Friday, January 27, 2006

I am Betty Grable

I took this stupid online test, and apparently, I'm "Betty Grable".  The ultimate girl next door, the perfect girl for most guys, pretty yet approachable, and beautiful yet real.  I don't know if I agree with this, but OK.  What famous pinup are you?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

I've still got it!

OK, so I was doing a little grocery shopping yesterday after work and apparently when you aren't wearing a wedding ring and you use a grocery basket to shop instead of a cart, men think you are available. Now, before you think I'm a big whore, the whole not-wearing-the-ring-thing is not intentional, I just forget to put it back on in the morning, and sometimes I'm too bloated because being a woman can suck. You also have to realize that I live in a small town, and everyone is friendly and talkative. Not a whore!

So, I was meandering up and down the aisles and this guy was kind of following me. I stopped in the frozen section and picked up a lasagna. The guy asked if those were "any good" and I looked up and said, "Yeah, they are, they're really good". He struck up a conversation with me about stupid random shit. I didn't think much of it, he just seemed friendly. I'm also not so good-looking that I automatically assume a man is hitting on me just because he is talking to me. It was the end of the day, too, and I looked like a trainwreck per usual.

I continued shopping and he went the other way. A few minutes later, we ran into each other in the Mexican food aisle. He looked up and smiled at me and said, "Hello again!". I said "Hi" and chuckled like anyone would do. I picked up the all-fat refried beans. This must have been the selling point because it was then that he apologized for being so forward and asked me out. This is where it gets funny. I'm sure I looked like one of those cartoon characters where their jaw drops to the floor and said something really intelligent like, "Huh?" Yeah, that's what I said. I was in a little bit of shock, you see. Sometime between him telling me that I was beautiful (which really threw me off) and telling me that he was a newly retired Navy guy, I managed to blurt out that I was married. He said "darn" and other stuff I don't remember due to the fact that my brain was fogged in, and I was still trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

I'm not sure how long I held the refried beans in my hand, but my ego was totally doing back flips. When I got to the checkout counter, I told the girl that I just got hit on. I told her what happened talking a mile a minute I'm sure and said I couldn't wait to go home and tell my husband! (Yes, I am freak loser who told this to the check-out girl.) She laughed and said that her husband would kick her ass if that happened to her. I retorted with, "Yeah, because YOU are cute and young and perky, I am old and fat and married, and am going to tell the whole world on the internet."

Jim wasn't all that thrilled, though, which made me giddy. I can't help it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Earthquake Warning

Sorry guys, I know how much you love this stuff, but if I don't post it, and it could have helped someone, well, you know. Guilt and shit.

It is a serious earthquake warning for Southern California (7.0 or greater is expected from a scientific perspective within a week), a letter was even sent to Governor Arnold. USGS is down right now, probably due to high amounts of activity. A "main signal" is what they are waiting on to make the final prediction of when and where. There was a 5.6 magnitude off the Oregon about an hour ago, as well. It is always a good idea to stock up on supplies, even if it is a false reading. Be safe.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

For whom the bell tolls.

So, during a short nap, I dreamed of a big, huge gold bell being rung and suddenly awoke. This is what the "Dreammoods" website has to say about it:

Bells: To hear a bell in your dream, represents a warning or a call to order. It may also be a signal from your unconscious to prepare you for whatever is happening next. If the bell rings and never stops, then it suggests that you are experiencing extreme anxiety.

My assessment: My life is probably getting ready to go off the rails. Neat.

Slowly climbing out of the depths of hell.

The end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006 have been rough, to say the least. My sleeping patterns are almost back to normal now, but I am still dealing with the whole dry-heave thing every morning. I don't know if its postnasal drip or nerves. Probably both. In any case, it's really fun.

Thanks, everyone, for putting up with this angry/whiny/psycho/depression thing I've had going on. You have all been so great and encouraging! I will be back to my normal cynical/sarcastic self soon, God-willing.

Monday, January 09, 2006

There is no happy medium for me.

I either can't sleep, or I'm in a coma. I was in a coma this weekend. It went something like this: Sleep. Get up and eat something. Go back to sleep. Get up and check my email. Go back to sleep. Get up and eat again. Sleep. You get the picture. The dogs are grumpy about it, and I didn't get anything done. I am still sleepy this morning, as if I somehow 60 hours of sleep over the weekend wasn't enough. My internal clock is completely FUBAR. Are you sick of me talking about my sleeping habits yet?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Sleep, beautiful sleep.

