Monday, January 12, 2004

The Old Grindstone

Things are incredibly back to normal now, including the Monday morning blahs. I'm also back on BFL full time now. Started off with an Iced Chai Tea with protein powder and glutamine, then a zone bar, then going to do oatmeal with Splenda and lean ham. (I get up at 4:30 am, so I am able to get a majority of my meals in before everyone else's normal lunch time.) I work out at lunch, so I gotta re-sign with the gym today. It will be pathetically busy, being January and all. I don't see my trainer until Friday, but I'm sure I will be way out of shape from my December Hiatus. I'm in competition for weight loss/muscle gain with a certain someone who I can't mention on my blog, so hopefully this will motivate me to get my arse going so I can BEAT THEM! They have a little bit of a head start on me, but once I get going, I know I can kick some serious butt.

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