Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tanning & Coffee

OK, now that I'm done flipping everyone off, I'll tell you about my dumb day. Obviously, I'm not in a good way right now. When I woke up this morning, I was insanely grumpy. That is actually a little bit of an understatement, but whatever.

I noticed my tan was fading and I CAN'T HAVE THAT, so I surrendered to "Sultan Glo Tan". I know. It will have to do. How bad could it be? I also made an impulse buy (sunglasses) because on the way I realized I was braless and had no makeup on. It's OK to show the internet, though, which makes no sense. I've never claimed to make sense, though, so there is that.

After tanning, I went to "Vinaccio's", my local coffee joint and got the biggest iced mocha they were prepared to make. I've been surviving on coffee. Also, here is the new blue top I bought before my California trip that I basically live in. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a good day to sunglasses? yay....
