Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ravioli, Nails & Skinny Dipping

It's kind of been a shit day, I hate to say. Welcome to my life. I'm not going to get into it because I want to salvage the rest of the night. I'm trying so hard to have a good time, but it's like I'm fighting the forcing of darkness, I swear!

Right now, I'm sitting out on the patio enjoying the warm evening breeze. As soon as it gets dark, I think I'll do the skinny-dipping thing again. I really need to move into a place with a pool, I like this naughty swimming thing. It is so freeing! The water is very still and very refreshing. I like to float on my back and look at the stars at night; it is so quiet and peaceful. It's really cold getting out, though! Yikes!

My stupid pictures are as follows: My dinner of ravioli in a tomato cream sauce with shrimp (from Biagio's!), and I am proud that I have not yet broken one single nail! This is a record! I know you will quickly copy those pics and use them as wallpaper, because they are so cool. Maybe I'll use them as wallpaper. It would be SO me to have ravioli as wallpaper. I'm mental. Not my fault.

Grumpy People

This would only happen to me!

Massive grumpiness abounds today. It's not me this time, surprisingly. I don't really know what to do. I guess I'll swim and spend a lot of time underwater to drown it all out. LOL. I could also bury myself in my laptop, play with the Crackberry, use my camera, go get coffee by myself, or any other number of distractions to keep out of the line of fire. That is my escape plan.

I know I am the one who is a grumpy ass most of the time, but on vacation I try not to be! Not now! However, there is some other force that seems to be at work to take me down, and I'm not having it! Help me. I think maybe I need to spend some time in prayer or something. Only God can fix my life, because I have certainly failed to. It just figures, doesn't it? GAH!

More Laguna Beach Photos!

A Day at Laguna Beach

I had a really nice day at Laguna beach. I took some random shots of things I thought were cool-looking, and of course the ever-famous toes-buried-in-the-sand picture. I also tried to get a shot of the last of my sunburn. Because I know you care.

Had a teriyaki chicken sand (the "sand" part is just for you Hole) for lunch at Hennessey's Tavern. Scrumptious.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Teaser Pictures

Teaser beach pics, I mainly used my good camera, so you'll have to wait.


Well, I'm supposed to be beach-bound today, that is if I can walk. My calves are worse today than they were yesterday! My sunburn is turning brown now, so I'm allowed back in the sun. HA. I'll post lots of pics later, K?

Midnight Margarita

A little midnight margarita in a Tupperware cup. Whatever works, right? Then I did a little skinny dippin'; albeit alone, but still fun! Yeehaw! LOL. I know, I need help.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Louie goes swimming.

Lou-bear went swimming today. He did not like it. It was pretty funny, though.

Sixteen Hours

OMG. I cannot walk. My body hates me. Sixteen hours at Disneyland almost killed me. Blisters, more sunburn, and MY CALVES. If I walk, I cry, if I flex my foot, I scream and fly onto the roof. Next vacation will require no walking. I feel so OLD.

Oh, and I'm going back to Disneyland on Monday. (Shakes head in hands.) I have been in bed most of the day, and now I seriously need to go find coffee.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Bengal BBQ & Hair Frizz

My hair is frizzing into oblivion, and for lunch we had Bengal BBQ hot and spicy skewers which were YUMMY. I was surprised because Disney food generally sucks. Waiting now to get on "Soarin' over California" with our "Fast Pass".

Thunder Mountain


Fun but it's fricking HOT.

My Beloved Space Mountain

Space Mt. Rocks!

Embracing my inner child.

Getting ready for Disneyland Resort! Yes, I am 8 years old. You have to embrace your inner child sometimes. Yup, I'm taking the Crackberry. Shut up.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Peeping Landscapers

I'm a little cranky, or so I'm told. The air-conditioning broke, and I hurt my toe the day before Disneyland. Mother of hell. Then there were the neighbor's Mexican landscapers staring down at me swimming when I was here alone. It's a good thing I took 8 years of Spanish. I said a few things and they smiled and shaped right up. LOL. Then I took his picture. Don't mess with CrazyDogMama.

