Saturday, December 03, 2005

Saturday Morning at Crazydogmama's

We woke up to surprise snow. Watch out for the yellow spots! I took a picture of my cheesy-eggs, maple bacon, and toast with real butter, because who eats healthy when it snows? Me wants BACON.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

As the famous "Dooce" once said, "Deck the Motherfucking Halls"

We didn't get any snow. It's all rain. I'm very disappointed. I stayed up late like a 4-year-old, waiting for the snow, that would never come. Damn weatherman. I had the hot chocolate ready and everything, with little marshmallows in it. I hurt my back AGAIN. I have no money. Don't talk to me today. I'm cranky.

Monday, November 28, 2005


It was 24 degrees outside this morning. This is highly unusual for us in November, AND there is a chance of snow tonight! I love the snow! (As long as it doesn't inconvenience me.) I'm sitting here eating a nice warm bowl of oatmeal while trying to remember that the long weekend is over, and I need to work now. Poo. I think I was asleep more than I was awake on Saturday and Sunday, but here comes Monday and it feels like I need toothpicks to keep my eyelids open. Go figure.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Important Question

How do you gracefully remove potato chip crumbs from your bra when the bathroom is occupied?

Answer: You do not. There is no dignified way to reach down into your bra and remove tiny barbecued potato chip crumbs in public. I speak from experience.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Garage Poker

Once upon a time, it was a boring Friday night at CrazyDogMama's house. She and her husband are so pitiful that they decide to play Poker (in the famous garage) with just each other because they apparently have no friends. What was even more pitiful was that CrazyDogMama lost and had to do the dishes. ANYWAY, I have to tell you that Poker is worse than frigging Monopoly. It takes FOREVER. I think we went through 3 packs of cigarettes and a case of beer. You know it's bad when you start betting the black chips when all you have in your hand is a pair of 2's, just to speed things along.

I've been learning "Texas Holdem" too, which is cool, except that I keep forgetting to flip over the cards when I'm dealing and keep WANTING to flip over the cards when I'm NOT dealing. (That could be the beer, though.) Yeah, it's looking like Saturday night will be CrazyDogMama's revenge. I wonder what will be at stake tonight.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

100 Things

If you follow my Blog, you may already know some of this stuff, but read it anyways because what better way could you spend your time?

