Monday, November 29, 2010
First Turkey Day in Cali

Thursday, November 25, 2010
'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving
Dating Update: Paul is so great. We talk EVERY day, sometimes more than once, and every day I like him more. It is frightening how much we have in common, and the circumstances surrounding how we met is equally as eerie. It is seriously like the universe is throwing us together, no joke. We aren't able to see each other right now (which is frustrating to both of us) because he is in the middle of recording an album, then getting surgery, and I have the boys, getting the biopsy and then probably getting surgery myself (which he knows about). He knows about my issues, I know about his, yet neither of us is running; it is bringing us closer together. For the first time in a LONG time, I feel hopeful and happy despite all my crap. I feel like a schoolgirl. My mom and the boys laughed at me tonight when I jumped three feet in the air to the ringing of my phone and ran to answer it. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a serial killer or something. LOL.
Off to bed. Happy Turkey Day!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Today was not the best.
Dating Update: I hate talking on the phone. HATE IT. I avoid it all costs. Paul and I talked for two hours last night and never once did I want to get off. I am in trouble. In more than one way. I told myself it is WAY too early to feel anything so to snap out it and get a grip. But I like him. Damn it.
Monday, November 22, 2010
A Day Off?
"You can have Wednesday off on these conditions, that you do not open any WORK email, answer any WORK phone calls or do any type of WORK."
This is what my life has turned into. People knowing that I will work from home on a day I have requested off as a vacation day. I am mentally ill.
Dating Update: Paul (the Drummer) has emailed me at LEAST once a day since we met (long emails) and calls me at least once a day. So far, he is adorable; which makes me nervous. He has also told his father all about me. (I heard his father in the background during one of our calls.) I told him all about having to call the cops on one of my interested parties and how I am now ultra untrusting and paranoid, and so he told me when he sees me that I can copy down the info on his Driver's License and Social Security Card and do a background check on him.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Buzz Cuts and A Dear David
Got the pups a buzz cut because they were so badly matted. They look hilarious! Lou is freezing today so I put a Freddy Krueger sweater on him. LOL. It has been POURING down rain here, you can't really tell from the pic, but we won't need to fill the pool for a while. Sheesh.
In other news, I am compiling a "Dear David" email because he is "doing it wrong" as I explained earlier. Besides, there is someone else who so far, is doing it right. Just got off a great hour-long call with him and I can't keep up with his emails. He is VERY enthusiastic, closer to my age and NO kids. He is somewhat of a celebrity though, a drummer. LORD HAVE MERCY. Stay tuned; things are definitely getting interesting around here.
Dating Life
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Blogger's Block
Well what do I write about? David and I spent all of Sunday together at Huntington Beach walking, talking, watching the surfers and looking through the overpriced crap at the festival. He brought me a rose from his garden and we went to Greek for lunch and Mexican for dinner. A very nice day. He is a nice man. I don't have any idea where it is going relationship-wise and I am not going to ask, but his kisses are getting more "passionate" so I know where THAT is going. LOL.
I have been very, very tired this week and going to bed early. I came home from work today at one just exhausted. Don't know what's going on with me. That's all I can think of for now.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Another day in the life.
For dinner, I was taken out to my new fav Italian restaurant (Scarantino's) down the street, and I had Capellini Pomodoro with shrimp, a glass of merlot and tiramisu for dessert. MMMMMMM full tummy.
I'm supposed to go out with David tomorrow. He wanted to drive up to Santa Barbara, but I don't want to be in the car that long, so we decided just to spend the day at the beach or something. As romantic as it sounded, I've been on one-too-many road trips the last few years and I'm just not up to it right now. Plus, I don't know how I feel about anything yet. I'm keeping everyone at a distance at the moment. Kind of like 'You can touch my boob but stay away from my heart.' HAHAHAHA. I think I am holding out for something that will never happen. I'm sure at some point I will give up.