I slept for SEVEN WHOLE HOURS, people. However, it was from 4pm to 11pm, so I'll fucking be up all night anyways. Gah.

So, I'm going to get Diablo Cody's book as soon as I can find $18. Consequently, SHE has had insomnia too, it's weird, I've talked to about 5 people now who have had it in the past week. It must be going around. Maybe we all have the bird flu, and this is one of the symptoms.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The joy of being a CrazyDogMama.

After a shit day, I come home. One dog pisses on floor, the other dog pukes. The piss-dog tries to eat the puke-dogs puke. I clean it up and dry heave in the kitchen sink because I haven't eaten all day due to stress. I have a beer. I will probably be "Sleepless in Seattle" again tonight because my anxiety level is off the charts. It might be rubbing off on the dogs. Somebody kill me now.

Sleep happens.

I finally got a few Z's. Not many, mind you, but a few. I went to bed at 10 pm last night after taking a sleeping pill and didn't wake up until 3 am. Five hours is better than nothing! Light looks like actual light today instead of orange, glowy shadows, and my ears have stopped ringing. THANK GOD. I have decided that it's not really 2006 for me until next week, when all the Christmas food is gone, and I am no longer zombie-woman. Then, and only then, will I revisit my resolutions. Until then, rational thoughts and good eating are dead to me.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

This is what happens when I have Insomnia.

I do have some serious insomnia. It is 5:18 am in the New Year and I haven't been to bed. It's been this way for 5 days now. I nap a little during the day, but that's it. Usually, I sleep too much so I don't know what to do with myself. The house is quiet. Everyone is asleep. The dogs even gave up on me. This is bad. I'm pacing, listening to my iPod, and blogging. The strangest stuff goes through your head at 3 am.

Anyway, I found this little tidbit from "Palm Tree Princess". It's some sort of "MEME" thing. Whatever that is. Happy New Year.

1. What did you do in 2005 that you’d never done before?
Paid some bills late. Gah.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Kept some, totally screwed some up. Yes, I have resolutions, more like goals.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Nope. Thank God.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Nope. Thank God.
5. What countries did you visit?
None. I never go ANYWHERE.
6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005?
7. What dates from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
May 20th, leaving my job of 10 years. It was scary and quite freeing, I was severely stuck in a rut.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I quit smoking for a few weeks.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Gaining more frigging weight.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I suffered more mental illness, and I had a really bad cold. I also fell down some stairs and really messed up my ankle, then I fell off of a ladder and slammed my head into a coffee table.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Sony Laptop.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mine, of course.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

Mine, of course.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Damn credit card companies and that really awesome espresso stand down the street.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My new job where I get paid lots more money for doing less work.
16. What song will always remind you of 2005?
'Feeling Way Too Damn Good' by Nickelback. I don't know why.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

Both, for different reasons.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Eating correctly.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Eating poorly.
20. How will you be spending New Year’s Eve?
Um, its January now, so I have no idea.
21. Did you fall in love in 2005?
Yes. With my iPod Shuffle.
22. How many one-night stands?
100. Kidding, I'm married, with morals.
23. What was your favorite TV program?
24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

No, I still hate all the same people.
25. What was the best book you read?

'While I Was Gone" by Sue Miller, but I still haven't finished it.
26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I don't know, I guess I listened to Hoobastank for the first time, and Nickelback.
27. What did you want and get?
Portable printer and a bonus from work.
28. What did you want and not get?
Respect from Louie and Maggie.
29. What was your favorite film of this year?
Probably "The Devil's Rejects".
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 34 and I went to Scrapbook camp. Shut up.
31.What one thing made your year measurably more satisfying?
My year was not measurably satisfying in any way.
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?
Like I have a fashion concept. Nudity, mostly.
33. What kept you sane?
I am not sure I have ever been sane.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
None. I hate celebrities and public figures.
35. What political issue stirred you the most?
36. Who did you miss?

Some friends from my old work.
37. Who was the best new person you met?
All the people I work with now, they rock.
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005.
I should never get on ladders.
39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
I don't feel like it.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Starbucks Coffee Liqueur

This is the Yummiest Yumness in the History of the World. It is going to be a very good evening.

When you smell like gingerbread.

Men follow you around and buy you flowers.

Being girly.

Despite my recent fixation on everything horror, I am still a girly-girl. I got some perfume and body lotion for Christmas! In fact, here is some body butter I got that makes me smell all yummy. "Gingerbread Body Butter", OMG.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

The kid and his loot.

