Thursday, March 08, 2007

These are the lies.

#2 - I never had to draw my gun as a cop.
#6 - I started smoking when I was 19, not 17.
#8 - I've only driven up to 90 mph.
#10 - I've only been in one fight. It was with a girl named Shara in Jr. High. I kicked her ass.

I guess the skydiving thing is kind of iffy. My knees are shot and I'm too fat, but I guess if I were totally fit and trim and someone else paid for it, I MIGHT, and I say MIGHT do it again. Probably not, though, I'm getting old. My hay-day is over, I'm afraid. It was great fun, though, when I did it, and I have some amazing pics. I jumped 7 times.


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I am calling shenanigans on #8. Everyone has driven over 100! I've seen the way you drive, well, heard maybe...

  2. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I take great pride in saying I have driven 125mph (or even better, 201 km/h) without getting a ticket.

    You've really only driven 90? Well, I've never jumped out of a plane, so you're still cooler.

  3. ugh. I shoulda known the age you started smoking!!!! stupid stupid me.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    You're braver than me.