1. I had REALLY crooked buck teeth when I was young. (Got braces)
2. I will not eat meatloaf. Period. Not even yours.
3. I am geographically challenged.
4. The movie “Prophecy” scared the SHIT out me when I was young.
5. I like to smell my dogs; it is a comforting smell.
6. I hate (and I mean HATE) it when someone spells ‘lose’ with two O’s as “loose”. It really, really bugs me, people.
7. Since we have been together (12 years now) I have not been apart from my husband for more than 5 days, and only once was I gone 5 days.
8. I like meat served rare.
9. I don’t like old movies. (Black & White)
10. I don’t think infants are cute. Sorry.
11. I am allergic to cats, wasps and Sulfa.
12. I have worn Estee Lauder cosmetics since I was 16.
13. I have jumped out of an airplane seven times.
14. I still can’t drink Bourbon. (Not since I was 16, anyway.)
15. I have had food poisoning 3 times, from Mayonnaise on a Subway sandwich, from sausage on a "Little Caesar's" pizza, and from grocery store sushi.
16. I got the chicken pox when I was 21.
17. I hardly had anything to do with planning my own wedding. My bridesmaids did most of it for me.
18. I hate thong underwear.
19. I love thunderstorms. I made my husband turn the TV off the other day so I could listen to one.
20. My favorite vegetables are onions, peppers, squash and asparagus.
21. My favorite herb is cilantro.
22. I hate creamed corn, peas, water chestnuts and most kinds of mushrooms.
23. My blood type is B+.
24. I was born on a Friday.
25. I have a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington.
26. The song "Worlds Apart" by "Jars of Clay" makes me cry EVERY. TIME. I. LISTEN. TO. IT.
27. I don’t mind the rain and I know how to drive in the snow.
28. The colors in the front room of my house are red, orange and purple.
29. I would rather email than talk on the phone.
30. All my DVDs are in alphabetical order.
31. I can gross anyone out. Guaranteed.
32. I love theme and amusement parks.
33. I don’t really like popcorn, but I’ll eat my husband’s when I’m at the movies.
34. I hate arrogance. I cannot stay friends with someone arrogant.
35. I hate the month of February.
36. I could eat (good) Italian food every day.
37. I am a total klutz.
38. I don’t like fruit by itself. It has to be in or with something else.
39. I’m claustrophobic and have arachnophobia.
40. I only make the bed when company is coming over.
41. I have to wash my bath towel after every use. It's just a thing with me.
42. If I don’t get AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep, just forget it.
43. I love fuzzy martinis.
43. My favorite "Atari" game was "Adventure".
44. Don’t put nuts in my dessert.
45. My favorite flowers are Tulips and Stargazer Lilies.
46. I hate riding a regular bike, but I love motorcycles.
47. I love 70’s music.
48. When I laugh really hard, tears roll down my cheeks uncontrollably.
49. I couldn’t belch (loud) until I was 25.
50. I was in a Spelling Bee once. I lost.
51. I drink milk with pizza.
52. I saw "Raiders of the Lost Ark" in the theatre 7 times.
53. I am always pulling my underwear out of my butt.
54. I like the smell of gasoline.
55. I use Mentadent toothpaste.
56. I use the ring that my cell phone came with. I am not going to change it.
57. I don’t know how to sew.
58. I hate musicals.
59. My favorite Dean Koontz book is a toss-up between "Intensity" and "Watchers".
60. I don’t wear earrings very often, although I have tons of them.
61. I can sleep anytime, anywhere, unless I have insomnia.
62. I like to cook.
63. I don’t like to garden.
64. My favorite time of year is the Fall.
65. I love Christmastime.
66. I learned how to play poker last summer.
67. I still don’t know how to play checkers.
68. I made up a game called “Keep off the Floor” when I was little. It was like ‘Blind Man’s Bluff” except you had to crawl around on the furniture and never touch the floor. I always got everyone in trouble playing it.
69. “The Brave Little Toaster” is the best cartoon ever made.
70. I like to crack my knuckles.
71. I hate shopping for clothes.
72. I put Tabasco on everything.
73. I don’t use hairspray anymore. In the 80’s, though, I went through a can a week.
74. I like having long fingernails.
75. I really want to visit Santorini, Greece.
76. I used to sleepwalk.
77. I talk in my sleep.
78. I remember my dreams every night.
79. I can’t put eye drops in my eyes.
80. I sweat A LOT. ALL THE TIME. I hate it.
81. I hate dirty or stained carpeting. I am always obsessing about my carpet.
82. The fitted sheet on my bed is always messed up or coming off. I never fix it.
83. I cannot sleep with more than one pillow.
84. I know all the words to "Take it Easy" by the Eagles, and it is uncanny how much I sound like Axel Rose when I’m singing "Sweet Child ‘O Mine".
85. I really must have croutons on my salad.
86. I take my wedding ring off at night, so it won’t rip the bed sheets, and often times I forget to put it back on in the morning. People always ask me about it and I say, “Sometimes I’m married, sometimes I’m not.” They don’t know what to say to that.
87. My husband is a war veteran.
88. I use the butt-warmer button in my car in the summertime.
89. I have to have the air-conditioning on in my bedroom every night. Even if it 2 degrees outside.
90. When I am sitting, I bounce/jiggle my right leg up and down continuously like a jackhammer. It drives everyone nuts. I can’t help it.
91. I used to have a really cute squeaky girl-sneeze; now it is just loud, obnoxious and messy. My husband really misses my cute sneezes.
92. I don’t like “The Beatles”.
93. I don’t like “Elvis”.
94. I am usually always wearing something black.
95. I can’t keep lipstick on, I subconsciously lick it off within 5 minutes.
96. If I am trying to find an address when driving, I can’t have the radio on because it is too distracting.
97. I hate wearing a seatbelt.
98. When I talk on my cell phone too long, my hand/arm goes numb.
99. I wear perfume every day.
100. I have one tattoo.

