Thursday, November 01, 2007

Big Pile of Hate

I was too pissy to celebrate Halloween this year. I had no want to feed the local asshole teenagers candy, (who do not even dress up) because all they do is vandalize me. They have ripped my tree-border to shreds and thrown it in the street, broken branches off of my poor little innocent tree and egged my house. I have never done anything to anyone. This is the first year I haven't given out candy, and this morning, I woke up to my entire front fence knocked down and trashed. Nice, eh? I have no money to fix it. I will be filing a police report this afternoon as well as calling the homeowner's association to inform them that they will be notifying everyone that CrazyDogMama has fucking had it. HAD. IT. Keep the little fuckers inside because I'm going on the hunt. You think I'm kidding? Friday night I will be staking out the neighborhood with a camera and a BB gun.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Nice neighborhood. And you want me to move there??

    I hope you find those fuckers and shoot them in the nuts with your BB gun.


  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    That sucks. Fucking teenagers.

  3. seriously, teenagers have no regard for anything and they think they are so funny, they'll get there's. just wait till they grow up and get a house, then you can have revenge for sure. ;-)

  4. That just sucks mate. Last year our home got egged too, nasty little shits.

  5. I'm coming over to help with booze in tow. That's fucked up!!
