Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy F-ing V-Day

I don't really celebrate Valentines because something bad happened to me a long time ago on this day, but from the sounds of it, there are lots of you out there that think this Hallmark Holiday is a pooper. When working in the restaurant business for such a long time, it never failed to amaze me how much people will spend on an overrated dinner and flowers. It is wall to wall people and noise, and it's funny how no one ever really looks that happy. Occasionally you'll see two newlyweds or new lovers or something holding hands over the table and gazing into each other's eyes, but rarely, and they are truly annoying anyway.

My hubby bought me Captain Crunch WITH crunch berries. Now THAT'S romantic. I had a gigantic bowl of it this morning.

Friday, February 09, 2007

I was blind, now I see.

I have new glasses. I am a total and complete nerd now. They are RED. Like Blood. As you can see. Also, they have bling! I didn't see the bling when I picked them out, but here I am.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

NEVER ask, "What are those MEME thingees?"

I was suckered. There are SO MANY QUESTIONS, it's like an interrogation! Kill me now.

1. Height? 5'4" Does anyone really care?
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? No. You can smoke heroin?
3. Do you own a gun? Yes
4. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No
5. What do you think of hot dogs? Yum
6. What's your favorite Christmas song? Carol of the Bells
7. Can you do pushups? Yes
8. Is your bathroom clean? Not at the moment.
9. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Anniversary ring.
10. Do you like painkillers? Love them.
11. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Boobs.
12. Do you have A.D.D.? No
13. Middle Name? Lyn
14. Name 3 thoughts at this moment? I'm hungry, I want to go home, Mongolian Grill sounds good.
15. Name the last 3 things you have bought? Mocha, cigarettes, gas.
16. Current worry? Bills.
17. Current hate? My stomach.
18. Favorite place to be? In water.
19. How did you bring in the New Year? Taking pictures at home.
20. Where would you like to go? Bora Bora.
21. Do you own slippers? Yes.
22. What shirt are you wearing? Maroon shirt.
23. Do you burn or tan? Tan.
24. Favorite color(s)? Red & purple.
25. Would you be a pirate? Are you asking? OK.
26. What songs do you sing in the shower? Sweet Child o' Mine by Guns and Roses.
27. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Monsters, specifically mutated bears.
28. Best bed sheets as a child? Fresh out of the dryer.
29. Worst injury you've ever had? Kidney stones.
30. How many TVs do you have in your house? Four.
31. Who is your loudest friend? Marianne.
32. Who is your most silent friend? Jenny.
33. Does someone have a crush on you? I doubt it.
34. Do u wish on shooting stars? Nope.
35. What is your favorite book? Watchers by Dean Koontz.
36. What is your favorite candy? Reses Peanut Butter Cups.
37. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? I don't think there was music.
38. What were you doing @ 12 AM last night? Trying to sleep.
39. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Fuck, I have to get up.
40. Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? Can’t say that I have.
41. What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated? 7 years
42. Ever been in a car wreck? I’ve hit 3 deer and a dog, does that count?
43. Were you popular in high school? I don’t think so, I don't know.
44. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.
45. Are looks important? Yeah, somewhat.
46. Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more? Of course.
47. By what age would you like to be married? Already married.
48. Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them? Sometimes.
49. Have you ever made a mistake? No, I’m perfect. Gimme a break.
50. Are you a good tipper? I’m really good, I was a waitress.
51. What's the most you have spent for a haircut? 60$ for a cut, much, much more for coloring.
52. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Not that I remember.
53. Have you ever peed in public? Yes.
54. What song do you want played at your funeral? No funeral for me, just cremate me and go party.
55. What would your last meal be before getting executed? Pizza, warm chocolate chips cookies.
