Friday, November 20, 2009

NY rocks! Me loves it!

It was so much fun, and quite hysterical. My boss and I drove over in our rental car and got LOST. Even following MapQuest, we found ourselves somewhere in Newark wondering how we did a complete circle while following the directions exactly. We finally just "winged it" and went with our gut, and when we found the Lincoln Tunnel we shouted with glee! Both of us raised our arms and yelled, "Hooray"! I couldn't stop laughing. I got vertigo looking up at all those skyscrapers!

We were both like kids in a candy store running around in the dark. We didn't get there until about 8 something at night and didn't get back until 2 am. We spent our time at Rockefeller Plaza and went up to the "Top of the Rock" to the observatory. AMAZING. The pic of my boss crouching is because she is afraid of heights, and it was funny to watch her attempt to look at the NY skyline at the top of the observatory. She was a tad nervous.

We watched the ice skaters; we ate a hot dog and a gyro from a street vendor and purchased some goodies for friends and family back home. More than one person approached us trying to sell some knockoff item. I got a great kick out it. My phone died from taking pics and so we didn't have directions home. We were tired and not quite as excited about that but did figure it out. Everyone honks their vehicle horn in NY. EVERYONE. All the time. It was annoying at first then we just joined in for the heck of it. NY is definitely very different from home, but quite the experience! I had a blast. I'm flying back home tonight, hopefully it will be better than the trip here.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I FINALLY got to NY!

But, since it is 2 am here I'm going to bed. I will tell you all about it after I sleep.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Melting Pot in NJ

Another day goes by where I didn't get to go to New York. BAH! Too much damn work. I told my boss that if we didn't go tomorrow that I would quit. So, we are going tomorrow. I gave her the 'face'. I have seen quite a bit of Jersey, however. That, and I've never eaten so good! I'm all about the food. Went to the Melting Pot. YUM. Dipping food in cheese and chocolate, how can than that EVER be a bad thing? This is my boss laughing because I was doing it wrong. I break all the rules. I leave the metal "rescue" spoon in the hot pot, I lose my food off the skewer, I double dip, and I get it all over the front of me. She found it amusing.

Another funny story. We were sitting in a deli for lunch (yes, we constantly eat) and someone asked for a pen. I went into my purse and dug one out. About 20 minutes later someone at the table starts busting up into laughter. I'm all WTF is so funny? She says, "You look like a Smurf!" Apparently, the pen was leaking blue ink, got all over my hands without my knowledge, then I proceeded to touch every part of my face. I had it ALL OVER ME. BLUE. IN THE MIDDLE OF A BUSY NEW JERSEY DELI. There is no photo of that, sorry.

The pic of me? I don't know. I get bored. What happens in Jersey, stays in Jersey.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Brasilia Feast!

One word for this place: ORGASM. If you like meat, that is - which I do. OMG, they keep bringing you skewers of meat for hours! My drink was some type of traditional Brazilian drink which tasted like a cross between a margarita and mojito with lime instead of mint. WOOO - can knock you on your ass if you aren't careful! The dessert cart, well, even though I ate more meat than my body could handle, I still made room for the best chocolate mousse cake I've ever had. I'm going to need to go buy new clothes for getting home because before this trip is over I'm going to have gained 10 pounds. They also played this fun live drum music which has your butt dancing in your chair. We were there for like, 3 hours.

So tomorrow we are skipping out of work early and hitting the Big Apple for a whirlwind tour. I instantly hit it off with a girl I'm training there, and her and her husband are going to show us all the good stuff/places. I can't wait!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hello, NJ!

OK, where would you like to start? The machine that is supposed to spit out your boarding pass quickly and easily, did not. I annoyed about 12 people. Not my fault. Had to wait 20 min. for someone to help me and she so happily says, "Oh here you are, just a glitch!". I wanted to scratch her eyeballs out. I about had a heart attack. I got to the gate, went to get a coffee with my boss, set it down, and when I turned around, my trench coat sent the coffee flying. Then, once on board, I promptly sat down, and my knee kind of went underneath the arm rest and a bunch of gum got all over my pants. I did get an aisle seat (yay!), but the beverage cart lady spilled OJ on me. I KNOW!