More advice from Dr. Juice.

Also advice from Dr. Juice. To kill the sunburn pain. I am lucky, though, it will go in as a tan for me. Which rocks.

Dr. Juice

Taking Dr. Juice's advice with the Aloe. We're off to Disneyland tomorrow!


CRAP. I lobstered myself. Going to have to stay in the shade today. Oh well, guess I'll have to sip margaritas and play on the Crackberry. It's a tough life here. I have to be careful with the tequila, because it is truth serum for me, and I'm already TMI girl. Plus, it makes me do other questionable things.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Come on in, the water's fine!

Maxin' the relaxin'.

In order to keep from sizzling myself, I'm taking a break from the sun and sitting at the home bar playing on the laptop with a margarita. I wish this was my life EVERY DAY.

Biagio's pizza to the rescue.

Even vacations for me have a dark side. (Bet you've never heard that before from someone on vacation.) My poor grandpa who is in a Demetia home here, fell yesterday and we got a call. My mom and I went down to the hospital at 8pm last night. He is OK, but it was very hard to see him.

On a lighter note, California speed limits are higher than Washington's, and I feel like Mario freakin' Andretti when I drive.

I did get to go pick up some of my favorite pizza last night (YUM) but Mr. Cuervo had to be put on hold. Such is life.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Pure Bliss

Took a most refreshing swim and now it is nappy time in the sun, suckers!


CrazyDogMama has ARRIVED! Um, sorry about more icky feet pics, but the first thing I had to do was stick them in the pool. And here is my buddy Jose Cuervo, although a tad early to start with the margaritas. I'll wait an hour. LOL.

We do have some earthquake damage. *sigh*

Passing Magic Mountain

We'll be there in an hour or so. We're dead. Need sleep.

Pics include some lake near the Grapevine, and Magic Mt. which I loved as a teen, but have been informed by Juice and Hole that the late 30's and crazy rollercoasters don't pair as well as expected. Noted.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Redding, CA

Cough, cough, just hit Redding and you can see and smell smoke from the California fires.

Here are some more awesome pics because there is nothing else to do. I know how much you love my feet. Everyone does. LOL.

I've got night shift, so later, dues.

Exciting Road Pics

SUPER exciting road pics. Don't worry, things will get more interesting once I hit the margaritas. After we arrive, that is, no drinking and driving here.

Just hit Salem, OR.

Here is the best little trooper (Lou-dog) in the world, being super good, and super cute. Also pictured is a much-needed Carl's Jr. break! I haven't had Carl's Jr. Since like, 1987. MMMMMMMM! So very tasty, I must say. My table was the top of the dog crate. I am creative, but doesn't that suit a "CrazyDogMama" perfectly?

We just hit Salem, Oregon. We're coming up on my favorite part of the trip soon, which is the Mt. Shasta area. It is so pretty in the Summer, and they have the BEST rest stops. LOL.

Forced Narcissism

Yes, I am goofing off and photographing it per usual. We just left and I'm trying to expend some energy because I'm all hyped up and cooped up in a minivan, now.

Also, my blogging is going to seem narcissistic on this trip because I've been warned that if I post anyone else's picture, I won't live. Pussies. No sense of adventure.

First Road Trip Pic

Behold the first road trip pic! It doesn't get any more exciting than this, does it? We have the cooler filled to the brim with the very necessary "Starbucks Double Shots" and "Rockstar Lattes".

Do I know how to travel, or what? I didn't get beef jerky, though. I will at the first stop though, because I'll need protein. There is no such thing as "eating healthy on a road trip", unless you are one of those responsible/sensible types, but no such types exist in my world. This is all about caffeine, fast food and hauling ass. Are you with me?

Two hours of sleep isn't bad, right?