Flying in a Cessna

I got to go on a plane ride yesterday on my lunch break! One of the engineers I work with is a pilot, and he takes turns giving us all rides, and it was my turn today. So fun! First time I've been in a Cessna without jumping out of it. LOL! In the photos you'll see Seattle and Lake Washington.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Halloween 2005

Theme: Drunken Disco Bliss of the 70’s. Don’t even ask, Jim was dressed up as Captain Spaulding from “House of 1000 Corpses”. (Well, SHIT the bed!) He rationalized that the movie plot took place in the 70’s, so it was an allowed costume at the 70’s-themed party. I especially liked the “Bob Ross Happy Trees” T-shirt. Later in the evening, Jim decided to wear my wig. He makes a lovely blonde, no? It was frightening.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Baby Boom

Everyone seems to be having babies right now. Bloggers, neighbors, celebrities, everyone! It's like nature is on a baby binge. I don't know whether to congratulate you all or send my condolences. I know, I know, a baby is a gift from God, but STILL. Its freaking me out! Everywhere I look there are baby heads! I must tell you, though, that I had sympathy-heaves for you this morning. I woke up and had dry heaves for like, an HOUR. No, I'm not pregnant, don't go there.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Angry CrazyDogMama

So, what the hell is this new trend (that makes me want to chain them up and throw them in my crawlspace) where older kids come to my door on Halloween wanting candy WITHOUT A FUCKING COSTUME ON? They don't even say "Trick or Treat"! People are saying that if you don't comply (give them candy anyways) then your house or car will get vandalized, or some such shit. REALLY? BRING IT. I'm going to stay up on my roof all night with a pellet gun and pick off the first motherfucker who comes near my house.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Best Invention Since Bacardi

The "Tide to Go" pen. That's right, people. That new little stain remover pen that, in all its glory, has become a staple for CrazyDogMama's purse. Now I can pretend I'm normal and walk around with no food stains on my boobs! It's so wonderful! I'm worried about my co-workers, though, they won't be able to make fun of me every day. Well, actually, I'm sure they'll think of something. It's certainly not that difficult.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Haunted House and Lack of Caffeine

I feel like I crawled to work this morning. I refrained from stopping by my favorite little coffee stand today because I've just been too out of control with it. (What was I thinking?) I'm having oatmeal and a protein shake instead. But I'm dying from no caffeine. My weekend ending up being way busier than I thought it was going to be, so I am a total zombie this morning. I didn't get a damn thing done I wanted to get done, and its leg/back day today at the gym. That means squats, lunges and dead lifts. I'm a little whiny about that, but what's new.

Jim took Billy to a haunted house this weekend, and I so wish I could have been there to see those two scream like girls. (I was having a girl's night out.) Anyway, the house apparently had different rooms with different movie themes. One room was "The Exorcism of Emily Rose", one room was the little girl from "Poltergeist" touching a TV, one room was a mad doctor cutting some woman to pieces, one room was from "Saw" with two men chained up next to a dead body, and finally there was an actual well that had the girl from "The Ring" crawling out of it. All through the house people were grabbing at them and some guy was running around with a chainsaw. What fun I missed!

Friday, October 21, 2005

I'm sorry, but it was funny.

Oh. My. God. Did anyone see the new episode of Southpark last night? I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. I suppose it really isn't funny, but yet it was.

Dude standing on top of his house in the flood:
"Hellooo? Anybody? We would like to be rescued now, please. Any day now."

Jim and I must have rewound the TiVo like, 50 times. Then, the end. That's when I spewed Pepsi out of my nose. I know, I'm probably going to hell.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wilma, Surface, and the Shambles That is My Kitchen

First things first. I read this morning that Hurricane Wilma is not only close to breaking records because we are on "W" in the alphabet already and hurricane season isn't even over yet, but it is actually the strongest hurricane on record now with sustaining winds at 175mph, AND it went from 75mph winds to 175mph winds OVERNIGHT. What do you bet they will end up having to reclassify this at a Category 6 hurricane soon?