Then there were the old people I sat next to. Get this, they brought their own crackers with OLD, WARM, CRUMBLED BLUE CHEESE. Who brings that kind of stinky ass shit on an airplane? OMFG it smelled like sweaty vomit feet. I thought bringing your own food was forbidden.

Once we got into the Newark terminal, we got to ride on one of those complimentary little inside cars because I'm telling you right now, I wasn't about to walk 20 miles to the car rental place. I am not exaggerating here, GEEZ! Then we got on the train/monorail thingee where we noticed a left behind sack. Oh crap! Bomb! LOL. I took a picture of course, for you know, evidence. I also took a pic of my hotel room bed. Pretty comfy!

So yes, the East Coast has welcomed me. I'm too tired to write anymore, but we had a blast at dinner with our local coworkers. Brasilia. I'll talk about it later. Cool experience.

Newark here I come!

Hopefully I'll survive the flight. It will be the longest one I've ever been on. I'm claustrophobic. And fat.

Nervous Nellie

Not sleeping. Which is good because then I will sleep on the plane. I'm a little keyed up. I will probably be blogging a lot and posting strange, stupid pics. I have no idea what to expect. I'm in unfamiliar territory.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pouty McPitiful

Wow, I'm beat. Feeling a little strange. I ended up not eating any dinner on my birthday, I just wasn't hungry. My new rule is that I only eat when I'm hungry. As it turns out, I haven't been hungry all that much lately. Which is strange in and of itself if you know me.

I'm getting my hair done early in the morning. I'm taking a big-girl trip and one must have good hair for that. I also have some new big-girl clothes to take with me. I think I'm all set, now I just have to figure out how to get all my shit in a carry-on bag. YIKES. It has to include my work laptop, all my clothes/toiletries, my hair straightener and my camera. Yeah, I know, good luck with that.

Louie is Pouty McPitiful tonight. Mags is her usual self, but Lou is really in tune with me and knows something is up. I'm a little anxious I guess, flying, meeting new people, and some big tasks to accomplish.

Stay tuned, I think this blog will be fairly interesting over the next week. Should I get an "I heart NY" t-shirt? LOL.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

This is 38.

I'm 38 today. I am wearing my new leopard shirt, my obnoxiously big earrings and look stoned even though I'm not. I took a picture of myself this morning to mark the occasion. Birthdays have never been anything special for me. I mean, I've only had ONE birthday party bash in my life. That ONE was my 21st birthday a very long 17 years ago. The group picture represents that evening. I am the one with my mouth wide open. (Are you even surprised?) Those are some old friends and people I worked with at the time. I was a waitress getting through college and getting ready to start the Police Academy. I was young and naive and an idealist. Now I'm old, wise and cynical as all hell. That day I didn't work. I remember getting up, getting all pretty, calling my boyfriend (I was dating one of the chefs at the restaurant at the time) and then heading out for quite a party! My friends paid for everything, my steak dinner, all my drinks (and there were plenty) and a hotel room at the Embassy Suites. It was so much fun, a time I'll never forget.
Today? Got up for work, got as pretty as I could, sat in traffic, and at 1:15 I have a doctor's appt. My honey is buying the fixin's, but I'm cooking us dinner. Gotta have my Cajun prawns. And that's it. Last year I just cried on my birthday. A few people have wished me a Happy Birthday, and I have received some nice gifts, but all in all nothing really that exciting. I'm not looking for sympathy or anything (ok maybe a little), I thought I would just write about the jubilee that will (not) be. I guess the good news is that I kind of look the same in the face. I have a few crow's feet blooming and some creases around the mouth, but I have the same hair, less the bangs, and a little shorter. The body, though is so NOT the same. I'm a hurtin' unit in that department. Oh well. Such is life. It's my own damn fault. Although now that I look at the pic closely, I was a little pudgy then, not quite at my best. I would still KILL to have that little pudge. Sigh, it was the beginning of the end. OK, enough of that shit. Happy Birthday to me! It is CrazyDogMamaPalooza today! You all better be nice to me. ;-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


GEEEEZ! All you Facebook people have gone bonkers! I had about 400 messages and things to accept and apparently you can get to level 12 in "Mafia Wars" without even knowing how to play! LOL! I don't check my profile very often, perhaps I should. Then, as I am madly accepting Mafia gifts and whatnot, about 10 of my contacts are trying to chat with me at the same time. It was utter chaos...

