Monday, December 29, 2008


You can see the sheer joy on my face. I stayed up entirely too late working on some computer projects, so I'm a little loopy this morning. 2009 is right around the corner and I wonder what it will bring. I could NEVER have guessed any of the events of 2008. The good ones or the bad ones. I can't say that it was a horrible year, I had some really neat things happen. I even got to go to California 3 times. It wasn't all bad. I've made a TON of changes in my personal life, and plan to keep going with that. I'm curious about the future at this point. There is both hesitation and excitement to see how things flow. The unknown is becoming less and less scary to me, and change is welcomed. Yes, my heart hurts in some ways, but I have many people to thank for my metamorphosis. My hope was dead for awhile, but I think it found it's way through. Remember, things happen for a reason (even bad things) and what is meant to be will be. That statement is comforting to me right now. Life can turn on a dime as time deems appropriate. Not everything is our decision, yet some things are.

What do you REALLY want from the new year? I don't do resolutions anymore; I just reflect and move forward accordingly. Keeping a blog and journal really help with reflection. Tell me, do you have plans, goals, something you are looking forward to? How did you change this year? I really want to know.


  1. Remember, things DO happen for a reason and if things are meant to be, they will. I am hanging on to that by a thread. Keep moving forward with your changes. I hope to do the same.

    Resolutions? HA! I make them but never go through with them so I am not making any this year. I just hope to be alive and keep people that really do care for me in my life. Fuck the others.

  2. Sounds like a good plan.
