Tuesday, February 17, 2004

A new member of the "top 5".

Can you tell I'm bored today? Viggo Mortensen is the newest member of my top 5 hotties. However, that means I'll have to bump someone, or maybe I'll just have a top 6. I am not a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings series (it was OK), but I like that rugged, manly look that Aragorn (Viggo) has. You know me. He has a new movie coming out. Hidalgo? Something like that. I may just have to sit through that one! Yummy!

Watch out Aveda!

I have found yet another really yummy-smelling body wash! It's called "Thymes Ginger Milk". Oh. My. God. LOVE IT. A friend of mine got me the body wash and whipped body creme for a present, and I just used it. I *almost* sounded like that Herbal Essence freak in the shower. (You know, the chick acting like she's having an orgasm while using Herbal Essence shampoo? Gag me.)

My Funny Aunt

Out of the blue, I received a Valentine's Day card from an Aunt of mine that I have never met! It was such a great surprise! She lives in Kentucky and is in her 70's. I decided to get her # from my mom and give her a call to thank her for the card. So, last night I got to talk with her, and she is a HOOT! She was cracking me completely up! She has this great Southern accent and a quirky sense of humor. I have decided that I must go visit her! She is definitely my kind of people. She said to me, "Hunny, I live on chocolate and cashews, and so does fatty!" I found out that "fatty" is her dog. She also has a 22-year-old cat. As we talked, it was like we had known each other all of our lives. Life is strange, and unpredictable. I love it!

Monday, February 16, 2004

My Valentines Day

Hope you all had a Happy Valentines Day.

Mine? Well, not too bad. I didn't have to work at the restaurant, which was probably the best part. My in-laws came over for lunch, but my hubby cooked. My stepson was over this weekend, too, and we watched movies all night while eating lots of chocolate. (That's a requirement for Valentines Day, you know.) I got the most romantic gift EVER from Mr. CrazyDogMama. He gave me a chick-flick DVD and a BOX OF TRIPLE CHUNK BROWNIE MIX! Isn't that great? A WHOLE BOX, just for ME! :-D There was also a balloon and some peanut butter cups involved. I surprised him with a CD he totally forgot he wanted. A little lame, I know, but he loved it.

On Sunday, I taught a scrapbooking class to 10 people. My girlfriend, who hosted the class at her house, neglected to tell me that I had chocolate brownie crumbs all down the crevice of my breasts, and I was wearing a V-neck shirt. So, while I was giving my spiel, there I stood with chocolate titties. Yes, this is whose blog you're reading.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Doggies are gettin' all purdy today!

Yep, its grooming day. This is chaos at its best. I don't know how they know, but they know. I got up per usual, had my coffee, took my shower, got ready. The dogs were racing around the house panting and whining. How in GOD's good name do they KNOW? I said nothing. I didn't get the leashes out. NOTHING. They are telepathic, I swear. I wasn't acting any different than I usually do. Maybe they heard me say "groom" on the phone? Who knows.

Anyway, we got in the car. My dogs are not what you would call 'good car-riders'. They jump from the back seat to the front seat, to the floor, to the front seat, to the back seat. You get the picture. They make LOTS of noise. Louie sounds like a frigging choo-choo train with his panting. Dog hair flies around the car like a cat fight. The leashes get wrapped around me, the seats, and the levers you move the car seats with. Any beverage I take with me, gets spilled on whatever I am wearing. (You'd think I'd learn.) If I have to use the brake pedal, even a little bit, the dogs go flying. I will be investing in doggie seatbelts soon. Today, the stupid moron in front of me slammed on his brakes, then I slammed on my brakes. Then Louie did a face-plant into the heater. (He is OK, he has a head like a Stegosaurus.) Then, Louie looks at me like "Can't you drive, you stupid bitch?" No matter how much I yell "Sit! Stay! Lay down! Sit! Stop it! No! Sit!", it makes no difference. We could have graduated from the Obedience University with honors, and this would still happen. When I pull up to a stop light, people actually LAUGH. Louie likes to do the "I'm trying to dig out of the window!" routine, and apparently, this cracks people up.

When I pick them up this afternoon, I'm sure it will be revenge-city from the cute little fuzzy creatures.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

The snot has taken over my brain.

So, on the way to work this morning, I was talking to my husband on my cell phone. He informed me that I took his keys instead of my keys. This means I can't get into the building I work in from the front, and I can't open my office until my boss gets there, which is a half hour after I get there. So, there I stood, in the middle of the shop floor, looking like a complete idiot. I just paced because I didn't know what to do. No computer, no desk, no place to set my coffee. We have an "audit" today, of course, so there is no time to waste. Things like this always happen to me at the most inopportune moments. I am also wearing a black cotton shirt that has dog hair all over it. How professional am I? I am surprised I didn't spill coffee on my khaki pants yet. KNOCK. ON. WOOD. Shit, I gotta find some wood first.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I got the snots.