I need a drink and a cigarette to recover from y'all.

To All the Vets

Happy Veteran's Day to all you Veterans out there. THANK YOU for your sacrifices and courage so that people like me can be free to pursue happiness. Sometimes I wonder if we are truly worth it, there is so much ugliness out there. So much unappreciation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Headless Chicken

Now that I'm done being a walking methane cloud, I'm running around like a headless chicken trying to get ready for my trip. All the while, my dogs are eating weird mushrooms in the backyard and then puking them back up on the carpet, then getting into the leftover Halloween candy, then finding new places to pee and new ways to piss me off. It's like they KNOW I'm leaving. Now Louie is pouting in the corner. I've never seen such a pitiful face. If you could only see his face in the picture.

Monday, November 09, 2009

The Manwich

NOTE: This is a very feminine post about farting and belching. If those things offend you, please keep reading.

So, I have all of this hamburger meat in my freezer that I have to eat up. I thought, how about Sloppy Joe's? I haven't had a Sloppy Joe for like 20 years. (I pride myself on NOT eating things out of cans.) BUT I broke down my pride and used a can of Manwich sauce. BAD. IDEA. I have been constantly belching and farting for a straight 24 hours. I am NOT kidding. It is BAD. I can't even stand myself. I kept myself awake all night. I am thanking God that my officemate called in sick. It WON'T stop! I am a normal person in this department normally, but crap on a cracker, I could've propelled myself to work this morning without starting the car! Beano does not work. Antacids do not work. I really need this to stop now. Thank you.

Aren't you glad you read my blog?

Saturday, November 07, 2009

The Reason, A Scarf and a Hat

First, I'm listening to my iPod again, of course, and you know that song "The Reason" by Hoobastank? The lyrics are actually quite powerful in my opinion. Second, I just purchased a purple and black striped scarf and a white knit hat. I thought they'd be cute for the winter.

Where Am I?

AAG. Went out with mom last night and fell asleep at her house! Didn't know where I was when I woke up! Gotta get home! LOL.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Mama Said Knock You Out

My new Nano iPod, and electric fireplace! Happy girl I am! It is not even my birthday yet! The house is wreck since putting the fireplace in, everything I own is scattered everywhere. It makes me nervous. I don't know why. Things are not clean or organized or neat and it makes me all twitchy. I don't seem to be in an all-out quick hurry to clean it though.

On my iPod, I have a VERY eclectic blend of music. Currently I'm rockin' out to "Mama Said Knock You Out" by LL Cool J. LOL! I don't get into Rap generally, but I LOVE that song. I like boxing too, which is probably why I like the song. I know ALL the words and sing it out loud. With moves. It makes me feel all macho. It also raises a few eyebrows.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

It is official.

My ass is being sent to New Jersey/New York for a week, to work. I booked my flight and Hotel and will arrive at Newark Airport on the 15th. Several things:

1. I am excited because I have never been to the East Coast, and I will get to see (a little bit of) New York. The Mfg. plant is in Jersey where most of my time will be spent, but I will be DAMNED if I am not going to travel to NY when it is only 20 minutes away.

2. The only seats left on the airplane were middle seats. GOD. HELP. ME.

3. My boss is going with me, and I told her that "All work and no play makes Cheryl a pissed off girl". (If you have ever read/seen "The Shining", you know what I mean here.) I said I wanted to see ONE thing in NY and have dinner. Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, whatever, but I HAVE TO see one thing. I may have to shop, too, but I'm not going to push it.

4. Many photos will be taken, even if they are of my feet.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Leave a comment so I won't cry.

Thanks for the nice comments and emails, I thought I was talking to myself there for awhile! I like to blog, but you are all so quiet! I don't blog for comments, but its nice to know I have a few peeps. ;-)

I actually have lots to talk about, but my tummy is upset and I need to rest for awhile. I'll ramble a little later. Just let me know you're out there once in a while, K? I almost shut down the bloggery a couple of times because I started to ask myself why, why do I do this? I still ask myself that, but it is kind of cool to know people do read me. It is motivating!