He got a "PSP" for Christmas. I don't even know what it is. Some kind of gaming thingee? I'm so out of the loop.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Year is almost over.

What a year. The new job was the biggest change, because it was a major move out of my ten-year comfort zone. I'm super glad I took the leap, though. It's not just that it is more money, which is great, but I found out that I don't have to be afraid anymore or feel trapped. It's like I was co-dependent with my job! I have more confidence, and the future doesn't seem so bleak. Yes, I'm still suffer from anxiety, but that is going to happen no matter what job I have. I don't know what 2006 holds, but I'm looking forward to finding out! Right now, I'm just going to enjoy some days off with hubs & the pups. Hope everyone is enjoying time with their families.

Wolf Creek Review

There are good points, and there are bad points. All in all, it was well done, but it left me wanting. The storyline was good, the musical score was great (creepy) and the acting was really good. It took a while to get going, but I can't complain about that because so did the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. What made me angry was all the editing. I did some research on the deleted scenes, and damnit I don't understand why they didn't keep them in! The movie was short, and with a slow start you didn't get to see enough good stuff. What was there was good, but when it ended, I'm all like, that's it? I need more blood! I need more spinal cords ripped out! Just when it gets all juicy, it ends. I found a deleted scene where one of the girls go down a mining shaft looking for one of her friends and finds all kinds of disgusting stuff. That is what horror film fanatics go see the movie for, dumbasses! Stupid editors. Stupid movie studios. They ruin more flicks that way. Remember when the movie studios got in trouble for films like "The Exorcist"? Remember when it was up to the individual on whether or not they HAD to wear a seatbelt? Fucking communist bastards.

Monday, December 26, 2005

I need to see this one.

"Wolf Creek" came out on Christmas day. If it wasn't for that family of mine, I totally would have gone to see it. I will probably be seeing it today, even though I will probably have to sell blood to afford it. NINE fricking dollars to go see a damn movie. How worth it though, when the previews say, "Best horror flick since the Texas Chainsaw Massacre"? Yeah, they sold me with THAT line!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Best Christmas Present *EVER*

My Mother-In-Law knows me well! Leatherface! The action figure! Complete with chainsaw and armadillo! LOL!

Christmastime at Crazydogmama's

We are all ready. Presents are wrapped, dogs are washed and wearing their jingle bells, camera batteries are charged. We ate massive amounts of lasagna for dinner and watched "A Christmas Story", "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", and all the "Friends" Christmas episodes. Ahhh. Tomorrow starts our celebrating. We are going to my in-law's house for Christmas Eve to open presents and have dinner with my stepson, and then we're spending Christmas morning and Christmas dinner with my parents. I will be exhausted. This is my first Christmas in a long time without smoking, and I'm really hoping my stress level stabilizes. If not, alcohol and Lexapro will have to do. I took a picture of our tree, and the dogs with their bells on. Have a Holly Jolly Christmas y'all!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

An Explanation, a Thank You, and an Ode to My Butt-Warmer

Oh Butt-warmer, how much do I love thee? Let me count the ways. While snot is flying, rain is pouring, and traffic reports are blaring, you warm my ass like no other. I love you so. You made it so I sang this morning, "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire". I don't know how I can repay you for your kindness.

OK, back to sanity. I'm feeling better today, and my butt is happy. I want to thank all of my blog-readers for being so kind and I want to wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANNUKKAH or whatever you celebrate! You have made me smile this week.

Now for explanations. What the hell was I talking about yesterday? Well, here it is. Life is short. Life is too short to waste on a bad mood, which is what I've been in what seems like, an eternity. There are lots of things I want to do in 2006, and yes one of them is to get back into shape, but more importantly, I want to appreciate what I have more. I have a nice home, I have a loving family, I have a great husband who, even though has been a booger this week, is truly a great man that I love with all my heart. I have many blessings that I take for granted, and I don't want to do that anymore. Jim and I had a long talk last night about the state of the world and the state of our hearts. He wrote me a love letter for Christmas. He was going to type it up all nice and put it in my stocking, but because I have been in such a funk, he decided to give it to me last night. It was so cool it made me cry. It was full of fond memories we share. He ended it with "You are my lobster." For those of you who are "Friends" fans, you'll know what that means.

Here's to all of you, may your New Year be awesome!

Love, CrazyDogMama and the Fur-Butts