56. Beatles or Stones? STONES.
57. If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who? Only one?
58. Beer, wine or hard liquor? Liquor.
59. Do you have any phobias? Claustrophobia and Arachnophobia.
60. What are your plans for the future? I don’t know.
61. Do you walk around the house naked? All the time.
62. If you were an animal, what would you be? Wolf.
63. Hair color you like on someone you're dating? Anything but red.
64. Would you rather be blind or deaf? Neither. But if I HAD to choose, I guess deaf.
65. Do you have any special talents? Yeah, baby.
66. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house? Release the hounds.
67. Do you like horror or comedy? Both, but horror is my favorite.
68. Are you missing anyone? No, I think everyone is here.
69. If you weren't straight, what person of the same sex would you do? No idea, don't think like that.
70. Where do you want to live when you are old? Somewhere with a pool.
71. Who is the person you can count on the most? God.
72. If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be? None.
73. What did you dream last night? That my parachute didn’t open correctly. I have dream issues.
74. Are you named after anyone? Some chick my mom went to school with, she liked her name.
75. Have you ever been arrested? No, but I’ve arrested people.
76. Would you ever get plastic surgery? Depends.
77. Have you ever caught a fish? Lots.
78. Family member you most resemble: My dad.
79. Do you own your own Bible? Several.
80. Do you clean up nice? Yeah, but sometimes I clean up mean.
81. When was the last time you tripped and fell? 30 minutes ago?
82. Where was the last place you slept besides your home? Parent’s house.
83. What are you listening to right now? Coworker chatter.
84. Have you ever started an uncontrollable fire? No, unless in the heart of my men counts, LOL!
85. Ever run out of gas on the road? No. Which is amazing.
86. What would you rather do, rake the leaves, or mow the lawn? I don’t do yard work.
87. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Pictures.
88. How many kids do you want? Zero.
89. Type of music you dislike most? Bubblegum Pop.
90. Are you registered to vote? Yes.
91. Do you have cable? Yes, that’s like asking if I have oxygen.
92. Ever prank call anybody? Sure.
93. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? I’ve been skydiving, I won’t be bungee jumping.
94. Do you have a garden? No, unless my little herb garden in my kitchen window counts.
95. What's your favorite comic strip? Calvin and Hobbs.
96. Bath or Shower? Shower with something to sit on.
97. Best pizza toppings? Pepperoni, green pepper, jalapeños and pineapple.
98. Popcorn or Peanuts? Peanuts.
99. Orange Juice or apple juice? Orange Juice.
100. Chocolate Bar? Yes, please.
101. When was the last time you ate a homegrown tomato? I don’t know.
102. Ever order anything from an infomercial? No.
103. Sprite or 7-Up? Sprite.
104. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work/school? Yes, work.
105. Ever thrown up in public? Yup.
106. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? When I was 12, true love, now? Money.
107. Believe in love at first sight? Not really.
108. What do you think about most? Damn bills.
109. Favorite form of travel? Private jet.
110. Something purple within 5 feet of you: Writing on my wall calendar.
111. The sexiest item of clothing you own: See-through thong underwear that I never wear.
112. Is your hair long enough to chew on? Yes.
113. Least favorite color? Yellow.
114. Ever have Dippin' Dots? No.
115. Ever play an instrument? Piano.
116. Ever been to a palm reader? No.
117. Last Pez dispenser you purchased? Don’t like Pez.
118. Did you have a good weekend? It was OK.
119. How is today going for you? So-so.
120. Any plans for tonight? TV.
121. Ever given someone a full-body oil massage? I’ve given a partial body oil massage.
122. What shampoo do you use? Aveda Sap Moss.

OMG, I'm finally done.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Body Parts and Recipes

That sounds wrong, doesn't it? HA!

Anyways, I have a tattoo. It is fading, but I have one. I got it right before I got married 13+ years ago, and my mom saw it for the first time while I was trying on wedding dresses. It didn't go well. (Hi, Mom!) She has since gotten over it, but I wanted to show the internet my blasphemy.

