Thursday, August 27, 2009

Visitors and Pranksters

So, my Godmother, who is my mom's best friend, is coming to visit tomorrow! Yay! I'm taking Friday and Monday off. Don't know exactly everything we are doing yet, but I know it will involve food, drink and other fun. I have to refrain from posting too much about it on the internet because some people are sensitive to that, but I'll try.

In other news, my co-workers are evil. They do many evil pranks. I seem to attract this behavior. I called in "late" the other day due to a migraine headache. I left a voicemail with my boss and emailed my office roommate. (Who is the evilest one of all, let's call her "R".) Once I was on my way, I texted "R" to let her know I would be there soon and to let our boss know because I hadn't spoken to her yet, she wasn't answering her phone. A little while later she texted me back and said our boss had not received my message and was furious with me. I almost had a heart attack on the 405 freeway. Several minutes later I get a LOL text. Bitch. Now I need to get even.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is so not funny... I actually called out sick yesterday because of a migraine, spent the whole day in bed wasting away, they fucking suck royally. "R" seems to have a sick sense of humor though which is cool, you need to get her back good for that one :) Have fun with your weekend guest! Post what you can, eat drink and be merry on your extended weekend, back to kick boxing next week..