Thanks again for speaking up and I'll keep up the freak show!

Monday, November 02, 2009


1. I don't always take my makeup off before going to bed. 

2. I love to pop zits. Anyone's. 

3. I love the smell of gasoline. 

4. I have a hard time finishing books. I start one, then start another one, and so on and so on. 

5. I used to be a neat freak, and suddenly I'm a slob and I don't care. 

6. I have never thought that Brad Pitt was good looking. At all. 

7. I get obsessive about certain things and I drive myself crazy.

8. I spend a shitload of money on expensive shampoo/conditioner. 

9. I am very uncomfortable on airplanes and I'm wondering how much Valium I'm gonna have to take on the way to the East Coast. I'm not afraid it will crash; it is the small seat with too many people around. 

10. I can't close a Ziplock bag to save my life.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Big Uglies

I spent the day yesterday on the hunt for good veges to go with all of my meat! I went North to find the famous "Big Uglies". They are these mutant carrots that are the best carrots you will ever eat in your life! They are so sweet and full of flavor. You have to be quick, because all the stands sell out of them so fast. So here is the photo montage of my day. I brought Lou, who was a good boy. Mags can't go on outings like this because she has an anxiety disorder that makes her a complete nightmare in the car. I wanted to get one of those big jars of honey, but I would never eat it all. I ended up getting quite a few pounds of carrots, some miniature sweet onions and some seasonal squash. Lou zonked out in the car on the way back, it was so cute. Making some homemade stew tonight with my veges and meat.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The best compliment of my life.

Apparently, my honey was talking to his good friend who I hadn't met yet, and trying to reassure him that he and his wife would like me. (We were all getting together for dinner.) He told his friend, "If you don't like Cheryl, there is something wrong with you."

That made me cry. Sometimes it is hard for me to believe compliments about myself.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Working in Fangs

Work did the Halloween thing today (big party) so I threw on my Vampire outfit for the day. Let me tell you how fun it is to work in fangs! I have a good set, the kind that you get molded to your eye teeth and they look and feel real.

I was in a meeting with my boss, and she started laughing and told me she couldn't talk to me seriously with me grinning at her with fangs on. LOL!

Just got back from dinner out and I'm so glad it's Friday! It looks like NJ/NY is a go, but we haven't sorted out the details yet. I'll probably be going the week of my b-day. That will be weird!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Modern Family

OH. MY. GOD. The new show "Modern Family" is totally freaking nuts. I was laughing so hard I was choking on my spit. Anybody watching it?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Okanagan Beef

Late dinner. I was craving a Philly steak sandwich, and with the meat I have now, I made a good one! I have one third of a fresh steer from friends in the Okanagan (hence the mention in the previous post) and I swear meat from the grocery store will forever be crap now! This meat is absolutely delicious! No hormones and weird chemicals, it is so flavorful. It needs no seasoning! It came all neatly packaged and flash frozen. Had to get an extra freezer. There is enough meat in there for an army! Won't be going hungry anytime soon. PETA eat your heart out! Haha.

Mental Day

I stayed home from work today; I just couldn't do it. For the last 30 hours I have been relaxing and recouping. Lots of resting. You can only burn the candle at both ends for so long before you collapse. But I know my limits. My boss sent me a really nice email, and the dogs love it when mama is home, they don't leave my side. My sweetie bought me pizza and gave me meds. The perfect combo! There may have been talk of me not working in the future. I'm not quite ready yet but retreating further into the mountains (with satellite internet of course) does sound really nice. Perhaps about 20 acres of land in the mountains somewhere with a custom-built house surrounded by the most beautiful landscape? OK! I don't know what the future holds, but I certainly have paid my dues. You don't wait for life to happen; you make it happen.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Brownie Batter

I was a little down today, so I made some brownies. Some people eat ice cream, I make big batches of gooey brownies with chocolate chunks in them. Then, I stick my finger in the mix and eat half of the batter before I even put it in the oven. Somehow, I get it all over me, too. I have some sort of problem. I'm not messy with cookie dough, so WTF?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Bling

