.

I'm sitting here at my desk having much success slurping down a HUGE iced mocha with like, 4 shots of espresso in it, and damn it, today I got whip cream. I deserve it! I'm going to be heading back to the gym next week after I can get some sleep. I have taken quite the hiatus from lifting weights, and OMG it shows. Pumping iron always makes me feel better, so I need to get back to it. Apparently, I am negative and cynical. Fuck, who knew? LOL. Yes, it's true, all of you out there in blogland, I am not the happiest person that ever lived, but I think Denis Leary said it best "Life is a series of happy MOMENTS. A chocolate chip cookie or a 5 second orgasm." How true that is. Do you see the island pictured with the amazing water? I'm going there in my head today.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Love is Strong

So, what did I do with all that free time I had this evening? I had a Bloody Mary, listened to music and danced around my kitchen. Oh, and I took stupid pictures. You know, I would LOVE to be a photographer for a living. What fun that would be. Maybe when my company sells, (it's a start-up company) and I have to rethink my life, I'll consider it. In the meantime, I need to take a class or two, or fifty.

Anyway, here is a visual for you. I love the Rolling Stones, and tonight I was blaring "Love is Strong" off of the "Voodoo Lounge" CD. This is what I danced around the kitchen to, trying to be all erotic and stuff. Yeah, I know, try not laugh. But it does have delightfully naughty lyrics:


Love is strong and you're so sweet
You make me hard, you make me weak
Love is strong and you're so sweet
And some day, babe, we've got to meet

A glimpse of you was all it took
A stranger's glance, it got me hooked
And I followed you across the stars
I looked for you in seedy bars
What are you scared of, baby
It's more than just a dream
I need some time
We make a beautiful team
Beautiful team

Love is strong and you're so sweet
And some day, babe, we've got to meet
Just anywhere, out in the park
Out on the street and in the dark
I followed you through swirling seas
Down darkened woods with silent trees

Your love is strong and you're so sweet
You make me hard, you make me weak
I'll wait for you until the dawn
My mind is ripped, my heart is torn
And love is strong, and you're so sweet
Your love is bitter, it's taken neat

Totally funny, yet totally serious.

What would you say to an officer that pulled you over for not wearing your seatbelt? Me? Tell him you are on your period and your breasts are too sore. Works every time.

In other news, I ended up working Sunday too, after a nice long 12-hour Saturday. I am finally free (for the whole rest of the night!) and I think I'm going to ask for many days off to drink margaritas, my friends. Any joiners? (Nichole, perhaps you could come up early?)

Friday, April 04, 2008


The answer to, "How late are you going to work tonight?" is, "Until my anxiety meds wear off."

The company I work for is doing the first "human implants" with two of our new products on the 12th and 15th of April, which means serious crunch time for me. (We have developed two new medical devices that get implanted in the lumbar of the spine for spinal stenosis.) I'll probably be here until midnight or so tonight trying to get all my paperwork done, and then I'm back again tomorrow. On a Saturday! Wah.

I'm taking a short dinner break right now and catching up on the internet. More poor brain is mush, and my anxiety levels are still raging. Did I tell you that (within 4 months) my dad died, then Jim's dad died, then we found out my grandparents have severe dementia and my mom had to fly to California to help them, then when she brought my grandpa back, he attacked her, and she had to call 911 and they hauled him away. Now my poor mom, who still isn't over my dad dying, is trying to figure out how to get both of her parents in homes, and my grandpa back to California. Thank God she wasn't hurt, but it scared her. (I flew out of bed at 2 am and drove over there.) So, now you know why I'm on meds.

I am trying to find the time to take more pictures, however, and put a few on flickr. Anyway, I'm rambling here and need to get back to work.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

I was tagged.

I was tagged by "Whiney Momma", don't blame me.

4 Jobs I've Had:
Police Officer
Regulatory Affairs Specialist / Senior Document Control Specialist

4 Shows on my TiVo/DVR:
Men in Trees
Two and a Half Men

4 Places I've Been: (this is REALLY exciting)

4 Favorite Foods:
Fancy Italian Cuisine
Papa Murphy’s Pizza & Big Juicy Hamburgers
Tenderloin Steak & Australian Lobster Tail
Good Chocolate Desserts

4 CD's Recently Listened To:
Forever in Blue Jeans (Neil Diamond)
All the Right Reasons (Nickelback)
More Human than Human (White Zombie)
Saving Grace (Everlast)

4 Things You Can Do to Make My Day:
Leave a nice comment.
Bring me a present.
Give me money.
Tell me I look pretty.

4 People I Tag:
Stick Shaker
The Fabulous BriannaNichole

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chicken CPR

This is frigging hilarious. I don't know who was funnier, the woman from Arkansas or Terry Bradshaw. I'm warped, so the whole chicken in the "ICU" (a cardboard box), and then Jay remarking that a cardboard box IS an "Arkansas ICU", just made me roll. Also, the part at the end where the woman says the chicken doesn't appreciate her. LOL.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

7 Years ago today.

If you were anywhere near the Seattle area, you got rocked! We had one of the largest earthquakes in the state's history, a 6.8 magnitude. Someone showed me this video the other day where some guys at Microsoft had a webcam going during the quake. It's actually a great capture, and although it seems like a short jolt on the video, it seemed like a millennium when it was happening. It lasted like 41 seconds or something, which is long for a quake. I was walking outside of my work building going to my car to head to the gym. The ground started shaking while I was walking, and it seemed like I was surfing. I grabbed a hold of the top of my car and was praying that the glass from the all-glass building complex I was in wouldn't shatter and impale me. I managed to get my car door open, and DOVE inside. People came running out of the buildings, some screaming, it was a trip! If you experienced it, share your story with me!

