Saturday, August 02, 2008

Just hit Salem, OR.

Here is the best little trooper (Lou-dog) in the world, being super good, and super cute. Also pictured is a much-needed Carl's Jr. break! I haven't had Carl's Jr. Since like, 1987. MMMMMMMM! So very tasty, I must say. My table was the top of the dog crate. I am creative, but doesn't that suit a "CrazyDogMama" perfectly?

We just hit Salem, Oregon. We're coming up on my favorite part of the trip soon, which is the Mt. Shasta area. It is so pretty in the Summer, and they have the BEST rest stops. LOL.


  1. What a cute puppy! :)

  2. Hi Lou DOG!! And HELLOOOOOO Carl's Jr. My beloved!!!