Insomnia bodes well on road trips, though. I stayed up until about 2 am and woke up at 4 am. I think I'm too excited. I'm almost done packing, but I'm having trouble with that. I'm taking my laptop, but that will have to be packed last. Obviously. I've got to get Magadog to the kennel by 8 am or something crazy like that. I didn't eat all day yesterday except for my coffee, and then I had a Totino's Party Pizza at around midnight. How sad is that?  I actually like them, go figure. I'm a little antsy, so bear with me. I'll start taking pics once I'm on the road, right now I just got out of the shower and I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. So many things to do!

Friday, August 01, 2008

OMG Packing Sucks!

Packing. When did packing get so complicated and stressful? I keep changing my mind about everything and *apparently* I have too much stuff. My mom is freaking out that we won't have enough room in her MINIVAN. Really, mom? But it's 2 whole weeks! It is a bit ridiculous that this is stressing me out, but I need certain things, or the trip will not be all that it can be. Damnit. I'm also trying to load my iPod and it only holds so many songs, and it's a road trip, so this is necessary. I need a beer or something. It will be OK Cheryl; it will be OK. Breathe.

Taking you with me virtually!

I am officially on vacation! From here on out, I could post at any given time. I am going to take you with me virtually, like it or not. I'm not promising the best blogging EVER, but I'll try. This is very exciting for me. Not only am I on vacation, but I have a Crackberry for the first time on a road trip and will be able to document everything for nostalgic moments later when I'm stuck at my desk, or my little house of solitude in the mountains. It will give me something to do to pass the time, and of course forever capture those fun and/or hilarious moments that will no doubt come! OK, let's go!

Getting Amped Up

I'm leaving tomorrow and NOT PACKED. So, what do I do? Get a triple espresso. (My favorite coffee stand here in Sultan.) That will help me calm down. HA. Going to have to do a half day at work, or I'll never get everything done.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fancy Nails

Here are my new fancy nails, and I am as I type, I'm also getting fancy toes. Some things in life are good. THEN, I'm heading over to Juice's house for nacho night, starring Hole and Amy. Good times! They are starting the foot massage, gotta go!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sorry, not sorry.

The only thing that was TOO BIG (I love it when I'm smaller than I realized) were the shorts that came with the blue hoodie. No biggie! To tell you the truth, the swim dress fits, but I could have actually bought a smaller size. I'm having a heart attack over that!

Anyway, if you had seen me setting up to take these pictures, you would have died laughing. I hope you appreciate the creativity here, people. LOL. I do realize that you were all on pins and needles waiting for me to update you on this. Oh, and for all my male readers, sorry not sorry. Can I post something for you guys? Something about cars? Lingerie?

Got my new eyeballs.

My new glasses came in today and I LOVE them! They aren't too different from my last ones except that they were more expensive and a little darker red, and Christian Dior instead of Lulu Guinness. I can see now! I just got off work and am running to grab a bite, then go tanning, then going to target to get some vacation supplies, then to Costco to get an additional memory card for my camera. These are all very important things. I will be in the poor house in approximately 2 weeks, but oh well, what the hell else is new?

They told me my package will arrive today or tomorrow, but I don't know if I believe them. The Post Office that it is sitting at is an hour away, or I would just go get it. (They would be closed by the time I got there.) Only me. This would only happen to me. You know it will arrive 30 seconds before I leave, right? If it is there when I get home, I will be shocked. But happy! I am really frothing at the bit (does anyone say that anymore?) because I don't know if everything will fit, and if I don't have a bathing suit, well, it could get interesting because I am GOING swimming. Period. I'm sure I'll be updating you about it sometime later tonight because blogging is addictive and obsessive. I don't know why some of you don't do it. It's fun, really! Even if no one is reading or listening, which is not so different from actual life. I'm way chattier online than in person. If you've ever watched "Dead Like Me" (the former Showtime series) the main character Georgia (George) is ME personified. Seriously. Deadpan humor, sarcastic, pessimistic, cynical, a smartass and generally not a happy person who likes to cuss occasionally. I look thrilled, don't I?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Earthquake in CA