It is very difficult to photograph an ankle tattoo with your cell phone, let me just tell you. It is a rose piercing a heart, and "Jim" in cursive. I had it designed, so it is an original. Jim got one for me, too. It is a huge bouquet of roses with a "Cheryl" banner across the stems.

I also took a picture of my tongue. I have no idea why. OK! Now, aren't you hungry? Recipes have been requested from me for the former food pics. I am seriously lazy, so I will only do one right now.

Gorgonzola Pasta (serves 3-4)

1. Boil 1 package of penne pasta until al dente, sprinkling a bit of salt in the water.

2. You can either grill your own chicken breasts (2), or you can be lazy like me and buy the pre-grilled ones, and just warm them up and cut them up into bite sized pieces.

3. In a separate pan, sauté 1 tablespoon of minced garlic with a little bit of olive oil until it browns.

4. Add 1 cup of heavy whipping cream, 1/4 cup of white wine, and 1 Boullion cube (mixed with a little bit of hot water) to the browned garlic and reduce (simmer) for about 10-15 minutes. Once you start to see it boil just a little, reduce heat a tad, and add 1/2 cup of crumbled gorgonzola cheese, and grated parmesan to taste. Add some red pepper flakes and cracked pepper to taste. Simmer for another 6-7 minutes until everything is thoroughly blended and thickened up. Add the grilled chicken and stir.

5. Add a little butter (real butter) to the pasta once it is drained and stir. Dump the pasta in the sauté pan and toss with the sauce for a minute or so. Serve the pasta on a plate (not a bowl) and sprinkle chopped hazelnuts and parsley on top. YUMMY.

NOTE: Buy the best quality you can of the cheeses, it does make a difference.

All of the things I cook are simple stupid to make. I am not a chef by any means. I got most of my ideas from working in upscale restaurants for 17 years. Bon Appetite!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Why I don't lose weight.

I love to cook. I love to eat. End of story. Here are a few of my recent dishes. I've been in a gourmet mood lately and the husband is loving it. He does think I'm certifiable though, for taking pictures of my food. Who needs those stinking expensive restaurants!

#1 This is a CrazyDogMama favorite. Penne pasta with chicken in a gorgonzola cream sauce topped with diced hazelnuts and parsley.

#2 Crab cakes in a vodka tomato cream sauce accompanied by a small tenderloin steak and baked golden potato with chives, bacon and sour cream. Yeah, no calories in this dish.

#3 Stuffed pork tenderloin in a red wine demiglace. Super yummy.

#4 Alcoholic dessert anyone? This is a German spiced wine, pretty cheap, but a 10 on the yum-yum scale. Just heat on the stove and serve with a cinnamon stick. (That's Louie in the background, he motors around the kitchen when I'm cooking.)

#5 The wine in a pretty cup.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

OK, enough with the white shit already.

I am looking painfully out of my work window at the big-ass snowflakes falling on the already frozen snow. It is not that bad here (yet), but we still have a good 6 to 8 inches where I live, and I can just imagine how my commute home is going to go. *Sigh* I love the snow when I can romp and play in it, but a 6-hour commute with idiot drivers isn't my idea of a good time.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Only going to get just a few inches MY ASS!

Yeah, we got like a little over a FOOT of snow. It is 11 pm and I just got home from WORK. Bah! The snow is fun now that I can torture the dogs in it, but driving in it, SUCKS ASS.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Cracking Skulls

We had quite the little scare with the teenager a couple of days before Christmas. My stepson decided that jumping onto a moving car would be a hoot. Not so much. His friends and him were goofing around and he jumped onto the trunk of his buddies' car, just as it was about to be gunned forward. My stepson smacked his head on the pavement (literally). He actually cracked his skull and was bleeding out of his eardrum. His friends rushed him to the hospital, and my husband and I were the ones his friends decided to notify first. We flew out of the house and when we got there, they had him in a neck brace. Talk about having a panic attack!

