Friday, November 27, 2009
Good Days and Bad Days
I walked through Costco today among the decorations, families and busy shoppers. I felt dizzy. I suddenly felt incredibly alone with 100's of people around. I felt small and invisible. I just told myself to breathe. This too shall pass.
I'm just having faith that everything will be OK. You have to be happy with yourself before your life will start to take a good shape. I like myself, even when I'm a dumbass idiot fool, but sometimes life can beat you down a bit.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving with Mom 2009
Happy Turkey Day to all who celebrate! WOOF! From Louie and Maggie.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
CrazyDogMama Wisdom
Sad Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Things I'm thankful for:
1. My mom who is always there for me.
2. All my friends who are always there for me.
3. My job.
4. My retarded dogs who keep me company.
5. God who keeps me going when I don't think I can.
6. Hope. You have to have it.
Things I am not thankful for:
1. The single life. It sucks. There is no 'honey', just friends.
2. Wasting half of my life and giving my all for nothing.
3. I'm going to have to sell my house. Gotta start a new life and I can't do that there.
4. Wearing my heart on my sleeve and always making myself vulnerable.
Well, at least my thankful list is longer than my pathetic list. :-)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Any more questions?
Shocker: I had a troubling day.
When I was anguishing over heartbreak and loneliness, the Lord spoke this to me in His own special way:
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Answers to all your burning questions.
YES, I am going through a divorce. NO, it was not my idea. YES, we are still friends, but he is with someone else now. It hurts, I don't know anyone who thinks divorce is fun, but I'm OK. I still, and will always care for him, but I've decided to reinvent my life and move on. I have a lot to give, and I'm not worried about the future, in fact I can't wait to see what happens. That is all I am willing to share, please understand.
I got home from my trip safe and sound and am trying to figure out Thanksgiving. I was invited to California, and I might just go and drag my mom with me. It would be a dinner with lots of great people and a helluva good time.
I slept for a good 10 hours last night since I only got about a total of 20 while I was on the East Coast last week. I had to go get a GOOD mocha this morning because holy shit NJ has no espresso, and even if you CAN find a place, it sucks! I went through withdrawal.
Friday, November 20, 2009
NY rocks! Me loves it!
We watched the ice skaters; we ate a hot dog and a gyro from a street vendor and purchased some goodies for friends and family back home. More than one person approached us trying to sell some knockoff item. I got a great kick out it. My phone died from taking pics and so we didn't have directions home. We were tired and not quite as excited about that but did figure it out. Everyone honks their vehicle horn in NY. EVERYONE. All the time. It was annoying at first then we just joined in for the heck of it. NY is definitely very different from home, but quite the experience! I had a blast. I'm flying back home tonight, hopefully it will be better than the trip here.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I FINALLY got to NY!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Melting Pot in NJ
The pic of me? I don't know. I get bored. What happens in Jersey, stays in Jersey.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Brasilia Feast!
So tomorrow we are skipping out of work early and hitting the Big Apple for a whirlwind tour. I instantly hit it off with a girl I'm training there, and her and her husband are going to show us all the good stuff/places. I can't wait!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hello, NJ!
Then there were the old people I sat next to. Get this, they brought their own crackers with OLD, WARM, CRUMBLED BLUE CHEESE. Who brings that kind of stinky ass shit on an airplane? OMFG it smelled like sweaty vomit feet. I thought bringing your own food was forbidden.
Once we got into the Newark terminal, we got to ride on one of those complimentary little inside cars because I'm telling you right now, I wasn't about to walk 20 miles to the car rental place. I am not exaggerating here, GEEZ! Then we got on the train/monorail thingee where we noticed a left behind sack. Oh crap! Bomb! LOL. I took a picture of course, for you know, evidence. I also took a pic of my hotel room bed. Pretty comfy!
So yes, the East Coast has welcomed me. I'm too tired to write anymore, but we had a blast at dinner with our local coworkers. Brasilia. I'll talk about it later. Cool experience.
