Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lou's Birthday and a Tattoo Idea.

Happy Birthday to Louie! My big boy is 11 (77 in dog years). He is my grumpy little old man. LOL.

Need to do a cover-up job on part of my tattoo because I'm stupid. Maybe something like this.

Looks like I have a pretty good chance of getting my big promotion and moving. Most likely to California, but I haven't ruled out Dallas if I don't get this one. I would have no mortgage and a pool in California, though! Wow, life is really changing, kind of weird. I had this idea of what my life was going to be like once, I'll never make that mistake again! I should know within a month or so.


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    How exciting!

    Look at all that ink in that tattoo. It is gonna HURT! Who needs enemies when you can get encouragement like this from your fans?

  2. Hey now - no freaking me out!!! LOL If I can get through a kidney stone, I can deal with anything...even if it IS self-induced. ug. I'll just cry and cuss. I'm sure they are used to that. ha.