So, I stayed home yesterday because my body decided to produce ungodly amounts of snot. Yes, that's right, I got a code. I'm hacking up my lungs, too. It's really fun. The good part, though, was getting to cuddle up with the fuzbutts all day. They LOOOVE it when dogmama is home and in bed all day. There was a lot of stretching and yawning and laying on their backs trying to weasel a belly rub out of me. I'm back to work today, to the dismay of my coworkers who get to listen to my non-stop wheezing and nose-blowing. I haven't been to the gym in two days (I knew this was going to happen) so my whole program has gone to hell this week. The only thing that sounded good yesterday was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, so that is exactly what I had. There may have been a few potato chips in there too.

Anyway, I have nothing interesting to talk about, and I'm sure no one wants to hear about all the disgusting body functions I have going on, so, for now, adieu.

Monday, February 09, 2004

What day is it?

I get going so crazy sometimes, that I forget what day it is. I'm pretty sure its Monday because I am at work, but ffffeehh, that really doesn't mean much because I work almost every day. If I'm not running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I'm sleeping. This morning I woke up and didn't know what day it was, and I didn't even drink or anything last night! I sleep-drove to work, and here I sit, at my desk, trying to remember what I ate this weekend so that I can record it in my journal. Now, of course, I'm updating my blog and maybe around 8 or so, I'll start working. Its a good thing my boss doesn't know my blog address, huh? Oh, here's a little tidbit for the readers interested in my hair care (which is, I think, one) I have received 3 compliments on my hair since I started using my new Aveda products this weekend! CrazyDogMama LOVES compliments! Also, I've noticed that my husband sniffs my head a lot when hugging me. A girl has got to love THAT!

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Is it Friday yet?

It has been a loooooong week. I have been sorting thru and editing massive amounts of paperwork, and I'm about to go insane. I think I may go run around the parking lot screaming for a few minutes.

The menu today has been less than stellar. We're talking venti nonfat iced mocha for breakfast, two, count them TWO zone bars, a half turkey sandwich on whole wheat and some green tea with soy milk in it. Somebody needs to slap me. I did go to the gym and do HIIT on the Stairmaster, and I also have to wait tables tonight for about 4 hours, so that's not too bad, I guess. I am saving up for a haircut and a foil so that I don't have to cancel my cell phone. Aveda is mighty expensive, but it is SO worth it. I also need new shampoo, conditioner, exfoliator, makeup, etc. CrazyDogMama is learning how to SAVE UP instead of impulse buying, so that she can pay her mortgage on time instead of waiting until the VERY LAST SECOND and having to pull funds from every direction. It is very, very hard. HARD, I tell you!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2004


I'm craving Thai food. I need some ginger. Ginger is probably my favorite spice. That, and Cilantro. I gotta, GOTTA find some today for lunch. Being that time of the month, the cravings are out of control, and I'm bloated like a hippo. I retain so much water that my socks leave a little pattern on my ankles. I ruined my new underwear, too, by the way. It REALLY pisses me off. OK, enough. You probably could have gone through your day without me ranting about my period, huh? Yeah, well, piss off.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I need to win the Lotto.

So I can have a bunch more Cairn Terriers! I'm a glutton for punishment and cuteness.

Rule #1: Always get your puppies from a reputable breeder!
Rule #2: Never get a puppy less than 12 weeks old, so that they will be properly socialized and have plenty of time with their real mama.
Rule #3: If you want to breed dogs, get the proper education/instruction.
Rule #4: Never impulsively buy a puppy. Always make sure you have $$, time, space and lots and lots of patience!
Rule #5: Research, research, research before buying a puppy to make sure the breed is right for you and your family.
Rule #6: Love your puppy with all of your heart! Or you will answer to CRAZYDOGMAMA!

You know you have a problem when...

...you drive in 4th gear on the freeway because shifting into 5th gear would get in the way of your HUGE iced mocha in the cupholder.

...you would rather be late to work than skip breakfast.

...you run into the bathroom at work and stay there for 20 minutes to avoid having to visit with a mother and her new baby, or worse, to avoid having to hold the infant. *Shutter*

...you seriously consider canceling your cell phone for 2 months so you can afford to get your hair colored.

Monday, February 02, 2004

The dreaded Month

Over the course of my life so far, every really bad thing that has ever happened to me, has happened in February. I won't go into those bad things, because that is my own closet of demons, but I just wanted everyone to know that I hate this month, and I am counting down the days until it is over. So, let's focus on the positive: I am going to buy an Ella Fitzgerald CD today and get my nails done, maybe a nice shade of pink for the upcoming (stupid-frigging) Valentines Day. I hate Valentines Day. I have my reasons. I'm also thinking, maybe a nice candlelight bath. I am going to pamper myself this month, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, I can have the first good February. We should all live by this motto, "Treat yourself like a princess, cuz ain't no one else goin' to!"

