Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rain, Thunder & Plan B

Sitting on my patio in the rain listening to thunder thinking about my anger issues. That's what I'm doing. LOL. I finally bought a book my therapist has been trying to get me to read forever to deal with my repressed anger. It hasn't arrived yet, but it's weird, I never really thought I was angry, I thought I was sad. It is always interesting to get an unbiased opinion from someone who has been listening to your BS.

In other news, it looks like Plan B is going to go into effect, my mom isn't going to budge on the California house. Do you think I'll make a good cowgirl y'all? Yeehaw! I do look rather cool in a cowboy hat. HA. They do have awesome storms there to watch, which excites me. Oh, and also, pray for the people about to get bashed by Gustav. It sounds like it's going to be just terrible.

1 comment:

  1. awww, no moving to cali?? bummer...but i'm sure texas will be nice too. i always find that i tend to get angry when i'm sad, cause it seems easier...hope the book helps. :-)
