I feel like a girl today! No, scratch that, I feel like a WOMAN. Before you scold me for spending more money on myself, check out the DEALS I got! The purse (which I love, so shut up about the leopard print, I have only had a black leather purse for about 15 years and now I'm embracing my wild side) was regularly $40, and was marked down to $15, and the Sketchers (shoes) were regularly $55, and I got them for $20! Aren't they cute? Super comfortable, too.
I'm actually twirling! I want to kiss everyone! Not a good idea, but still. Now I need a night out on the town. Juice? Did you say something about $3 tini nights?
Oh! I almost forgot, my "Coffee Bean" espresso and chocolate powder came today in the mail, too! I think there's only like one thing missing from me being in utter orgasmic bliss!
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