Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Alas, my favorite holiday has arrived.

Let me just say this, Valentine's Day (VD) is not a REAL holiday because I have to go to work.

I woke up today in a foul mood. My account is overdrawn, I am running late, my lip is split, I can't walk because I have had to wait tables the last few days (got called from the old restaurant to pull some shifts) and my feet/calves/legs were not ready for it, I have a dentist appointment and I am working approximately 15 hours today. I will see my hubby for about 5 minutes when I get home, and then will commence to crashing on the bed from exhaustion, stress and general mental illness.

Oh, and I spilled my iced mocha (all 24 ounces of it) ALL. OVER. MY. SUV. which will now smell like sour milk. Have I ever told you how much I hate February, especially the 14th? Damn you to HELL February!


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I'm with you. February SUCKS!

    Hang in there. Annie

  2. Oh my god!! I am having the same month as you. Why does February suck so much? February is such a bitch. I can't wait until it's over.

    Sorry you're having a crappy month. And I am especially sorry about the iced mocha incident. That's like coffee abuse!