Have you heard about the nice earthquake in Southern California? Just a few miles from where I will be traveling in a few days. Neat, huh? Chino Hills had a 5.4, which is not a huge quake, but in a populated area like LA, you'll rock and roll. Some friends I have there said it was long and pretty jolting, with tons of aftershocks. No reports of any major damage or casualties. My positive and optimistic outlook thinks it could be a precursory earthquake. I guess I'll find out. They closed down the rides at Disneyland for inspection. This is what really concerns me. I'm going there. and it BETTER be open! Stupid earthquakes.

Good Morning Internet

I need coffee. Stat. Did my 3 am thing again, but just laid there counting ceiling bumps. It was too cozy, and the dogs were snoring. Didn't want to wake the darlings up. Pfft.

I was packing in my head. You know how you lay there and think "OK, I need to remember to bring this and this and that, and OMG, don't forget THAT! Maybe it's just me. My cute new clothes are supposed to arrive sometime today (Yay!) so it will be like Christmas in the CrazyDogMama household tonight. I may take pics. I'm praying they all fit, you know how ordering online is risky. I may need to call my therapist after trying on the bathing suit. I have not purchased one in over 10 years. I could be horrified and pass out. Don't expect pics of me in it unless you want to send me a fifth of tequila first. LOL.

I'm taking my video camera even though it is a dinosaur. It's digital, but its big, not cute like the new ones. HEY! Something to add to my Amazon Wishlist! Maybe I'll post some video clips if I am properly persuaded. I love electronic toys! (Shut up, you know what I mean.)

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Walk

I took a nice walk outside today on a break and snapped this very familiar pose of myself. Perhaps someday you will see the other half of my head, or maybe an arm. Happy Monday. Bah.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Preparing for Vacation

I think a part of me is sad for this vacation because I will be staying at my grandma's house, and the reality of her death will probably set in when I arrive. There are so many memories there, and my poor grandfather is down the street in a Dementia home, which also saddens me. He doesn't remember who I am, and he was such a great grandpa, always playing with me and telling me stories. They were a huge part of my childhood. It also may be the last time I get to spend time at the house/pool because my mom has to sell it eventually. So, that is probably contributing to my funk. I'm trying to think positive; that they would both love the fact that I am enjoying it and want to be there, and that I will have fun. Laguna beach is close by, Disneyland is 20 minutes away, and my favorite Pizza Place "Biagio's" is awaiting my return.

I spent all day today grooming the dumb dogs. I am completely exhausted. That really takes it out of me. It took SIX hours, and the hair/mess clean-up is just as bad. I actually have a blister on my thumb from the grooming scissors. It is one more thing to cross off of my "to do list before vacation" though. I went to see the Pet Lodge where poor Magadog will have to stay, and I was really impressed with it. It is clean, and the people are super nice. It is a huge, beautiful facility (Paradise Pet Lodge) so I have great confidence they will take good care of her. I worry about these things; these dogs are my kids. At this point I don't know who is luckier, Maggie getting to stay at doggie Club Med, or Louie who gets to get dunked in the pool in Cali.

So, have I rambled on long enough about stuff you don't care about? I'm tired, but I still need to make dinner (at 8 pm) and clean my office. My office is a disaster. It is usually all tidy and organized, but since inheriting all my dad's cookbooks, and a bunch of pictures and whatnot, I just haven't found room for everything, and the office is the catch-all. I may be trying to do too much in one day, but I really need to get it done. There is some stuff I need to find to take on vacation and everything is just chaos. Well, I better get to it.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Just lock me up and throw away the key.

It is less than a week before I go on a nice vacation, and I'm in a funk. What the hell is wrong with me? I mean, WTF? I'm excited and all that, but all of a sudden, I'm all down. I hate it. I think I am completely and utterly hopeless. I don't even know why I'm blogging this.