It turned out that the neck brace was just a precaution, but they did do X-rays and later an MRI and a CTI Scan. They said he would be fine, but then the next day he started developing this weird face-thing. His eyes did not blink at the same time, and his smile was crooked. Face paralysis. GREAT. After seeing a specialist, they told us he got really lucky. He will be fine. Thank God. Here is a funny part, he was wearing a T-shirt that said "I do my own stunts" the day of the accident. It was a little comical seeing it all bloodstained in the hospital.

Here is a picture of the delinquents. Bill (my stepson) is the one in the back in white. They are all in drama club together.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

First Christmas Present.

The first present I opened, need I say more? Diablo will be proud of me. We chatted a few times on her website before she was a superstar. A real sweetheart.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Happy Mode

I am finally in the Christmas spirit. It took a while with all the stress in my personal life, but today I just realized how very blessed I am. I have some of the best friends a person could ever ask for, and I'm sitting in my little cozy home (that we have come close to losing so many times) having a little spiked eggnog, complete with fuzzy appendages attached to my hip. (Louie and Maggie, the furbutts.) A lot has happened this year, both bad and good, but in reflection I can say that everything has come to such a peaceful end for me in 2006. Sure, there are still the stresses of finances and work and the like, but I know in my heart everything is going to be OK. I give the credit to God for that. For the families out there who are struggling, or for the soldiers who are at war, my thoughts and prayers are with you. 2007 is going to be a year of giving and helping for us, as we have received so much of that ourselves in this past year.

Pictures are a little fuzzy, but I wanted to take them without flash. Our pretty little tree looks great against my red wall! Sparklies!

Monday, December 04, 2006

CrazyDogMama vs. Deer

OK folks, I am going for the all-time record in plowing over deer with my vehicle. Last Friday night made THREE. I have hit THREE deer since 1997, all with different cars. This is a major statistical feat, wouldn't you say? Obviously, I have lived through all of them the deer not so much. Due to the snowstorm last week, I get to drive around a lovely Hyundai for two weeks while my SUV is fixed. I don't have a scratch on me, in fact all I said after I hit it was "goddamnit" very calmly. I have apologized to God for that.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Snow was more fun when I was a kid.

Now it is just a pain in the rectal region. I had a lovely 3-hour commute home last Monday night when another little winter blast started right as I left work. Then, neither Jim nor I could get to work the next day. Driving has been stupid and slow. The only fun thing is watching the dogs try to maneuver in it. We got about 7 inches in our backyard, then we had a deep freeze (17 frigging degrees), then a nice ice storm.

Here are some pics from the drive, and my iced-over windows which take a millennium to unthaw. Good times. Driving home on solid ice, I really should be paying attention to my driving, but I digress.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Turkey, Napping & Snow

All in all, a nice holiday weekend, complete with a winter storm. The news said we are to get 3 to 6 inches of snow tonight!

Crappy photos for your viewing pleasure: Jim working his turkey magic. My kitchen, the disaster area. Jim eating light with one turkey-plate, and one side-dish plate. Dog butts frolicking in the snow, and "Snowback Mountain".

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

MOM, enough with the flash already!

I know I take too many pics of my puppies, but this one cracked me up. The flash made poor Lou scrunch his eyes closed, LOL!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanksgiving Menu!

Well, I'm taking tomorrow off to start cooking for turkey day. I love holidays that revolve around FOOD. Here is my plan, please tell me what your plan is! I love new ideas!

Baked Artichoke Dip with Baguette Bread
Cajun prawns
Wine and Beer

19-pound Butterball Turkey
Seasoned Stuffing
Poultry Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Baked Pineapple (old family recipe)
Green Bean Crunch
Cranberry Sauce
Apple Cider

Pumpkin Pie
Dutch Apple Pie
Banana Pudding Crunch (family recipe)
Baileys and Coffee

Pictures to follow...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope it's a good one!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Starbucks Cream Liqueur

OMG, do NOT try this, or you'll be in danger of becoming an alcoholic. Seriously.

