Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I have never missed something so much.

I am going to take a nice, long, bubble bath. Ooh the luxury. The steam. The pretty girly smells. Cold showers can really make you a lunatic, LET ME TELL YOU. Not that I had far to go.

Change of subject.

I'm finding that I'm very picky. (You know what I mean.) No one is cutting the mustard. So far it is fun and entertaining, and I'm making some friends, but I think I'm a freak magnet. OK, not every guy I've talked with is necessarily a freak, but they just aren't good enough. And damnit, I'm not settling! I'm not even settling for a mediocre date, if they don't come up with something cool, forget it. (Disneyland is cool, for example.) You never know until you really get to know someone, but I gotta "feel it". Not that I was expecting (nor wanting) this to be a quick or easy process, I'm just sayin'.

Can't afford cable...OUT.
In between jobs...OUT.
Wants to marry me after 2 emails...OUT.
Calls me incessantly...OUT.
Can't type a complete sentence...OUT.
Refers to himself in the 3rd person...OUT. (Wasn't that a Seinfeld episode? LOL.)

I can't find normal. I'm not trying to be shallow or snobby or anything, I just have standards, that's all.

They say when you stop looking, THAT'S when it happens. OK. Maybe I'll give that a try, this is nuts.

OK, gotta run. Hot water awaits.


  1. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Most of us are already married (what can I say, we're keepers). Don't give up though, there are some decent guys who have lousy wives and once they realize that they can do better they move on and become available.

  2. Are you saying I was a lousy wife and wasn't a keeper?


  3. Anonymous6:50 PM

    No. I'm saying that there are still some decent guys out there and one will come along eventually.

  4. Let me say that your so called list of "rejected" boys it's very funny. When i say it, good =))..any way, you know what it is been told, that each one of us has it's "soul mate" ..bla bla...girl, you just have to do some deep searches ..skip chating, coz you will find here, more like you said there, marry me after two emails...

    Nice that i found your blog..keep up the good work, and stay focus )