Oh, I uploaded a bunch of pics to my Flickr account and updated my amazon list. Just in case you look at that crap. :-)
Friday, November 12, 2010
39 Candles
Yup. One more year of my thirties. I woke up in a very foul mood, but my birthday did end on a good note. I was on a pity pot, but my new friends and coworkers perked me up then my fam took me out. I am super tired so I will blog later. LOTS to write about. Later.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Constant Challenges
Although I am still under serious pressure and intensely busy at work, I talked with the Director, and she reassured me about some things. I guess it is good just to let your thoughts out once in a while. For a minute there I was stressing hard. I have to learn to let go of things. Easier said than done.
It seems everyone I talk to is having an equally as challenging life as myself. (Or more challenging.) I have two friends trying to stave off foreclosures, a couple of friends going through divorce, and other friends/acquaintances battling with their own life struggles. On one hand it is nice to know I'm not alone, but on the other I am sad to think of so many people hurting. The world is in a crazy way, I've never seen anything like it. I guess we all need to stick together, huh? I had to lower the sale price of my home today. Drastically. I am now selling it for less than what I owe on it. Terrific, huh? I need to shed the two mortgages desperately, though.
Well, I *think* I'm still dating. If you can call it that. I still see David occasionally, but he has kids, so it is far and few between. We are supposed to go out this weekend for my birthday. I also have been emailing someone else, but no date has been set up yet. Don't really know, don't really care. I'm a bit complacent about it at this point.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
A Few Nice Days
I know, it surprised me too! I went to work on Friday, and I actually didn't mind it. Everyone was nice and seemed glad I was back. I was productive and felt good about it. Then today I relaxed in the backyard, took a long nap and went to my second mom's house for dinner. I'm finally feeling a little better. Sometimes you have to get sick just so you can feel better, I guess. Big kisses and hugs to you all for being so nice and concerned about me. And an especially big kiss for my OTHER fan. ;-)
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Unanswered Questions
A stranger's presence here is so elusive, yet so forceful. I am consumed by it, really. Seems they are consumed as well. But what consumes them? The word erotic comes to mind, but madness courses through my veins instead. What can I do to get this answer? Tell me. SHOW me. You have never had my attention as much as you have it now. I will not give up. Ever. I don't think you will either. Take a chance. DO IT. You did it before. Listen to me because I know you want to. We've never met, but we know each other. You are as deeply disturbed as I am. And I love that.
Dinner: A big-ass Dr. Pepper. Food? Blah. Nothing else sounded good. My mom is sick now too and all she wanted was a milkshake. We are quite the pair right now. It has been in the 100's this week so I have been laying around sick in my bathing suit. Wore it to the drive thru tonight too. LOL. Gotta love California. The house is completely torn apart with the remodel and even if we wanted to cook there is not one inch of free space in the kitchen.
I stayed home again today since I get no sleep with my warbly hack. I HAVE to go back to work tomorrow. I got a distress call from a coworker today and know I will be walking into a huge mess. Huge. Neat.
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Coughing my lungs through my nostrils.
So as soon as I tell him no to two dates because I have plans already, go on a business trip then get deathly ill, he suddenly becomes mega attentive emailing me 2 to 3 times a day. WTF? He thinks he can't have me now so game ON. Pfft. That's all fine and great except the minute he gets me I bet my life he loses all interest. Not up to it. Sorry. It is simple. Adore me and you will find it is worth your time. If not, hit the road, Jack.
Can't sleep. Don't seem to be getting better. Staying home again tomorrow. Doctor's orders. I'm in no condition to argue. Have never missed this much work.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Turns out breathing is necessary.
Well, I didn't slit my wrists but I did manage to stop breathing. Ya. I caught some sort of severe respiratory infection that triggered my asthma, and I went purple. Had to go on a breathing machine and get a shot in my butt. It hurt. My ass hurts. Now I have all these drugs and inhalers and feel like an invalid because I start panting just walking back and forth from the bathroom. This blows. No wonder I've been grumpy.