Monday, December 19, 2005

A Little "Grinchy"

Apparently, I'm all Bah Humbug this year, which is VERY uncharacteristic of me. I'm usually singing Christmas songs at my desk driving everyone crazy. It could be that I'm completely broke, or that I don't feel good, or that I just quit smoking or, well, any number of things really. I'm just a little blue this year. Someone (no name on it) left me a little present on my desk this morning. It is wrapped pretty with little gold chocolate coins taped to it. Someone is trying to cheer me up. I'm opening it even though it says, "Hands off until Christmas". Oh, and by the way, if I hear ONE more radio report of someone getting pissed over the word "Christmas" I am going to find that person and scream CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! in their face for an hour while beating them with a tube of wrapping paper until they are unconscious. Fa-la-la.

It's a box of little Almond Roca Balls! How sweet! I don't hide my emotions very well. In fact, I am quite dramatic about everything. Shocker. I'll try to be better; I promise. I'll wish everyone a very Merry Christmas in between crying spells.


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Awww, I hate that you're bummed at Christmas. The smoking thing might have something to do with it, but it'll get better I promise. Oh, and I'm SO with you on beating the anti-Christmas people with wrapping paper. I LOVE it!

    Want me to send you some peanut butter fudge, chocolate fudge or chocolate and peanut butter fudge? I could also send you some white chocolate trail mix.

  2. Cheer up! Enjoy your almond roca balls. I'll be standing in line with a tube of wrapping paper ready to beat someone too. I agree with Colleen, it is probably smoking withdraws. I sometimes stand with a group of smokers just for a little taste.

  3. awwww - you guys are so sweet!! You'll send me fudge, Colleen?? Ahhhh! OMIGOD!! Yes please!! Weeeee! :)

  4. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Dude!!! I've totally been very "bah humbuggy" too! I have decided that I am going to be happy in 2006 dammit!

    I love the new banner!
