Thursday, January 15, 2004

Hunger & Laughs

Do you know how hard it is to work at an Italian restaurant where they give you free food when you are trying to do Body for Life? Holy pasta, Batman! I was good last night; I resisted the penne with gorgonzola cream sauce and the double dutch chocolate torte. Somebody KILL me, that was hard! Just give me the mixed greens with chicken and artichoke hearts in a balsamic vinegar, please. I was literally shaking. I don't have an eating disorder, though. Ha!

For laughs, I am trying to think of crazy, bratty things I did as a child.

When I was like 7, or so, I remember telling my friends at school that my mom went to jail, when in reality she just got a speeding ticket. She was SO not happy with me when the school called. I had to redact my statement in front of the whole class, lol!

Let's see, I also took off my clothes everywhere I went when I was very young because I didn't like clothes. There are no photos of me with clothes on before the age of 8 unless I was forced, which is obvious because of the look on my face.

After my mom popped me on the head with a wooden spoon in the kitchen for some stupid thing I did, I went and put the laundry basket over my head and walked around with my protection on.  My mom and grandma lost it when they saw me and couldn't stop laughing.

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