Saturday, January 10, 2009

There are addictive chemicals in these.

OK, I am putting together a workout program and buying lots of vegetables and green tea, but every now and then I need a treat. However, if I had to pick one food only for a deserted island, I'm now certain it would be Little Debbie's Oatmeal Creme Pies. OH. MY. GOD. They are ooey and gooey and I want to roll in them much like you see people rolling in piles of money on TV. I will roll in oatmeal pies, but I want money handed to me in neat piles, all bills facing the same direction. Thanks! ;-)


  1. OMG those are soooo good. Unfortunately they are so small now. Remember them like 15 years ago? They were big. Still good though. I think I am going to get some. now. right now.

  2. Go baby, go! I don't want to be the only one getting fat. LOL

  3. I have OD'd on these so I no longer dig em. They make choc chip ones, too.

  4. Due, don't tell me about "choc chip ones". What is wrong wit you???? ;-)