I took a friend out to dinner last night for her birthday to a place in downtown Seattle called Marco's Supperclub. We had a fabulous time, ate great food and listened to jazz softly playing in the background. (Hence the Ella Fitzgerald CD-buying.) It was girl's night out, no Superbowl for me.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

The Urinal Compromise

So my husband is busy formulating his plan for "husbandland". He is making the garage into an actual room with carpet and the like, outfitted with HDTV, surround sound, and putting in a green, and a recliner. Somewhere where he can go when I have over the "scrapbook hens" as he likes to call them. I'm OK with this, BUT, when he comes to me and says, "the neighbor can put in a urinal at cost for me", I laughed hysterically and said "ummmm, NO".

After several weeks now of constant pestering, he finally says to me "What will it take for you to let me have a urinal?" I told him I wanted to make a scrapbook of all the pictures I have of BEFORE we were married, you know, all the boyfriend pictures that I was *supposed* to throw away but am actually hiding in the closet? A deal! We struck a deal and shook on it! A little background for this. My husband is insanely jealous and possessive. He pretends I did not have any kind of a life before I met him. (Funny that this is coming from a man who was previously married.) I, on the other hand, am a picture fanatic and don't believe in EVER throwing a photograph away. I am really into photo preservation. I have no feelings for any of my ex's, that is not the point for me. I even have pictures of my husband's ex in one of my scrapbooks. I just want to scrapbook my life and write about fond memories. No one will ever look at it except me. I have no kids to leave it to. It is not that I am PROUD of some of the things I have done, I just want it documented so I can laugh, cry and remember. So, there it is. That good ol' marriage compromising crap. I wonder what kind of compromise I'll have to make to get another puppy?

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Enchiladas and Neighbors

I made those EFL enchiladas again, except I used low-carb tortillas instead of corn tortillas. I told you I live on Mexican food, I can't get enough! The hotter the better! I make it so spicy that my nose runs, but it does make getting in my gallons of water for the day easier! So, we had that for dinner last night, and I made enough to take to work and have some for my first meal of the day. I know, I know, enchiladas for breakfast is weird.

My neighborhood is the freak capital of the world. I have one neighbor who is *very* pissed at her husband and is constantly coming over to vent, another neighbor who decided to have her baby in her bathtub, another neighbor who insists on telling her kids goodnight stories that the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD can hear, and a neighbor couple who decide once they get home from work, to dress-up in funky clothes and put on all of their body jewelry (nose rings, nipple rings, you name it) and sit in their garage and drink. Then there is myself who walks around the house mostly naked carrying my laptop with me wherever I go.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Cheryl Burritos

I cooked something that I came up with all by myself and it was GOOD!

My healthy burritos:

Lean ground turkey
Sugar-free catsup
Lawry's taco seasoning
La Tortilla Factory garlic & herb low-carb tortillas
green onions, chopped
cilantro - lots!
tomatoes - chopped

Brown the meat and add all ingredients. Use as much of each ingredient you want to fit your taste buds. Serve on warm tortillas with fat-free cheese and fat-free sour cream. Yummers! I think I must be part Mexican because: I eat mostly Mexican food, I speak a little Spanish, and I love Tequila. There is one more I am not going to talk about. :-D


Nothing interesting has happened in, like, 3 days. The Weather people can't make up their minds. It's going to snow, no its not, yes, it is, no its not. It goes on and on and on. I ate 8 pieces of pizza on free day. I fell down at work again, onto my knees, and I have bruises. It was also a sore-leg-weekend. Everyone is sick that I work with, and I'm scared to death I will get something, and it will wreck my progress so far. I'm down 7 pounds according to my trainer from early December. I'm all discombobulated today. That's about it. Sorry.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

On a Roll

OK, we've seen the BIG hair, how about "rocker" hair? I did ALL the fads. I do cherish the size of my WAIST in this picture, even though it was pre-weight training. Soak it up, kids, we won't be making fun of CrazyDogMama next week.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004


How is my morning, you ask? I am choking on my Zone Bar. I was inhaling one a few minutes ago and forgot to grab my water by the water cooler. I got a little piece of the granola stuck in my throat and it made my throat tickle and sent me in to a fit of coughing. This lasted for, say, 10 minutes or so. My eyes were watering, and my nose was running. No one came to my rescue. I did notice, however, that several office doors down the hallway from me were slammed shut. Well, gee, people, sorry to frigging interrupt you! I now have little pieces of mushy Zone Bar all over my office floor. It's gonna be a great day, I can tell! :-D

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

The Dynasty Bitch

That is what my mom and I call this ridiculous picture of me. It was one of my senior pictures - and you can definitely tell it was the 80's. Check out that hair! and the earrings! Psst...Yogagirl...see what I mean? I am not quite sure what I was trying to accomplish with my look, but oh well. If we can't laugh at ourselves, then, uumm, wait a minute, I'd much rather laugh at other people! One of the reasons my husband and I are so perfect for each other is because we have the grand ability to make fun of just about everyone. At the police academy, where we met, we had a name for everyone based on our observation of them.  For examle, "Tackleberrry", "Mr. Heatmeiser", "Down-Syndrome Guy", etc.  Yeah, we're assholes.