Saturday, August 15, 2009


OK I didn't take a pic of my parking space. I forgot. But don't worry, I'll do it on Monday, I know how much you are dying to see it. HA.

I'm on my way to a BBQ all the way down at Bonney Lake, which is a few hours from my house. I should have some pics from that or at least some good stories. For now, here is a picture of uncaffeinated CrazyDogMama driving in the car. I really need a hobby. Oh, wait, this IS my hobby. Crap.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Weak Week

OK, so my week has been weak. The highlight so far is finally getting a parking space under my building! WOOT! I have been on the waiting list since I started there, which was 6 months ago. I get to take an elevator straight up to my office now! No more walking 50 miles in crazy weather from the stinky, dark and creepy public parking hole! I can wear pumps to work! My hair won't go flat! WEEE! Well, it is exciting to me, anyway. I will take a picture of my parking spot tomorrow in all of its glory.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Run Down

I'm feeling really run down. So tired. I come home from work and almost immediately fall asleep, and I sleep a LOT on the weekends. I'm not getting things done that I need to get done. I don't feel especially depressed, I don't really feel anything at all. Not sure what to do.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

In the Loop

OK, I'm back in the loop, thanks guys! I have a need to know what is going on. I'm rather tenacious about getting answers sometimes.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Stickies & Fuzzies

These are the new 'stickies' my department will be using at work.

And here are the buzz-cut fuzzies. Don't laugh, they are sensitive about it.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

One Word

One Word...

Where is your mobile phone? Bra.

Your hair? Blonde.

Your mother? Crazy.

Your father? Missed.

Your favorite thing? Crackberry.

Your dream last night? Captive.

Your favorite drink? Mocha.

Your dream/goal? Retirement.

What room are you in? Office.

Your hobby? Internet.

Your fear? Diabetes.

Where do you want to be in 6 years? Elsewhere.

Where were you last night? Home.

Something that you aren't? Patient.

Muffins? Chocolate.

Wish list item? New camera lens.

Last thing you did? Email.

What are you wearing? Sage blouse.


Your pets? Funny.

Friends? Some.

Your life? Boring.

Your mood? Pissy.

Missing someone? Yes.

Drinking? Coffee.

Your car? SUV.

Something you're not wearing? Socks.

Your favorite store? Amazon.

Your favorite color? Red.

When is the last time you cried? Weeks.

Where do you go to over and over? Work.

People who email me regularly? Friends.

My favorite place to eat? Italian.

Favorite place I'd like to be at right now? Bed.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Aerodynamic Dogs

I broke down and got the pups professionally groomed, but they were so badly overgrown and matted that they had to buzz cut my poor babies! They look, well, not so much like Cairn Terriers right now. More like miniature coyotes. LOL! The groomer felt bad that she had to cut them so short that she gave me a discount. At least they are cool now for the heat wave! They are also aerodynamic.

My lawn is completely dead. Brown and DEAD. I guess I'll have to hire a gardener, too. Sigh.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Africa Hot

I'm melting. It is 93 degrees INSIDE my house at 8:45 pm. It was over a hundred today and going to be even hotter tomorrow. UG. If I had air-conditioning in my house, it wouldn't be so bad, but I don't. I have one of those little window ones for my bedroom (THANK GOD), but that poor little thing is cranking so hard I'm wondering if it'll make through the heat wave.
I just got done hosing off the patio, the dogs and myself. That helps. It is too hot to eat. Sunday night it was hot too, so I made Jamaican jerk shrimp salad. MMMMMM.

And finally, the wine picture is hung, and I have more foliage for the basket pot.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Went shopping with Ma today, we are both redecorating a little. I found the most beautiful wine painting to go in my dining room. I will show it in all of its glory on the red wall later when it is hung. I also found this cute little basket pot. I need to find some more foliage to go in it, but it's a start. Then, we have the red and green glass candle holders, and some imported Sangria (from Spain) that is quite delightful on this 95-degree day. (OK, that's not decorative, but shopping takes it out of me.) Finally, my sentiments to uninvited guests, my, um, welcome mat.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Digging to China

Well, the Lou-Master is feeling better. This is a pic of his project to dig to China from MY OFFICE. Little rat-bastard. Now I have another excuse to get ceramic flooring.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Louie was diagnosed with arthritis and a back/spinal problem that is causing nerve damage. The poor little guy was in pain and didn't know how to tell us except to be grumpy. The vet put him on joint lubricator and some pain management meds. Since he has been on those, he has been perky and playful, and so much better. I broke down and balled on the vet's floor. I feel like it is the beginning of the end because Lou is already 10. I just want him to be happy and in no pain. I want him to have quality of life. I will have to sell a kidney to pay for the monthly vet bills now.

I missed a meeting with my director this morning. NOT good. I don't foresee this day getting any better.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So I just called my boss to tell her I'd be late due to traffic and she laughed at me and said, "Have fun with that.".

Bored in Traffic

This is the lovely traffic I'm sitting in. I am not amused. I'm bored so I took a pic of my heart charm necklace. And YES, it is OK to blog if you aren't MOVING. This just sucks. I'm going to be so damn late, which means I won't be getting home until dark. That always makes for a nice day, work then bed. Neat.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Backaches, Storms & Work-Work

I think I need a new mattress. I'm waking up with a backache every morning. It is horrible. I feel like a 100-year-old Frankenstein.

There is thunderstorm this morning. I'm enjoying it, it is dark and creepy out like an old horror movie.

I had a fun Friday night, a lazy Saturday, and now I have to get some things done around here and possibly do some work-work. Work-work is the stuff I get paid for. Just so you know the diff.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Well, Son of Beech. Sheet!

(Think "Stripes" movie.) My NJ/NY trip might be cancelled now. It is not 100%, but they are thinking of just sending my boss without me to do all the training. Big huge bummer. My boss is still trying to convince the powers that be of the need for my presence there (which is true), but who knows if they'll listen. Fingers crossed! My life is so boring. I'm looking at shoes online again. I have a problem.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Bathroom Nazi Subway Shop

Went to grab a bite at the bathroom-nazi Subway Sandwich Shop. They had Led Zeppelin cranked. LOL. Gotta love Seattle. On another note, I'm New Jersey/New York bound in two weeks! A tad earlier than expected.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Pink Pumps

Are these not the coolest pink pumps you've ever seen? Where do you wear them, though? I've never had a shoe interest before. I've always been so practical in this area, having maybe five pairs. 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of sandals, 1 pair of nice shoes (usually pumps), 1 pair of flats and 1 pair of boots. I have gone bonkers since then. I have over 25 pairs now. I still have *never* read a romance novel, however. NEVER. The only romance I get is in the vampire porn novels. HA. Guess I'm just a little more realistic in the love area. (You know, because vampire porn is realistic.) What I mean is, romance? Whatever. Too much work, and I question the sincerity you know? Passion now, is an entirely different story. Passion rocks. But for the most part, I'm with the guys, let's cut to the chase.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

The 4th

So the 4th of July. Maggie, my insane dog, attempted to jump up and take a lit sparkler out of the 8-year neighbor's kid's hand. I was video taping it because it started out cute, but then I freaked when I realized she may get it and burn her mouth. I tried to upload the video of me losing my mind, but I couldn't get it to work. That's probably a good thing. LOL.