Newark here I come!
Nervous Nellie
Friday, November 13, 2009
Pouty McPitiful
I'm getting my hair done early in the morning. I'm taking a big-girl trip and one must have good hair for that. I also have some new big-girl clothes to take with me. I think I'm all set, now I just have to figure out how to get all my shit in a carry-on bag. YIKES. It has to include my work laptop, all my clothes/toiletries, my hair straightener and my camera. Yeah, I know, good luck with that.
Louie is Pouty McPitiful tonight. Mags is her usual self, but Lou is really in tune with me and knows something is up. I'm a little anxious I guess, flying, meeting new people, and some big tasks to accomplish.
Stay tuned, I think this blog will be fairly interesting over the next week. Should I get an "I heart NY" t-shirt? LOL.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This is 38.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I need a drink and a cigarette to recover from y'all.
To All the Vets
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Headless Chicken
Monday, November 09, 2009
The Manwich
So, I have all of this hamburger meat in my freezer that I have to eat up. I thought, how about Sloppy Joe's? I haven't had a Sloppy Joe for like 20 years. (I pride myself on NOT eating things out of cans.) BUT I broke down my pride and used a can of Manwich sauce. BAD. IDEA. I have been constantly belching and farting for a straight 24 hours. I am NOT kidding. It is BAD. I can't even stand myself. I kept myself awake all night. I am thanking God that my officemate called in sick. It WON'T stop! I am a normal person in this department normally, but crap on a cracker, I could've propelled myself to work this morning without starting the car! Beano does not work. Antacids do not work. I really need this to stop now. Thank you.
Aren't you glad you read my blog?
Saturday, November 07, 2009
The Reason, A Scarf and a Hat
Where Am I?
Friday, November 06, 2009
Mama Said Knock You Out

On my iPod, I have a VERY eclectic blend of music. Currently I'm rockin' out to "Mama Said Knock You Out" by LL Cool J. LOL! I don't get into Rap generally, but I LOVE that song. I like boxing too, which is probably why I like the song. I know ALL the words and sing it out loud. With moves. It makes me feel all macho. It also raises a few eyebrows.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
It is official.
1. I am excited because I have never been to the East Coast, and I will get to see (a little bit of) New York. The Mfg. plant is in Jersey where most of my time will be spent, but I will be DAMNED if I am not going to travel to NY when it is only 20 minutes away.
2. The only seats left on the airplane were middle seats. GOD. HELP. ME.
3. My boss is going with me, and I told her that "All work and no play makes Cheryl a pissed off girl". (If you have ever read/seen "The Shining", you know what I mean here.) I said I wanted to see ONE thing in NY and have dinner. Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, whatever, but I HAVE TO see one thing. I may have to shop, too, but I'm not going to push it.
4. Many photos will be taken, even if they are of my feet.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Leave a comment so I won't cry.
I actually have lots to talk about, but my tummy is upset and I need to rest for awhile. I'll ramble a little later. Just let me know you're out there once in a while, K? I almost shut down the bloggery a couple of times because I started to ask myself why, why do I do this? I still ask myself that, but it is kind of cool to know people do read me. It is motivating!
Thanks again for speaking up and I'll keep up the freak show!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
1. I don't always take my makeup off before going to bed.
2. I love to pop zits. Anyone's.
3. I love the smell of gasoline.
4. I have a hard time finishing books. I start one, then start another one, and so on and so on.
5. I used to be a neat freak, and suddenly I'm a slob and I don't care.
6. I have never thought that Brad Pitt was good looking. At all.
7. I get obsessive about certain things and I drive myself crazy.
8. I spend a shitload of money on expensive shampoo/conditioner.
9. I am very uncomfortable on airplanes and I'm wondering how much Valium I'm gonna have to take on the way to the East Coast. I'm not afraid it will crash; it is the small seat with too many people around.
10. I can't close a Ziplock bag to save my life.