Friday, November 17, 2006

One word MEME from Sarcomical.

You can only use one word to answer the questions.

Yourself: Zombified
Your partner: Funny
Your hair: Messy
Your mother: Hospitable
Your father: Love
Your favorite item: Camera
Your dream last night: War
Your favorite drink: Mocha
Your dream car: Hummer
Your dream home: Cedar
The room you are in: Cube
Your ex: Gone
Your fear: Betrayal
Where you want to be in ten years: Happy
Who you hung out with last night: Jim
What you're not: Sane
Muffins: Chocolate
One of your wish list items: Money
Time: Quick
The last thing you did: Cigarette
What you are wearing: Clothes
Your favorite weather: Stormy
Your favorite book: Horror
Last thing you ate: Oatmeal
Your life: Crazy
Your mood: OK
Your best friends: Nuts
What are you thinking about right now: Food
Your car: Dirty
What are you doing at the moment: Writing
Your summer: Hot
Relationship status: Married
What is on your tv: Nothing
What is the weather like: Grey
When is the last time you laughed: Yesterday

Yes, I am alive.

I know, I know, it's been 2 weeks since I have posted. Let me tell you, LOTS has been going on in my life lately. Let me start with the flooding.

Last week we had some serious rain, and the town I live in was under water. My house was OK because I live on a hill, but getting back and forth to work wasn't happening well. We're talking only one way out of town, and 30 billion people going that way at the same time. Here are some pics I took driving:

All the poor downtown businesses were under water. The water was coming up to the road, water should not be on the right at all. (Notice the really nice crack in my windshield. Stupid trucks.) There was one part where I'm like "OH SHIT", the water is spilling over the bridges!

It is hard to take pics when you are driving and starting to get a little nervous.

After a 3.5 hour commute the next day, I decided to stay with my mom for a couple of days who lives 5 minutes from where I work. I don't like being away from home, but there was (OF COURSE) an audit going on at my work, and it was critical that I get there.

I worked 30 hours in two days because of the audit. Ugh. THEN, when I went back home, Jim and I got into a huge fight and I went back to my mom's for the weekend.

My birthday was Sunday, too. I am not all that thrilled with turning 35, but Jim and I made up that day, so it turned out nice.

Let's see, hmm. Oh! I had a migraine yesterday and had to stay home from work. Is that enough drama to get out of blogging for a few weeks? I think so. But I'm back now.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Boy, this would really suck.

Since I have been slacking on my earthquake fear mongering lately, here is a nice up-beat read:

Things that irritate me, part four million and six.

1. When people honk their car horns, and it is NOT an emergency. It scares the crap out of me.
2. When people spell LOSE with two O's. (Loose). OMG! Come ON! (I may have mentioned this before, but it REALLY bugs me.)
3. People who do not have a sense of humor.
4. Cutesy home decor. Like cartoon stitchery angels and shit. GAG ME.
5. Too much clutter on your work desk that is not work related. We all have some, I'm talking ridiculous amounts here.
6. When people put their kids on the phone. I do not wish to have a conversation with a toddler, thank you. Put your dog on the phone instead, it will be more intellectual for me.
7. People who think their kids are too cute to be annoying. YOU ARE WRONG.
8. Tailgaters. I will slam on my brakes, don't do it.
9. People at Costco who will not MOVE OUT OF MY WAY when I say excuse me.
10. People who hum.
11. People who don't like dogs.
12. When people stand too close to me. Get out of my personal space.
13. When people don't stand by their word.
14. When you tell someone to shut up at the movie theatre, then they have an attitude with you. OH PLEASE COME OVER HERE AND LET ME SMACK THE CRAP OUT OF YOU.
15. Reality shows. (Sorry, everyone)
16. Packaged things that are too hard to open.

If you do any of these things, it doesn't mean I hate you, I'm sure I annoy plenty of people. Get over yourself.