Surface. Why do I like that sappy-ass show? I was so excited when little Nimrod tapped on Miles' bedroom window, then crawled in bed with him. What I wouldn't give to have a little sea monster crawl in bed with me.

And finally, my poor kitchen. Last night, hubby and I decided that we wanted Thanksgiving food. We realize we will be making all of it again in a month, but we wanted it now. So, we made it. Every single dish I own is somewhere dirty in the kitchen. On the stove, in the sink (stacked ever-so-carefully, mind you) on the table, EVERYWHERE. Burnt marshmallow dishes. Gravy spills. Little fragments of stuffing everywhere. I am not sure when we will be cleaning it up. Maybe never. Maybe we will buy new dishes. It is so utterly disgusting. But it was mighty tasty.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I am just not happy today. We took poor Magadog into the vet last night, and what do you know? She has "Dry Eye", and some sort of major infection. $365 later, I'm in a pissy mood. The poor little thing is just having one issue after the other and I'm going bankrupt. I woke up so tired and depressed. Other than the vet trip, I'm not really sure why. I think I need a vacation or something. I haven't spoken to anyone yet today (physically), it's been more like, "Hello internet, how are you?"

Its dark and dreary outside, usually the kind of day I like, but not today. We aren't even having a Halloween party this year because it's on a Monday, and everyone seems busy the weekend before. No haunted garage this year. I just want to go home and sleep. I think maybe I will.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Krusty McEyeballs & Technotronic

Monday morning, time to update my iPod for the work week. I have added the song "Tough" from "Technotronic". Don't laugh now, save it for when I tell you I used to teach aerobics in college, and I used this song. For those of you have good musical taste and don't know what the hell I'm talking about, that song is from the "Pump up the Jam" album. Remember that song? Yeah. I'm also fighting with my iPod because iTunes isn't doing what it is supposed to do. I have ZERO patience, and my coworkers are staying clear until I figure it out. (We all share our music and I'm nervous because I also uploaded an "Eminem" song and AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds".)

I'm also taking Mags to the vet AGAIN today. Criminy. That dog is such a problem child. Her little eyeballs are all crusty and goopy. We have been calling her Krusty McEyeballs. No wonder I never have any money.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The CrazyDogMama Combo

I have often wondered if my favorite pizza joint would add my pizza combo to their menu. It IS a small town. "The CrazyDogMama Combo" would include pepperoni, green pepper, jalapeƱo and pineapple; as-is, no substitutions. (Yes, pineapple, shut UP.) It is just like me, sweet and spicy. Ha! That way, I could just call up and say, "Could I get the CrazyDogMama Combo delivered please?" It would save so much time. My husband likes regular combos, like pepperoni, sausage, mushroom and olive. Bah! The up side is I always have a whole pizza to myself.

With the exception of his bad taste in pizza, my husband is the SHIT. This morning as I was leaving the house, he handed me a CD that he made for me. (Aww.) The cool thing about it is, the first song on it was "Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire. HOW SO VERY APPROPRIATE FOR ME! Other songs included "The Road to Hell" by Chris Rea, "Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen and "Song to the Siren" by "This Mortal Coil". It is *so sweet* how my husband has embraced my insanity.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

They're coming to get me.

Last night my husband and I were having a cigarette in the garage when we hear a very low flying helicopter. We didn't think too much of it at first since we live right next to a small airfield, but then we heard it again. We peaked our heads outside and lo and behold, there was a black helicopter hovering and circling our little housing development. Again, and again, and again. We saw other neighbors poke their heads out, too.

Now, you must understand, the conspiracy theorist in me was totally going bananas at this point. I couldn't find anything about it coming off the internet wire, and Jim wouldn't let me call anyone to find out what it was. We figured there wasn't a looney on the loose because the helicopter wasn't shining any lights around or anything. I still have no idea what the hell, and it is BUGGING. THE. SHIT. OUT. OF. ME. There is probably some rational explanation, but those are always famous last words, right?