OK, now that I'm done with all the poop-scrubbing, here is a picture of the fabulous bracelet "R" brought me back from Hawaii. (My coworker.) How sweet is that? I love her. Also, my boss called me from NJ yesterday and said I might be going out there next Sunday! More to come once I know for sure, but I can tell you this, I will spend one day eating in, and photographing New York City. Come hell or high water! I hope this trip goes forward, I've never been past the West Coast, and I need to expand my horizons. New York is on my Bucket List, too! It would be so cool to get to go for free, too, I just don't want to get my hopes up, and then get all disappointed. I don't do disappointed well, as you all know.

20 piles of runny poop.

OMG I just woke up to 20 piles of runny poop. (Maggie has the shits apparently.) I almost stepped in it. Then the toilet backed up and overflowed. Then I puked.

It has been a SPLENDID morning.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Dinner & a Movie with Mom

I made it home. Barely. Thought I was going to fall asleep at the wheel. Went out with mom tonight and had prime rib, went shopping and then went back to her house and watched "Along Came Polly". I love that stupid movie. I don't know why that tired me out so much, but it did. Now I am going to hit the sheets and fly off into dreamland. So, until tomorrow my blog peeps, sleep well.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Straws and camel's backs.

I bottle things up, and then I let things go. Then, one day, I explode all over you with hell's fury. I can only take so much bullshit until I tell you how it is. That was work today. Then I get a bunch of condescending crap and people trying to say I can't handle stress. It is not stress, people. It is anger. AT YOU. NOT the same. If only they KNEW how much crap I've put up with and stress I've endured in my life. What I can't handle is incompetence, arrogance, laziness and people's PERCEPTIONS of reality. I get so damn sick of judgmental drama. Just get the fuck out of my face.

Sometimes I really hate people. No wonder I like dogs better. I guess what gets me through times like this is knowing who I am. If I was having an identity crisis, I'd really be in trouble. I have my good points, but I also know that once I get to the breaking point, well, it isn't pretty. I'm very direct and I don't mince words. Many people aren't ready for that, especially since I'm mostly calm, collected and usually the comic relief. I deflect with humor. I'm tired and I've been working too much. I think it's time for a break. Like it or not. Let's hope it isn't someone's arm.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No Ideas

I have no freakin' idea what to blog about.

You've heard enough about me working, you've seen enough of my weird jewelry, and I'm sure if I take another picture of my feet or head, you will stick something sharp into your eyeball. So that's where I'm at. Blah. Nothing. Food? It's been all fast lately. Mood? Serious and focused. Yesterday I wanted to crack skulls, some of my coworkers across the country need a kick in the arse. I'm thinking of hanging a noose in my office as a Halloween decoration.

I'll post more later when I can think of something to say. I have to go eat my Quarter Pounder with cheese now, and I don't want to hear about it. My ass is going to be the size of Texas if I don't get it together.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

VP Love

Wow! I just got a personal email from the VP thanking me for my hard work and long hours! (I've NEVER been the recipient of an email like that to just me! VP's don't normally do that.) She CC'd my boss and the director. Weeeee! I feel special.

Working From Home

More work, work, work, except I just got kicked off the VPN. Maybe someone is trying to tell me something.

The best things about working from home are the puppy dogs lying next to me, and not having to wear pants. Got a big pot of chili cooking and the house smells delicious. I haven't eaten anything yet today and I'm starving. The smell is killing me, and it won't be ready until 3.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Something is wrong with me.

It is bad enough that I have no life outside of working really, but when I work all day Friday, into Friday night AND THEN KEEP GOING until 4:30 am Saturday, well, you start to wonder about yourself. Now, one of my coworkers went to Hawaii last week and I was given impossible deadlines, but I can't believe this is happening to me. I am becoming one of those people I never thought I would be. When I was younger, I remember stupid things happening at work and someone would say, "Screw it, it's not like we're curing cancer here." HA. Now I can't say that. That is what my company is actually trying to do. So much for excuses! :-)

So, I slept all day and am all turned around. I went to bed at 4:30 am, got back up at 9 am and had breakfast from the Sultan Bakery, then went back to bed and slept until 4 pm. I'm totally screwed. This is worse than jet lag, NOT that I would know what that is like because I've never been out of the Pacific Time Zone. Fuck I'm pathetic.

