Thursday, April 09, 2009

Marketing Genius

This is quite possibly the best marketing I have seen EVER.

I was walking in downtown Seattle when I saw this and I suddenly wanted a cheeseburger even though I had just eaten! Genius!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


"The enemy of your enemy is your friend."

It's not an ideal in the world, but it sure is TRUE. I definitely found a friend in someone I didn't know, that happened to be an enemy of someone I didn't realize was my enemy. I was rooked. Deceived. Taken for a ride. But this friend helped me navigate that dark time and I'm forever grateful. Thanks, Dete, you went above and beyond.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I don't know which is worse.

First, I'm getting a filling today and I'm so not excited about it. Half of my face will be numb for the evening which makes eating interesting. I always manage to bite my cheek 400 times. Second, my dreams have all been about aliens lately. Like the ugly mean ones from the "Aliens" series. Just call me Ripley. I have NO idea why; I haven't watched those movies in eons. One of my dreams scared the shit out of me (which never happens) and in the other ones I was just an Alien killing fool. I don't know. Lastly, I watched "Marley and Me" and balled my freaking eyeballs out. I don't know which is worse.

Monday, April 06, 2009

VIP Parking

Starting off a Monday with sunglasses, an iced mocha and I get to park in my boss' parking space right underneath the building because she is on vacation this week! Weeeeee!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

What is that light in the sky?

The sun is finally out, thank the Lord God in Heaven.

Monkey Wrench

However, there is one thing I really really need (and want) that I don't have. It puts a monkey wrench in my whole program. It is not something I have control over so it drives me crazy. Such is life I guess.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Northern Arizona?

Well, it looks like Northern Arizona is where I might be moving to in a year or so. I'll go into the details of why later when it starts to become a reality. But I'll tell you, the weather here never used to bother me, but in the last year or two it is really starting to grate. I'm tired of dark and gloomy and cold and rainy/snowy all the damn time with only a few months of sun. My mood sucks, you can't go do anything, it is just downright depressing anymore. Not to mention the joint aches. Getting old sucks. The culture here is starting to irritate me too. The taxes I pay go to nothing I believe in or care about and the traffic, OMG, kill me now.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The dentist sucks.

I used to actually enjoy getting my teeth cleaned, it almost put me to sleep, but now, I have a new hygienist and she scrapes HARD and almost sends me through the roof. My gums are throbbing this morning from my appointment yesterday, and I have healthy teeth and gums! However, for the first time in like, 10 years, I have to get a stupid filling. CRAP. Turn up the laughing gas!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The movie was decent.

I liked it. (The Haunting in Connecticut) The fact that it was based on a true story made it intriguing to me, and a little creepier. That is all I can think of to say. Seriously. I need some blogging motivation.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Haunting in Connecticut

This is my scary face. I'm on my way to go see "The Haunting in Connecticut" with hubs.


Woke up to snow this morning. I'm curled up having my morning coffee thinking about stuff. I have to groom poor little Magadog today, she is in bad shape. I slept all say yesterday, I've been so damn tired. That virus really kicked my ass, and I still don't know what to think about my new job. Is my blogging exciting or what? Gah.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Seek into the unknown and you might find it.

A friend of mine sent me an email yesterday, and in trying to comfort me, said something I thought was very profound.

"Seek into the unknown and you might find it. Don't seek and life will remain the same."

I really thought about this and found it to be some of the best advice I've heard in a long time. Sometimes I can't figure out why I'm not happy, why I'm so depressed. I'm searching for something, and don't even know what I'm searching for half the time, but yet I need to not give up my search. Just keep going. Life is a journey of unknowns, and you may or may not find what you are looking for, but you will be forever changed (and your life) in the process. Basically, don't give up. Push through. Don't try and get AROUND the depression or the hardship, go THROUGH it. It WILL CHANGE you, and life will change too. Nothing stays the same if you stay in motion.

What do you think?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Things I just don't understand.

1. Why do people fear their boss? I want to do a good job as much as the next guy, but I'm not one to kiss ass or fear what my boss may or may not do to me. Fuck that.

2. When did it become cool to "hate" smokers? Do all also promote that whole "tolerance" thing too? Because that seems about right.

3. Why are some people offended by off-beat humor? I can't live in that world.

4. Things/people that many find attractive that I don't: Anybody from the movie "Twilight". Bleck. Super skinny women. I believe in curves.

5. Not being able to admit when you are wrong or apologize. Really? Believe it or not, there are lots of you out there. It baffles the shit out of me. I'm wrong about something, like, every 10 minutes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Have you guys seen this Disney Pixar movie? OMG. So dang cute. I'm not usually into cutesy kid's movies, but I had to watch this one because it had a dog in it. Best line from Rhino the hamster in the plastic playball: "I'm lightning quick, I have razor-sharp reflexes. Wha! And I'm a master of stealth." He also says stuff like "super awesome", which of course makes me giggle.

I still love "Over the Hedge" the best, though. Super awesome flick. :-)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Work Faces

Shit-Fit of a Lifetime

I had the shit-fit of a lifetime when I saw the Crackberry heading straight for the toilet in slow motion. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

They just don't recover from water. I managed to get a new one without paying $450 bucks, so I'm ok now, but I pretty much wanted to die. I cannot be without a Crackberry. I just CAN'T. I think I would have sold a kidney to get another one. Seriously. I don't have many pleasures in life, but the Crackberry keeps me going. LOL.

Hey, I've lost some of my fans. Come back! I miss you! Why did you go? Has my blog started to suck? Did it always suck? Did I piss you off? Did I scare you? What will it take for you to come back? I'm crying. Where art thou?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not Good


I just dropped the Crackberry in the toilet. FUCK!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Issues and Alien Raiders

Virus from hell, then period from hell. I'm so damn pissy. Of course, when am I happy? Pffft. There is something bugging me, too. But can I talk about it. No. Why would I be able to do that?

I am going to watch "Alien Raiders" now with Carlos Bernard. YUMMY! (Tony from 24 for those of you living under a rock.) It just came out. I hope it is decent, the previews looked good. Then I'm going to watch "Bolt", the cute Pixar dog movie.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Chicken noodle soup cures all.

At least that's what I'm told. We'll see. ;-)

I was doing better, then last night sucked. I coughed ALL night resulting in no sleep and a raw throat. I'm at work now guzzling soup and tea. I'm having other issues, but I think you have heard enough for now.

Plans for the weekend include sleep, movies, sleep, cough syrup. My boss said I looked stoned yesterday. LOL. Such a great thing to hear from your new boss. Things are going ok, I just don't want to work anymore, and I get cranky about it sometimes. Well, I should say that I want to work on MY terms, not retire completely. My terms this week would have been sleep.