Here's the video.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

What do you have on YOUR refrigerator?

Since my Mother-In-Law is a new widow, she wanted to have and know how to use a gun. Jim and I took care of that and took her shooting last weekend. Quite hilarious, I must say. I hadn't shot my gun (see below) in almost 13 years so I wanted to make sure I still "had it". Woohoo! I do! Killed that target! I was proud of myself and stuck my target on the frig. I know, I have issues.

Sig Sauer Pro 2340: A semi-automatic 40 caliber pistol

Friday, February 08, 2008

Food, Photos, and Dogs.

First, you must agree that anything sleeping is precious. ESPECIALLY fuzzy things. When I'm working on the computer, he always curls up in the middle of my mess, and snores. Second, this is my first rotisserie masterpiece of chicken. I have to say it was pretty tasty and I felt all proud and stuff that we have a ROTISSERIE. Third, do you love Giada? I love Giada. Her recipes are simple, but so tasty. You don't have to be a chef to prepare these meals, and they are relatively quick, too. This recipe called for veal, but being cheap and broke, I just used chicken. I would love to get my hands on some veal, and NO, I don't care that its baby cow, because it tastes good. Hate if you will. I think the only thing I wouldn't eat is a puppy. I told Louie he'd better watch it if things go all Jericho.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Bling

Well, I know I said I was back, but things are just not quite right around here yet. After going through all the stuff with my dad, Jim's dad went into the hospital as well, and the prognosis is not good. He was taken off of life support today and now it is just a matter of time. Our poor family is just going through hell right now, and to top it off, I've had the stomach flu. It's been a real treat, let me tell you.

The good is, for Christmas my sweet hubby re-proposed to me, and I got a new wedding ring. When we were married 13+ years ago, we had no money and just bought a cheap ring for me, and Jim has hated that I've had it this long. We still don't have much money (ha!), but now I have new bling anyway. He picked it out himself!! I love it, and because my original is sentimental to me, I now wear it around my neck on a gold necklace I also got for Christmas just for that purpose. Here is a pic. (Nichole - I promise new Louie and Maggie stories soon!)

Saturday, January 05, 2008

I'm back, kind of.

Happy New Year everybody, I really hope 2008 is better than 2007. Last year sucked major donkey dick for me, as you may know. I won't go into all the why's.

Christmas was quiet. I did crack up at the fabulous fireworks show that the Space Needle put on this year for New Years. (*snicker* They f'd it up royally, and it was quite apropos, at least for me.) I did have a nice 11 days off to sleep, though.

So, here's to y'all, may your new year be everything you want it to be!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Tribute to my Daddy

I was blessed with the best Daddy a girl could ever ask for. My Dad always made me feel safe and loved. He was never afraid to say, "I love you", or to cry. Growing up, we fished, we camped, we scrapbooked, we played games, we made cookies, we laughed, and we went to our favorite restaurants all the time, just me and him. He used to wake me up in the middle of the night to see it snowing. He used to carry me on his shoulders to watch the Disneyland parade. He worked hard so that I could have prom dresses and barbie dolls. He walked me down the aisle when I got married. I miss him so much it hurts.

My dad passed away last Tuesday, and I held his hand as he took his last breath. It was both the sweetest and most awful moment of my whole life. A part of me is gone, yet I know he is happy and in Heaven with Jesus, and in no more pain. He was and is a great man who had a great life. I love you Daddy, with all of my heart, Merry Christmas, it will never be the same without you.

I am crying too hard to type much more, so I will leave you with some of my favorite pictures: My dad doing what he loved the most, fishing. Me holding onto my dad in downtown Seattle, I was a daddy's girl bigtime. Christmas dinner in 2005 (Jim looks thrilled, doesn't he? LOL.) My dad with his beloved dog Molly. Thanksgiving dinner in 2006.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Having a hard time.

Yes, I'm still here, but I'm going through a family crisis. Please bear with me and I will post when I can.

Thank you, Cheryl

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Fences, Turtles and Vacuuming Louie

Just when I had lost all faith in human compassion, my neighbor takes it upon himself to fix my fence while I'm at work. I know. That was really, REALLY nice. It was funny, Jim came home fully expecting to have an evening of talking to the police and cussing at the mess, and when he rolled up and saw that it was fixed, he was all, "WTF?" Anyway, I'm not feeling the hate quite as much. Don't get me wrong, the teenagers around here need a big kick in the face, but I'm not hating the world and everyone in it anymore. For now.

Now on to my exciting weekend and life. We went to see the kid's Highschool play that he landed the lead role in. It was called "The Odyssey of Jeremy Jack". It was about a turtle wanting to ditch his shell or something. I don't know. Anyway, I thought this picture was cute.

Louie *loves* the vacuum. He considers it the best dog massage ever. Here is a pic of Jim vacuuming him.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Big Pile of Hate

I was too pissy to celebrate Halloween this year. I had no want to feed the local asshole teenagers candy, (who do not even dress up) because all they do is vandalize me. They have ripped my tree-border to shreds and thrown it in the street, broken branches off of my poor little innocent tree and egged my house. I have never done anything to anyone. This is the first year I haven't given out candy, and this morning, I woke up to my entire front fence knocked down and trashed. Nice, eh? I have no money to fix it. I will be filing a police report this afternoon as well as calling the homeowner's association to inform them that they will be notifying everyone that CrazyDogMama has fucking had it. HAD. IT. Keep the little fuckers inside because I'm going on the hunt. You think I'm kidding? Friday night I will be staking out the neighborhood with a camera and a BB gun.