I just ordered a pizza. For the second time this week. So much for healthy. I have about 50 unwatched DVDs sitting here and am trying to decide which one to watch. It is a party, I'm telling you. The dogs even abandoned me last night around 2 am and went to bed without me. They are confused. I have "The Proposal" with Sandra Bullock here to watch, but I'm thinking something like "Woodchipper Massacre" might be more appropriate tonight. Hehe.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Native American Jewelry

A friend of mine's mom is Native American, and she made me this beautiful necklace and earrings. The pictures don't do them justice of course, but the bead work is amazing. In the picture of the necklace, it looks like a photo in the middle, but it is actually a rock of some sort. It's swirly! I love the word swirly. Swirly!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A New Kind of Tired

I have found a new kind of tired. A kind that goes beyond no sleep. I don't know how I drive to work some days. It must be autopilot. At a certain time of night, things get blurry and fuzzy - even with glasses on. Things are getting that way right now and I promised someone something for work tomorrow. I can't do it. I hope I can get up early and get it done because I am a woman of my word.
It would be so much easier to be a lying, unethical slacker. Damnit! Some say I push myself way too hard, but that is who I am.


2 am. Awake. Neat.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall has arrived.

It looks like a tornado ripped through the neighborhood. We are having a nice little windstorm, and of course it is trash day. There is trash EVERYWHERE, rolling cans, knocked over fences, and tree branches and shrubbery. The dogs are non-stop barking. Which is nice. UG. They are pacing the perimeter of the house as if they are protecting me from monsters, it is kinda cute. My little ankle-biters. Actually, Louie has huge teeth and can snap a bone in half, not your usual "little" dog. He is a little tank. I'm so worried about him though. Did I tell you he has something wrong with his spine? I noticed him wobbling a little on his back legs one day and took him to the vet. They did the thing where they flip the paw over and see if the dog flips it back, and he didn't! It is nerve damage. (That was the day I sobbed at the vet.) They have him on pain management meds and some kind of powder that lubricates his joints, and he seems to be doing well, but I see him deteriorating from the puppy I knew, and it KILLS me. I'm not going to handle this well, I can tell. He is fine for now, though, and I HAVE to concentrate on that.

I don't know what to do with myself tonight. I don't feel like watching TV, I am NOT going to work, and now I've blogged. What do I do? Clean? Pffft. Maybe I'll read.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Appreciate the Little Things

I'm not going to post the pictures I took of the house I looked at. The house was great, but it is not reality for me. At least not right now. It is a pipe dream due to my sordid past. I simply can't afford it at this time. The backyard was HUGE, a wooded forest was its neighbor. I could put TWO pools back there! The dogs would be in rolling Heaven. The master bath had a beautiful big soaker tub and two sinks. I can barely fit my toothbrush holder and the soap dish on my master bathroom counter. It had a fireplace with a mantle that I could decorate with pine garland, stockings and candles at Christmas. I have no fireplace. All stupid things to you, I'm sure, but it seems so luxurious to me. It's the little things I appreciate, like tile in the front walkway. It's OK. Some day. I'm just going to be happy with what I have for now.

That makes me think. Appreciating the little things. Let's make a list, shall we? You can contribute to the list too, if you like.

Things I appreciate:

1. When someone says something nice to me, and they actually mean it.
2. When I smile and someone smiles back.
3. When my favorite foods go on sale.
4. Those rubber thingees that help you open jars. (Ever since I fractured my wrist, I just have the hardest time with that.)
5. An unexpected surprise. (The good ones, not like when you get in your car and it won't start.)
6. When my dogs pee OUTSIDE.
7. Candles that burn ALL the way down to nothing.
8. Baristas that care about their job, and therefore make the best coffee.
9. Watching something nice happen to someone.
10. Someone with a good sense of humor.
11. Reading a good blog post, there are so many of you out there!
12. When someone appreciates me back.
13. All the people who listen to/read my B.S.
14. Good memories.
15. People who comment.
16. Good cheese, good wine.
17. A good antivirus program that doesn't slow down your computer.
18. Fast internet connections.
19. When someone knows when to leave me the hell alone, and someone who knows when to not.
20. A coworker in a good mood.
21. Great hand lotion.
22. Fiesty people.
23. Fiesty dogs.
24. A heart in the right place.
25. A hand in the wrong place. (Sorry, couldn't help it.)
26. A good massage.
27. Good conversation.
28. Good meat.
29. Bending the rules.
30. Aleve.
31. Taking a chance, and it being worth it.
32. When someone believes me.
33. When someone believes IN me.
34. Naps. Naptime should be mandatory in the workplace.
35. When a man takes control of the situation. (You know, in a good way.)

Things I DO NOT appreciate:

1. Verbal jabs.
2. Waking up and stepping in some sort of dog mess.
3. A half-assed job.
4. People who can't get over themselves.

3 things

1. The movie 2012 comes out the day after my birthday. It's like they made it just for me! I see shit like that in my dreams. It doesn't make for sound sleep. I can't wait for it though! And John Cusack is in it! Bonus! He is such a cutie. I'd marry him. I don't usually like high-action type films, but this is an exception because it is the whole doom's day thing, and you know me and global disaster stuff. Shut up, some people have more bizarre hobbies than me.

2. I'm going to look at a house today. I am thinking I want something with a little acreage. I have to stay in this state for now because I don't want to leave my job, but I'm sick of being on top of neighbors. I'll take pics.

3. I was thinking about getting a small tattoo that says "CrazyDogMama" because I will forever BE CrazyDogMama. The lettering would be gothic-ish and in black and red. I would put it in a low profile place. I also need to do something with my old one, but I don't know what.

Wake Up, Mom!

This is what I wake up to. I open my eyes, and there is a dog in my face requiring attention. You cannot ignore, or you are barked at and pawed, or licked to death. They are worse than kids.

Thursday, October 08, 2009


I had a craptastic day. Everybody was irritating me and I'm a piss crank. I didn't get home from work until 9:30 and it is just too much. I'm not doing that anymore. Its not worth it.

I hate trucks!

Get out of the damn way! For some reason, traffic has gotten exponentially worse the last few weeks and it is STRESSING ME OUT. It doesn't seem to matter if I leave earlier. I'm cranky.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

My fun night of realizing how old I am.

So me and some girly friends went out after work tonight to have some fun. We went and got pedicure/manicures (I now have orange toes for Halloween ~ ha!) and then went to a restaurant and had margaritas and appetizers. My margarita was NINE FUCKING DOLLARS and wasn't even top shelf! Now, it was good, but dang! When the waiter asked if I wanted a second one, I said NO. Annie's margarita was FOURTEEN FUCKING DOLLARS. It was about 3 inches taller than mine. The world has gone completely insane. Anyway, we all started getting tired and cranky at about 8 pm. Yep, getting old. Time for bed. Night.

Gran Torino

Okay, so Gran Torino was a great movie! Like Chele, I am also a Clint Eastwood fan, but this movie had some good substance to it. It was very moving and I also laughed my ass off! Good pick if you haven't seen it. My favorite Clint movies are now Gran Torino, Million Dollar Baby, Bridges of Madison County and The Unforgiven.

The pizza was so-so. I'm super picky.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Movie Time

I ordered a pizza and I'm watching "Gran Torino". I'll let you know what I think.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Swordfish Skewers

I haven't done any real cooking for a while and I found two recipes that I MUST try. The one pictured is swordfish skewers with cilantro mint pesto, and the other is shrimp and cashew curry. YUM.

Thursday, October 01, 2009


So, has anyone been watching 'Flashforward'? I kinda dig it. I know you are shocked.

It's about how everyone in the world suddenly blacks for about 2 minutes and has a vision of six months into their future. Consequently, not all coming events are happy. It is an interesting concept. A of people have visions; I believe I've even had them, but the whole world collectively is another story all together. I'm glad they are making some new interesting programs.

I wish I could see 6 months into the future. Or do I?